
One of the emperors in history, the cause of death no one dares to say! Read it and know

Speaking of the twelfth emperor of the Qing Dynasty, I believe that everyone will not be unfamiliar. The most famous is the young Kangxi, who is respected by everyone; Qianlong, who has experienced the hardships of Kowloon and the hard work of yongzheng, and there is a Qing emperor who said that he did nothing during his reign, very ordinary, but when he died, he was the most "windy and fiery" of the twelve emperors. This is the Jiaqing Emperor Yongyan.

One of the emperors in history, the cause of death no one dares to say! Read it and know

The seventh emperor of the Qing Dynasty, Emperor Renzong of the Qing Dynasty, whose original name was Yongyan, did not hold real power in his first four years, although this emperor reigned for a long time. After the death of the Qianlong Emperor, he took over power. During his reign, it was during the outbreak of the Industrial Revolution. As a result of his insistence on retiring, the Qing Dynasty also began to move from prosperity to decline. At the same time, the White Lotus Uprising broke out in China, which was an internal and external problem. For him, the history books are not high, but can be compared with noble passers-by.

The Jiaqing Emperor had two hobbies, watching theater and hunting. In the summer of the 60-year-old, he went to Chengde Mountain Resort to escape the summer. However, avoiding the summer heat is boring. Unconvinced, the Jiaqing Emperor, who was already old, rested for two days and led the Manchu Han ministers and the Eight Banners To organize a fierce hunt.

This time, the short autumn hunt was disappointing. Tigers and leopard wolves can't hit it. A large group of people didn't even hunt elk goats, only a few rabbits. The Jiaqing Emperor was very disappointed and decided to end the hunt and return home. It was this fortuitous decision that took his life.

One of the emperors in history, the cause of death no one dares to say! Read it and know

On the way back, the weather suddenly changed, the whole lightning thundered, earth-shattering, suddenly there was a sound on the flat ground, I saw the tremor of lightning in the sky, through the crowd, to the old man Jiaqing Emperor. A group of officials did not have time to be afraid to see the smoke-filled Jiaqing Emperor who had been struck by lightning, and then flew to the rescue but could do nothing, and the Jiaqing Emperor of the Qing Dynasty was scorched black in this way. The autumn hunt became unfortunate. A group of people rushed back to the city, and the corpses of the hot summer were easily decomposed, not to mention that the Jiaqing Emperor was struck by lightning.

One of the emperors in history, the cause of death no one dares to say! Read it and know

After returning to the city, a group of courtiers did not dare to say anything. When asked about the cause of death, they could only say that the Jiaqing Emperor was caused by high blood pressure and too hot weather. Regarding the black charcoal corpse, the courtiers secretly executed a eunuch, the courtier dressed him as Jiaqing, and the real Jiaqing Emperor lay on the mezzanine. History books are too timid to record the truth. It was embarrassing.

Although during the reign of the Jiaqing Emperor, there was no greater achievement than his ancestors, but this way of dying, won the father's grandfather and grandfather, although it is indeed very tragic, but what do you think of the officials?

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