
Happy Goddess Day| This bookstore "Love Woman"

Here is an extension of the exquisite life of an intellectual woman

It is a place of communication for book friends

Today, let's walk in together


Happy Goddess Day| This bookstore "Love Woman"

Rain Maple Library

First of all, the concept of "being a book girl" was proposed

Creating a "multi-dimensional cultural space where you can live"

It was the first female bookstore in the country

Yufeng Bookstore Tsinghua Pavilion

Founded in December 2006

The library has lush green potted plants

There is soothing music that is ready to go

and neatly placed books

Reflects the femininity, meticulousness and intimacy of women

Each museum has a dedicated reading area for children

There are children's books, desks and toys inside

Meet the needs of moms


And able to take care of children

Happy Goddess Day| This bookstore "Love Woman"
Happy Goddess Day| This bookstore "Love Woman"

"Yufeng is a bookstore, but more like a 'book club', we are committed to how to improve the reader's enjoyment of reading, including the creation of environmental atmosphere, the provision of information and the construction of communication platforms." Zhao Kun, the relevant person in charge of the library, told reporters.

"For example, reading books does not want to have a time limit, we promote 'free reading', do not do any constraints, no time limit, no limit on the reading location, no limit on the number of borrowings, enjoy the most free reading state; because communication is an extension of reading, we began to do book clubs, from the 'reading night' poetry recitation, to the 'women's things' topic sharing, from life food to the travel sharing of travel masters, Yufeng three-dimensional the level of 'reading'." The person in charge said.

Happy Goddess Day| This bookstore "Love Woman"

"Being a book girl" is a life posture advocated by Yufeng for female book lovers. Xu Chunyu, founder of the bookstore, said, "Yufeng Bookstore has been positioned as a women's bookstore since its inception, this is because, first, in that year, there was no bookstore in China that served women professionally, and we wanted to open this precedent; second, reading is especially important for women, we want to pay attention to women's reading, advocate women to use reading to comfort emotions, and have their own spiritual life in the face of the chaos of real life." Women's reading is the reading that runs through women's emotions, while women's bookstores serve the needs of women's continuous growth and emotional maturity. ”

Happy Goddess Day| This bookstore "Love Woman"

A member wrote in an email to the library: "Coming to Yufeng, like finding a spiritual harbor, a place where you can relax yourself and rest your mind, soak in Yufeng, put your mind at ease, or read a book, or chat with the clerk, or participate in a salon activity, and then return to the track of life, your heart is also strong." ”

Happy Goddess Day| This bookstore "Love Woman"

Over the years, Yufeng Bookstore has long adhered to the reading activities of sub-groups such as the Youth Public Welfare Reading Club and the Mother's Reading Club, and insisted on holding the "Book Girl Salon" for 15 years, inviting female writers and scholars to be guests of Yufeng and sharing the themes of reading, travel, love and life philosophy.

The bookstore insists on doing the "Book Girls' Academy", bringing food, handicrafts, music, art, coffee and wine into the bookstore in life, and "loving books and loving life" with book lovers; more than 400 book salons and more than 200 reading clubs for young people have been held, serving more than 10,000 readers and influencing more than 50,000 people.

Happy Goddess Day| This bookstore "Love Woman"

"Yufeng has exuded a feminine warm smell since its inception." Xu Chunyu said, "I integrate my pursuit and ideas for books, reading, culture, and life into the library, and strive to create a warm and delicate reading environment, creating a suitable reading house for urban women, like a boudoir study, like a library in the student era, with book lovers with similar interests and topics about reading..."

Happy Goddess Day| This bookstore "Love Woman"

May every goddess live

The way you want it to be

Happy Holidays to the goddesses!

Reporter: Wu Yanying

Courtesy photo: Yufeng Library

Editor: Han Kim-ting

Editor-in-Charge: Wei Ying

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