
Perfect World: Shi Hao cursed the traitor Yu Feng, punched his face and deformed, and the fight was wonderful to see the relief

The plot story of "Perfect World" is really becoming more and more exciting, the animation changes are still not small, if it is really portrayed according to the description of the novel, it is estimated that this plot will definitely laugh out of the abs. Shi Hao had been practicing in the Patch Heaven Pavilion before, but it was a pity, because a traitor appeared in the Patch Heaven Pavilion, which eventually led to the destruction of the Patch Heaven Pavilion. Although Shi Hao survived, he was saddled with pain and hatred. This heavenly pavilion's vendetta must be repaid, otherwise it is not worthy to be a disciple of the heavenly pavilion.

Finally, in the latest animation plot of "Perfect World", Shi Hao killed the traitor Yu Feng, punched his face and deformed, and the fight was wonderful to see the relief. After dozens of episodes, the traitor Yu Feng finally went offline.

Perfect World: Shi Hao cursed the traitor Yu Feng, punched his face and deformed, and the fight was wonderful to see the relief

Let's take a look at the results first, the purpose of Shi Hao's trip is to find the Great Demon God. However, at this time, Yu Feng also appeared, and Yu Feng's mission was to stop the people looking for the Great Demon God. It is estimated that Yu Feng did not expect that this person was Shi Hao. After all, Shi Hao had already made a makeover and grown up, and before that, in the cultivation of Kunpeng Nest, Shi Hao stayed for several years, and people also grew up.

Perfect World: Shi Hao cursed the traitor Yu Feng, punched his face and deformed, and the fight was wonderful to see the relief

In order to deal with Yu Feng, Shi Hao was also full of combat power. At the beginning, because Yu Feng was wearing a mask, I didn't know who this guy really was? At first, Shi Hao did not dare to take the enemy lightly, because Yu Feng this guy was also prepared, in order to kill Shi Hao. Yu Feng also engaged in a "Rain Clan Array", but this formation is a cottage formation, because it is not a real Taigu Killing Array, this formation is only modeled on this formation.

Perfect World: Shi Hao cursed the traitor Yu Feng, punched his face and deformed, and the fight was wonderful to see the relief

Since it is the Rain Clan's cottage sword array, it is easy to handle. Almost before it was Xiao Ta's turn to strike, Shi Hao broke this sword array. After the formation was broken, Yu Feng began to panic. Because this formation was his strongest killer skill, he originally thought that he could get Shi Hao by relying on this sword array, but he didn't expect to be broken by Shi Hao in seconds. After Shi Hao broke the sword array, this guy was ready to flee for his life. Shi Hao also took the opportunity to break Yu Feng's mask, and after seeing that the person who sneaked up on him was Yu Feng, Shi Hao was even more angry.

Perfect World: Shi Hao cursed the traitor Yu Feng, punched his face and deformed, and the fight was wonderful to see the relief

The angry Shi Hao rushed up with a burst of punches and kicks, which were really fierce enough, and one punch made Yu Feng's face deformed. Not only that, Shi Hao also forced Yu Feng to ask about the whereabouts of the Great Demon God of Yu Feng, but Yu Feng was still reluctant to say. This is really a new hatred and an old hatred together, and Shi Hao will not let go of this opportunity. The main thing is that shi hao has ten holes in full swing now, and playing a rain maple can be said to be easy and pleasant.

Perfect World: Shi Hao cursed the traitor Yu Feng, punched his face and deformed, and the fight was wonderful to see the relief

In the end, Yu Feng was beaten to death by Shi Hao. I have to say that this plot still looks more relieved. Yu Feng was also more stupid, he was not Shi Hao's opponent himself, and it had been a few years since then, thinking that he could get Shi Hao by relying on a copycat sword array. The cottage goods that did not think about it were not OK, and eventually buried their lives.

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