
Peking University President Xu Jingcheng beheaded: he was poisoned by Cixi for telling the truth, and was misunderstood as a "traitor"

Each of us will grow through the period of adolescence, youth and old age, and generally we will spend a lot of time in school, that time can also be said to be our happiest time, many people will miss school life after work.

Of course, at that time, as students, our first task was to study, and more than ten years of study was to achieve good results in the college entrance examination and enter a good university, then our future work would be easy to say.

Peking University President Xu Jingcheng beheaded: he was poisoned by Cixi for telling the truth, and was misunderstood as a "traitor"

At that time, as students, we believed that we would all have a goal in mind! That is to be admitted to Peking University, or Tsinghua University, because these two schools have a very high status in our country, their faculty, academic research is also very strong, so these two universities are also the places that many of our students dream of entering. Only if you have the ability to enter these two schools, the students here are basically what we often call the school bully.

Since the students are so excellent, the teachers of Tsinghua and Peking University are even more excellent, and the presidents of these two universities are basically very famous figures in a certain field in China. So you know what? Among the successive presidents of Peking University, there is a president who has been beheaded, as one of the best universities in China, Peking University, what did its president do to have such a fate?

Peking University President Xu Jingcheng beheaded: he was poisoned by Cixi for telling the truth, and was misunderstood as a "traitor"

At that time, the president of Peking University was called Xu Jingcheng, and at that time Peking University was also called Beijing Normal University, Xu Jingcheng, as the second president of Peking University, can be said to have the ability to lead the entire school. First of all, let's briefly understand Xu Jingcheng. Xu Jingcheng was born in the Daoguang period, when it was still in the Qing Dynasty, and naturally also implemented the imperial examination system. And Xu Jingcheng had a certain talent when he was young.

At that time, Xu Jingcheng not only created poetry, but also was very proficient in painting and the study of scripture. It is also because he has a very good foundation, Xu Jingcheng naturally took the imperial examination, and also won the title of jinshi.

Because he also had a certain talent, Xu Jingcheng was also awarded an official position, and the position was edited by the Hanlin Academy. In the Qing Dynasty at that time, Li Hongzhang could be said to be a high-powered person, and at that time, he was actively carrying out the foreign affairs movement.

Peking University President Xu Jingcheng beheaded: he was poisoned by Cixi for telling the truth, and was misunderstood as a "traitor"

Because of the influence of the foreign affairs movement, Xu Jingcheng's thinking is also constantly changing, slowly, Xu Jingcheng also believes that the foreign affairs movement can make the country rich and strong, he is also in various activities to give full play to his ability, Li Hongzhang found, he believes that he is a material that can be built, but also entrusted to him with heavy responsibilities. Under the recommendation of Li Hongzhang, Xu Jingcheng also entered the prime minister's gate and began to run for the country's foreign affairs.

Because of the need to deal with foreign envoys, Xu Jingcheng also actively studied foreign Chinese, was also proficient in many languages, and also served as a diplomatic envoy of the Qing Dynasty in foreign countries. Because of long-term exchanges with foreign countries, the social conditions of these countries also have a certain understanding, and looking at the domestic situation, Xu Jingcheng is also fully aware that China is lagging behind those countries, and if you want to change this situation, you need the government and people to work together.

Peking University President Xu Jingcheng beheaded: he was poisoned by Cixi for telling the truth, and was misunderstood as a "traitor"

When he was a diplomat, Xu Jingcheng also actively learned the advantages of other countries and then gave back to China, and his many years as a diplomat also made him realize a problem, that is, weak countries have no diplomacy. He also repeatedly reported some suggestions to the imperial court, but it was because of his actions that he was targeted. At that time, the Qing Dynasty had a western faction headed by Li Hongzhang, and a diehard faction headed by Cixi.

At that time, the two sides were equal in strength, and Xu Jingcheng's practices also made him besieged and accused by diehards. In 1899, Xu Jingcheng was also appointed to teach at the then Beijing Normal University, which is what we call the president. After Xu Jingcheng became the principal, because he knew how important education was for a country, he was also constantly reforming the education at that time, which was originally a move for the sake of the country, but it also brought him the disaster of killing behind him.

Peking University President Xu Jingcheng beheaded: he was poisoned by Cixi for telling the truth, and was misunderstood as a "traitor"

With the continuous infiltration of imperialist forces at that time, the resentment of the people also reached a certain level, so the Boxer Rebellion broke out, and it was precisely because of this One-Peace Regiment movement that it also became the beginning of Xu Jingcheng's last road. At that time, the Boxer Rebellion was out of control, with a piece of echo, and immediately became a national event. At that time, Empress Dowager Cixi saw that the Boxer Rebellion was already irrepressible, so she wanted to use the power of the Boxer Rebellion to retaliate against those colonial foreigners.

The Boxer Rebellion targeted all foreigners in China, which led to the impact on many embassies at that time, as well as attacks on innocent foreigners and some believers, which was exactly what Cixi wanted to see. But Xu Jingcheng did not think so, he believed that these people were innocent and should not be persecuted. For this matter, Xu Jingcheng also joined forces with some people to write to Empress Dowager Cixi, hoping that she could stop it in time.

Peking University President Xu Jingcheng beheaded: he was poisoned by Cixi for telling the truth, and was misunderstood as a "traitor"

However, I did not expect that it was precisely because of this letter that Empress Dowager Cixi was very resentful of Xu Jingcheng. After fighting against those colonialist countries, the Guangxu Emperor also asked Xu Jingcheng whether China had the strength to fight with which countries. Xu Jingcheng's answer was also very much in line with the situation at that time, and he felt that China at that time did not have the strength to fight with which countries. It is precisely because these words have brought Xu Jingcheng the disaster of killing himself.

Because Cixi had long seen that Xu Jingcheng was not pleasing to the eye, and at that time, the main war faction dominated by Cixi had the upper hand, Xu Jingcheng's words were undoubtedly questioning the decision of Cixi and other main war factions. Therefore, Cixi also listed Xu Jingcheng with a crime of treason and demanded that Xu Jingcheng be executed.

Since Cixi gave this command, it also meant that Xu Jingcheng's life was about to come to an end. On his way to the execution ground, because the people did not understand him, they also scolded him one after another, saying that he was a traitor.

Peking University President Xu Jingcheng beheaded: he was poisoned by Cixi for telling the truth, and was misunderstood as a "traitor"

In the end, Xu Jingcheng died at the hands of his own people, in fact, Xu Jingcheng also expected that he would have this day, so he also died safely when he went to the execution ground. However, Xu Jingcheng's contribution to Peking University is also very earthy, and his spirit of daring to sacrifice his life for the country has also won the respect of future generations.


Through the example of Xu Jingcheng, we can also see that he was a person who had the heart to serve the country, but suffered from the political environment at that time, and finally ended up with an execution. This also reflects the fact from the side that China at that time was really too corrupt and oppressed by those imperialists. And it is precisely because of this humiliating history that we remember it in our hearts that we will continue to strive to be strong, and we will have our current great China!

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