
Before he committed suicide, he took out the "Death-Free Gold Medal" given by Qianlong and found that only these three words were written on it

Although "Iron Tooth Copper Tooth Ji Xiaolan" is mainly based on Ji Xiaolan, the rather comedic Hezhen has been loved by the audience, and people even forget that Heyan is a big corrupt official.

Before he committed suicide, he took out the "Death-Free Gold Medal" given by Qianlong and found that only these three words were written on it

He Yan, of the Niuhulu clan, was born in the fifteenth year of Qianlong (1750) in the family of Changbao in Fudu, Fujian Province, where his mother died when he was three years old and his father died at the age of nine. He Yan painstakingly read the Four Books and Five Classics, although he had a talent to learn, but the world's talents were not only He Yan alone, he participated in the imperial examination at the age of 19, and his name fell to Sun Shan.

However, Hezhen was a Jurchen clan, inherited the third class light car lieutenant, and at the age of 23, he was promoted to the Qianlong honor guard and became Qianlong's attendant.

Since arriving at Qianlong's side, He Yan has risen step by step, and there are many theories as to why Qianlong uses He Yan so much.

Before he committed suicide, he took out the "Death-Free Gold Medal" given by Qianlong and found that only these three words were written on it

Among them, there is such a saying, according to legend, when Qianlong was young, he saw the imperial concubine Nian Guifei, Qianlong was attracted by her beauty, just talked to her in the royal garden, and also wrapped her thin waist, the two fell in love at first sight, this scene was just seen by Qianlong's birth mother, she was angry and worried.

If Yongzheng knew, Hongli was afraid that she would lose the position of prince, so she gave Nian Guifei a white aya, and when Hongli found out, Nian Guifei had already hanged herself, and it is said that before her death, Nian Guifei entrusted people to bring a message to Hongli: Twenty years later, I will meet you in the human world.

After Qianlong ascended the throne, he always thought about Nian Guifei, but one day he saw He yan, which was born with bright eyes and bright teeth, which was somewhat similar to Nian Guifei, so he promoted He yan and left him by his side.

Before he committed suicide, he took out the "Death-Free Gold Medal" given by Qianlong and found that only these three words were written on it

Although this is only a wild history statement, it does have some similarities between Heyan and Nian Guifei. Knowing that Qianlong liked to write poetry, he often composed poems in front of Qianlong, and when he knew how to manage money and manage Buku, he greatly benefited the imperial court, and Qianlong naturally appreciated Hezhen very much.

He Yan came to Qianlong's side, and was promoted every year, Qianlong had been promoted for forty-five years, and had already become a Hubu Shangshu, and in this year, he investigated and dealt with Li Shiyao's family, and Qianlong gave the tenth princess Xu to FengSheng Yinde, the eldest son of He yan, and he was even more in the middle of the dynasty.

At first, He Yan also wanted to be a clean official, but box after box of silver was sent to his home, and his psychological defense line was also completely attacked, and He Yan began to form a party and embezzlement in the DPRK, forming a very big force, although some people impeached, Qianlong still trusted He Yan very much, and these impeachments were not resolved.

Before he committed suicide, he took out the "Death-Free Gold Medal" given by Qianlong and found that only these three words were written on it

Qianlong went down to Jiangnan six times, consumed the treasury silver two, and He Yan took the initiative to fund Qianlong to play, Qianlong was very happy, and turned a blind eye to what he did.

The Jiaqing Emperor loved Xinjue Luo and hated it in his heart, and when the Tenth Princess married he married he was very dissatisfied with this marriage, but this was a wedding given by the Qianlong Emperor, and Ai Xinjue Luo Yuanyan could not interfere.

After Ai Xinjueluo Yingyan ascended the throne, Qianlong became emperor for several more years, and Qianlong died in the first month of the fourth year of Jiaqing (1799), and the Jiaqing Emperor let The Aftermath of the Premier of Hezhen give Qianlong enough face, and on the thirteenth day of the first month, the Jiaqing Emperor listed the twenty major sins of Hezhen and directly raided his home.

Before he committed suicide, he took out the "Death-Free Gold Medal" given by Qianlong and found that only these three words were written on it

According to the "Draft History of the Qing Dynasty", the Jiaqing Emperor searched for 800 million taels of silver, while the annual tax revenue of the Qing court during the Qianlong period was only 70 million, and his property was equivalent to the income of the Qing Dynasty for fifteen years.

Just a few days after the trial, the Qing court had already set a punishment - Ling Chi.

Hearing Ling Chi, He Yan took out the "death-free gold medal" given by Qianlong, which was just an edict with only three words on it, "Leave the whole corpse.".

Qianlong already knew that Heqing was corrupt, and he also knew that Jiaqing would not give up on Hezhen, so he deliberately left this edict to prevent the Jiaqing Emperor from being difficult to handle.

Before he committed suicide, he took out the "Death-Free Gold Medal" given by Qianlong and found that only these three words were written on it

He yan's power in the dynasty was intertwined, once uprooted, it would implicate hundreds of officials, killing one was enough to knock the mountain and shock the tiger, there was no need to expand the situation, the Jiaqing Emperor closed the case of Hezhen the next day, and gave Hezhen a white aya.

Seeing this white aya, He Yan knew that his death date had arrived, he did not expect that the "death-free gold medal" was only exchanged for a whole corpse, and before he died, he remembered all kinds of past events, and he couldn't help but sigh, and he also wrote a poem in prison: Fifty years of dream truth, this dynasty xie hongchen. He is full of water and dragon days, and he keeps cigarettes as a back.

After writing, he committed suicide by hanging himself, ending his miserable and brilliant life at the age of 49.

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