
After the victory in World War II, MacArthur asked the Emperor: Hitler committed suicide, why don't you apologize for your sins?

Japan launched World War II, which burned throughout the Asia-Pacific region, brought deep disasters to the vast number of Asian people, and caused the United States and the Soviet Union to unanimously declare war on Japan.

After the victory in World War II, MacArthur asked the Emperor: Hitler committed suicide, why don't you apologize for your sins?

The Supreme Allied Commander in Japan was General MacArthur of the United States, who had commanded the Pacific War. In the confrontation between his coalition forces and the Japanese, his troops were captured by the Japanese 80,000 people, and MacArthur almost became a Japanese prisoner.

It was really his good luck that he escaped the Japanese search, luckily escaped a disaster, and fled in a hurry by speedboat, and before leaving, he said hatefully: "Little Japanese devil, you wait, I will come back!"

After the victory in World War II, MacArthur asked the Emperor: Hitler committed suicide, why don't you apologize for your sins?

His captured soldiers were not so lucky, and on the way to batain in the prisoner-of-war camp, they encountered the most brutal massacre of the Japanese army, killing a large number of prisoners of war and laying dead bodies on the roadside.

The United States, which had suffered heavy losses, was indignant and hateful, and could only declare war on Japan, and tested two atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan, and the invincible emperor was finally forced to read the surrender edict.

The person who started the war was to be judged, as MacArthur, who had suffered from the Japanese army, hated the Japanese, and this time Truman appointed him as the supreme commander of the Allied forces in Japan, and he became the emperor above the emperor, in charge of japan's life and death future, he could get out of this evil breath in his heart!

After the victory in World War II, MacArthur asked the Emperor: Hitler committed suicide, why don't you apologize for your sins?

On August 30, 1945, his special plane, the Bataan, flew to Japan and landed at Atsugi Airport. The name "Bataan" can be seen in its intention, and he still clearly remembers the death journey, not forgetting that he had so many soldiers who were lonely ghosts in foreign countries.

The choice of Atsugi Airport in Yokohama was also deliberate, as it was the base camp of the Japanese Kamikaze Fighters during World War II, and the Americans were regarded as mortal enemies. Today, MacArthur is now alive and well in Japan, not knowing what the emperor feels like in his heart.

In order to ensure MacArthur's absolute safety, Japanese Prime Minister Higashihisa personally arranged that the head of the intelligence department, Shimasa Seizo, was specifically responsible for security work, and Higashihisa claimed that if there was a problem with MacArthur's safety, he and Osamu Esquizo would commit suicide and apologize.

Because before that, The Japanese fanatics were still not willing to lose, and there were many people who demonstrated outside the imperial palace and committed suicide by cutting their stomachs, and some people broke into the palace to try to snatch the emperor's edict to speak the next day. He also planned to destroy MacArthur's car, not admitting defeat in order to fight again.

In order to ensure MacArthur's absolute safety, Yukizo Yukizo came to Atsugi Airport beforehand, summoned a kamikaze special attack team to give instructions, and dismantled the propellers of the three hundred planes around the airport. Along the way of MacArthur's car, thirty thousand soldiers were sent to guard, which showed that it really took a lot of effort.

As a witness to World War II, and well aware of the heinousness of the Japanese, MacArthur really wanted to tie up the emperor and hang him on the gallows.

But thinking about the long term, he knew that the emperor was the spiritual pillar of the Japanese people, and in the hearts of the Japanese people, he was the embodiment of the god Amaterasu, a god and not a mortal, and all the people were willing to give their lives for him. Controlling the emperor would be tantamount to controlling all of Japan, which is in the long-term interest of the United States.

After the victory in World War II, MacArthur asked the Emperor: Hitler committed suicide, why don't you apologize for your sins?

MacArthur knew that the emperor could not die, but he was really holding his breath, and it was good not to sentence him to death, or to humiliate him.

Emperor Hirohito went to see MacArthur several times and looked at this once invincible war initiator like a stiff sculpture. MacArthur casually accused him, and he would suddenly say to him in a bad way: "You stand on this side!"

The Emperor hurried to the designated place in fear.

MacArthur really wanted to scold him bitterly, and he asked the Emperor: "But everyone who makes a mistake will choose to commit suicide, everyone who has lost Hitler has committed suicide, and many of your subordinates have committed suicide after they have lost the war, so why don't you cut your stomach and commit suicide to apologize to the Japanese people?"

Even the secretary next to the emperor was too frightened to speak, and the emperor naturally trembled and looked even smaller, and he said only in a promise: "It is indeed my fault!" A few understated words brings all the evil!

While the emperor was dazed and overwhelmed, the American reporter wasted no time in capturing the photo, and the tall MacArthur compared the emperor like a child, and the photo was posted in the newspaper, and the image of the emperor in the Japanese heart was suddenly half shorter.

After the victory in World War II, MacArthur asked the Emperor: Hitler committed suicide, why don't you apologize for your sins?

The United States also forced the emperor to issue a "Declaration on Earth" to the Japanese people, acknowledging the fact that the emperor is a man and not a god, and completely returning the emperor who had long been deified by the Japanese to his original form.

MacArthur cleverly arranged that even the chosen day had a special meaning, the day of the trial of the Japanese war criminals happened to be the emperor's birthday, and the day of execution of the war criminals was chosen on the birthday of the emperor's son, Prince Akihito.

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