
The history of the Party has been read every day for a hundred years, December 17


December 17-25, 1935

The Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting at Wayaobao (i.e., the Wayao fort meeting) and adopted the "Resolution of the CPC Central Committee on the Current Political Situation and the Party's Tasks" and the "Resolution of the CPC Central Committee on Military Strategic Issues." In light of the new characteristics of the gradual rise of ethnic contradictions to the main contradictions in society, the meeting established a new strategy for building an anti-Japanese national united front. The meeting criticized the mistakes of "Left" opportunism in political closed-door doctrine and military ideology, adjusted various specific policies accordingly, and satisfactorily resolved the question of the Party's political line.

At the meeting on the 17th, Zhang Wentian made a report on the political situation and strategic issues, and Lin Yuying made a report on the transmission of the spirit of the Seven Congresses of the Communist International. During the discussion, a debate arose at the meeting over the possibility of the national bourgeoisie resisting Japan. In his speech, Mao Zedong analyzed the attitude of the various classes against Japan and clearly pointed out that the national bourgeoisie may participate in the anti-Japanese resistance at the juncture of the subjugation of the country and the extinction of the species, and even the camps of the big bourgeoisie may be divided. He also proposed: We must be liberated from closed-door doctrine and establish a broad anti-Japanese national united front.

At the meeting on the 23rd, Mao Zedong made a report on military issues. On the same day, the meeting adopted the "Resolution on Military Strategic Issues" drafted by Mao Zedong. The resolution is divided into three parts. With regard to the strategic policy, the resolution points out: We must use a resolute national war to resist the offensive of Japanese imperialism and combine the civil war with the national war. In 1936, it was necessary to prepare the forces for a direct war against Japan and to violently expand the Red Army. The red army's operations should be focused on the two tasks of "opening up the Soviet Union" and "consolidating and expanding the existing Soviet zone". Guerrilla warfare plays a great strategic role in the national revolutionary war. With regard to the basic principles of operational command, the resolution points out: When conducting strategic defense, oppose pure defense and implement active defense; oppose preemptive strikes and post-emptive strikes; and lure the enemy to go deeper and retreat in order to advance. In the course of a strategic offensive, it is necessary to seize the opportunity and oppose the underestimation of opportunism, but also to stop in moderation, to oppose adventurism and adventurous policies, to develop in waves, and to implement a policy of promoting development. General principles (whether defensive or offensive): Oppose the desperation of only "fighting" and not "going"; mobile warfare is the basic principle, opposing position warfare that "does not allow an inch of land"; advancing and retreating in a big stride; concentrating troops in the main direction, strategically hitting people with one fist, opposing the doctrine of division of troops, opposing the strategic "all-front attack", opposing the defeat war; strategic internal operations and external combat of the campaign, strategic protracted warfare and the rapid decisive battle of the campaign, opposing the protracted war of the campaign, and opposing the fight for attrition; and we must make full preparations before the battle It is necessary to improve the technical conditions of the Red Army; the division of command under unified command is permissible; and the Central Military Commission has full power within the military scope. With regard to the course of action, the resolution points out: It is mainly divided into three steps: consolidating and developing the Northern Shaanxi Soviet Region, opening up the situation in western Shanxi, and shifting from Shanxi to Suiyuan at an appropriate time.

The meeting adopted the "Resolution on the Current Political Situation and the Party's Tasks" drafted by Zhang Wentian on 25 July. The resolution is divided into six parts. With regard to the characteristics of the present situation, the resolution points out: The most basic feature of the current domestic situation is that the Japanese imperialists are preparing to annex all of China and transform all of China from an imperialist semi-colony into a Japanese colony. In this situation, the classes, strata, political parties, and armed forces in China's political life have re-changed their mutual relations with each other. With regard to the Party's tactical line, the resolution points out that it is to mobilize, reunite and organize all revolutionary forces of the whole Chinese nation against the main enemy at present, The leader of Japanese imperialism and traitors, Chiang Kai-shek. In order to completely defeat the enemy, only the most extensive anti-Japanese national united front (lower and upper) can be used. Chinese workers and peasants remain the basic driving force of the Chinese revolution. The broad masses of the petty bourgeoisie, the revolutionary intellectuals, are reliable allies in the national revolution. Even in contradictions and conflicts between Japanese imperialism and other imperialisms and between the camps of the landlord-comprador classes representing different interests, the Party must use many means to put certain counter-revolutionary forces in a position where they do not actively oppose the anti-Japanese front for the time being. Our task is to unite not only all possible anti-Japanese basic forces, but also all possible anti-Japanese allies, and to make the people of the whole country contribute forcefully, with money to pay, guns to guns, and knowledge to produce knowledge, not to make a patriotic Chinese, not to join the anti-Japanese front. This is the general line of the Party's broadest national united front tactics. With regard to the National Defense Government and the Anti-Japanese Coalition Army, the resolution once again reaffirms the Ten Great Political Programs for Resisting Japan and Saving the Country. With regard to the Soviet Republic, the resolution states that, in order to give the national united front a broader and stronger base, the Soviet Workers' and Peasants' Republic and its Central Government declare themselves transformed into the Soviet People's Republic. Change your policy to a more suitable situation to oppose the transformation of China into a colony by Japanese imperialism. These changes in policy are, first of all, a more full demonstration of the Soviets themselves not only on behalf of the workers and peasants, but also of the Chinese nation. With regard to the main danger within the Party is closed-door doctrine, the resolution points out that in order to more boldly apply the broad united front in order to win the leadership of the Party, the Party must wage a resolute struggle against the "Left" closed-doorist tendencies within the Party. In the current situation, shutting down doctrine is the main danger within the party. With regard to the struggle for the expansion and consolidation of the Communist Party, the resolution points out: In order to accomplish the sacred task of the Communist Party of China in the great historical period, it is necessary to expand and consolidate the Party organizationally. The Communist Party of China is the vanguard of the Chinese proletariat. At the same time, the Communist Party of China is the vanguard of the whole nation, and the party's ideological unity is a concrete manifestation of the party's strong proletarian leadership. Closed-doorism on organizational questions, not from the point of view of active need to fight, but from the idea of fear, must be thoroughly broken. The Party was not afraid of the intrusion of certain opportunists, and the Party used the Bolshevik political line and iron discipline to ensure the consolidation of the Party organization. The Party is not afraid of the inconsistencies in the political level of non-proletarian Members, and the Party uses communist education to ensure that they are promoted to the vanguard. Excerpts from the resolutions drafted by Mao Zedong are included in the first volume of the Collected Works of Mao Zedong.

December 17, 1957

Zhu De wrote an article for China Women magazine entitled "Thrifty Housekeeping". The article points out: In order to build our country into a prosperous and strong socialist country with modern industry, modern agriculture, and modern science and culture, we must rely on the concerted efforts of the 600 million people of the whole of China and earnestly implement the principle of building a country through thrift and thrift and maintaining the family with diligence and thrift. Thrifty housekeeping includes both diligence and thrift. Diligence means increasing production in many ways; thrift means saving in many ways. As long as the 600 million people and more than 100 million families in our country are enlightened and united, and the country is built with diligence and thrift, and the family is run with diligence and thrift, then all the difficulties in our construction and life can be overcome. At present, China, which is still relatively backward and relatively poor, will certainly be transformed into an advanced, rich and strong socialist and communist China. This article is included in the Jude Anthology.

December 17, 1992

In his talks with the responsible person of the Zhejiang Provincial CPC Committee, Deng Xiaoping pointed out: It is necessary to seize the opportunity, develop ourselves, and continuously enhance our comprehensive national strength. We must carry out economic construction and not waver in taking economic construction as the central task. While doing a good job in building material civilization, we must do a good job in building spiritual civilization. In the face of the ever-changing international situation, we must observe calmly, deal with it calmly, talk less and do more, and strive to do our own things well, so that we can have more say in handling complex and changeable international affairs.

Party History Looking Back

The Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held an enlarged meeting at Wayao Fort in northern Shaanxi to determine the tactics and guidelines of the anti-Japanese national united front. After the meeting, Mao Zedong made a report and systematically expounded this policy.

December 17, 1941

The CPC Central Committee issued a directive calling on the whole party and the whole army to practice lean troops and simplify administration and overcome the serious financial and economic difficulties in the anti-Japanese base areas.

December 17, 2015

China successfully launched the dark matter particle detection satellite "Wukong".

December 17

China's first domestic aircraft carrier, the Shandong warship, was delivered to the Navy, and Xi Jinping attended the handover ceremony and boarded the ship for inspection.

History instantaneously

The history of the Party has been read every day for a hundred years, December 17

From December 17 to 25, 1935, the Politburo of the CPC Central Committee held an enlarged meeting in Wayao Fort in northern Shaanxi to determine the tactical policy of the anti-Japanese national united front. The picture shows the former site of the conference.

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