
The "saddest" emperor of the Qing Dynasty was assassinated by a chef in the imperial palace, and a hundred guards watched without moving

The "saddest" emperor of the Qing Dynasty was assassinated by a chef in the imperial palace, and a hundred guards watched without moving

The Jiaqing Emperor Ai Xinjueluo (颙琰) was the seventh emperor of the Qing Dynasty and the fifteenth son of the Qianlong Emperor, and his biological mother was Empress Xiaoyi Chun of the Wei Jia clan. On the winter solstice of the thirty-eighth year of Qianlong (1773), Heyan was secretly appointed crown prince by the Qianlong Emperor, and six years later he was made the Prince of Heshuojia, and in September of the sixtieth year of Qianlong (1795), he was officially made crown prince.

The "saddest" emperor of the Qing Dynasty was assassinated by a chef in the imperial palace, and a hundred guards watched without moving

The "saddest" emperor of the Qing Dynasty was assassinated by a chef in the imperial palace, and a hundred guards watched without moving. Jiaqing was deeply disgusted by the corruption at that time, and investigated and dealt with 13 cases of corruption and bribery in a row, pulling out a number of ministers who were concerned about the officialdom at that time, including Hezhen.

The "saddest" emperor of the Qing Dynasty was assassinated by a chef in the imperial palace, and a hundred guards watched without moving

The Jiaqing Emperor did not have the courage to rectify the chaos, and the policies he pursued were often formal and unrealistic, and did not have any positive effect on improving the national economy and people's livelihood. During the 26-year reign of the Jiaqing Emperor, problems such as the White Lotus Rebellion, the livelihood of the Eight Banners, the transportation of rivers, and the import of opium appeared repeatedly.

The "saddest" emperor of the Qing Dynasty was assassinated by a chef in the imperial palace, and a hundred guards watched without moving

The assassination took place on February 20, the eighth year of Jiaqing (1803), a seemingly ordinary day. Suddenly, a masked assassin jumped out of an extremely hidden corner, holding a sharp knife and pounced on the warm car where the emperor was riding, because of the suddenness of the incident, not only the Jiaqing Emperor was frightened and frightened, but even the hundreds of guards responsible for protecting the emperor's safety were all like wooden chickens, and they actually became "spectators" in a straight face.

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