
Before Sima Yi died, he made a will: His descendants should not sweep my grave for me, and now I have discovered his "intention"

Jiepi Nanshan, Weishi Rock. Hehe Shi Yin, Minguo Erzhan. - "Poetry Sutra Jie Nanshan"

In ancient feudal society, the class differentiation was strict, which is what we usually call dividing people into three, six, nine, and so on. Since the pre-Qin period, there has been a system of princes dividing the fiefs, so the state power is concentrated in the central government, and the emperor has the power to monopolize and respect only himself. When the emperor was old, in order to pave the way for his son to ascend to the throne, most emperors would choose to entrust their trusted confidants to assist the new emperor after their own death.

For example, the Kangxi Emperor we are most familiar with, Shunzhi died, there are also said that Shunzhi became a monk, passed on the throne to Xuan Ye, grandmother Empress Xiaozhuang often came to the court to listen to the government, before Shunzhi passed the throne, entrusted the four auxiliary ministers to help Kangxi deal with state affairs, but Aobai became more and more stubborn, disdained Kangxi, a child who did not dry up, and headed by Sonny, the other three people did not hesitate to move and would only avoid court battles.

Before Sima Yi died, he made a will: His descendants should not sweep my grave for me, and now I have discovered his "intention"

As an adult, Kangxi could not bear to be controlled by Ao Bai, so Kangxi secretly summoned his bodyguards into the palace to teach martial arts in the name of Mei Qi, but in fact prepared for the capture of Ao Bai. Eventually, Kangxi summoned Ao bai on the pretext of talking about government affairs and took advantage of his lack of preparation for arrest. It is true that no one surpassed Kangxi's political talents, but some auxiliary ministers were much luckier than Aobai, such as sima Yi, the protagonist we are going to talk about today.

Initially enabled carefully assisted

The world knows that the four great conspirators, Wolong, Fengchi, Youqi, Tsukasa Tiger, Sima Yi and Zhuge Liang, often "love and kill each other" and constantly compete. When Cao Cao was not yet dominant, he had already taken a fancy to Sima Yi's talent, and several times sent people to invite Sima Yi to be his adviser, but they were all confused by Sima Yi, and by relying on superb acting skills to pretend to be ill, Sima Yi deceived Cao Cao.

Cao Cao did not believe that Sima Yi was good at how to say that a person was sick, and sent people to Sima Yi's residence several times to inquire about the news, and indeed saw Sima Yi sick and lying on the bed, so for a long time, Cao Cao did not go to Sima Yi again. When Cao Cao's power gradually became stronger, Sima Yi no longer evaded Cao Cao's solicitations and defected to Cao Ying.

Cao Cao was irritable, murderous, and suspicious, and once he became the object of Cao Cao's suspicions, he would definitely become Cao Cao's ghost under the sword. However, Sima Yi himself was very shrewd, and he was absolutely subservient to Cao Cao, and Cao Cao was also more and more at ease with Sima Yi in the process of getting along day by day.

Before Sima Yi died, he made a will: His descendants should not sweep my grave for me, and now I have discovered his "intention"

Although Cao Cao cherished talent, he did not like his subordinates to get axes in front of him, and he was proud of his achievements, for example, Yang Xiu was often pretentious and arrogant, although this person was very capable, but Cao Cao did not like Yang Xiu in his heart. Sima Yi was just the opposite, and he hid his ambitions very well, not letting Cao Cao have the slightest awareness.

As a result, when Cao Cao was dying, he entrusted the future of the entire Cao family to Sima Yi, and Sima Yi naturally became the core auxiliary chancellor after Cao Pi came to power. Cao Pi died only six years after the establishment of the State of Wei, so the next emperor Cao Rui took the throne. What is laughable is that Cao Rui's throne did not sit for long, he went to find his grandfather and father, the emperors of the Cao family were short-lived, and Sima Yi suppressed his heart for many years and saw hope.

Before Sima Yi died, he made a will: His descendants should not sweep my grave for me, and now I have discovered his "intention"

The old ministers of the Three Dynasties endured humiliation and burdens

Of course, every dynasty seems to have a spell, the emperor is not as good as the other, and the country's situation is getting more and more difficult. Cao Rui died and Cao Fang took the throne, compared with the previous emperors of the Cao family, Cao Fang was the most mediocre in qualifications. As the old saying goes, persimmons pick up soft pinches, Cao Fang is weak, and it happens to be the object of Sima Yi's attack.

Sima Yi's disguise did not make Cao Cao suspicious, and a hundred years after Cao Cao, the three dynasties' desire to replace him was even stronger. It was not only Cao Fang who made Sima Yi think reactionarily, the Emperor of the Cao family had a short life, Sima Yi had been secretly cultivating his own forces, he had survived one emperor after another, patiently and patiently, waiting for the day of the counterattack.

We all know that Sima Yi and Zhuge Liang were both famous strategists at that time, and these two people have been fighting endlessly, when Zhuge Liang went out of the Qishan Northern Expedition, Sima Yi considered the route of Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition in advance and quietly sent people to recruit troops to buy horses. However, this behavior could not be tolerated by the Cao family, and Sima Yi failed under Cao Zhen's impeachment and was sent back to his hometown. Unable to exert his fists and feet, Sima Yi continued to lie dormant and patient.

Before Sima Yi died, he made a will: His descendants should not sweep my grave for me, and now I have discovered his "intention"

Zhuge Liang's attack was fierce, no one could resist, the city was lost one after another, and the Cao family once again asked Sima Yi to go out of the mountain to fight Zhuge Liang. This time, Sima Yi successfully repelled Zhuge Liang without living up to expectations, and although Cao Wei won, sima Yi, the great hero, did not receive praise, but was stripped of his military power and his power was overwhelmed. Cao's behavior not only made Sima Yi unhappy, but also a group of courtiers looked at it and felt cold, although they were wronged, but this was just an opportunity for Sima Yi, enduring the inner displeasure, Sima Yi continued to be loyal to Cao.

Next, the heavens seemed to be quietly caring for Sima Yi, making this person who silently endured injustice more powerful in many opportunities, and it was precisely because the Cao family had no one to use, sima Yi had no one to compete with.

Cultivate the forces step by step

Cao Shuang is incompetent, and the embroidered pillow a bag of grass to describe Cao Shuang is almost very appropriate. Chen Cang was calculated by Zhuge Liang in the first battle, and Cao Shuang did not defend the city, not only that, Cao Shuang also left his own generals to escape alone. Fortunately, Sima Yi was able to turn the tide so that the whole army would not be destroyed, and Cao Zhen was seriously injured in this battle, and died of ineffective treatment.

At this time, only Sima Yi was left in the Cao clan, and only Sima Yi could rely on. Zhuge Liang attacked aggressively and looked at the attack fiercely, but Sima Yi knew that Zhuge Liang wanted to fight a quick battle, because the Shu army no longer had the ability to confront, and the shortage of grain and grass was a big problem, and if the war continued to drag on, Zhuge Liang would not be able to return to heaven even if he had great ability.

At this time, Sima Yi's countermeasure was to hold the city and not let Zhuge Liang attack, so that Liu Bei's troops would not be able to resist for a few days and run out of food and chaos. Sima Yi often encouraged his generals, and at this time, the people who blocked him were no longer there, there was no one to balance his military power, and the time was getting more and more ripe.

Before Sima Yi died, he made a will: His descendants should not sweep my grave for me, and now I have discovered his "intention"

When Cao Shuang was worshipping his ancestors, Sima Yi felt that it was time to act, and with his heart and abdomen, he took control of the whole of Luoyang in his own hands. Moreover, Sima Yi combined with the empress dowager and ordered Cao Shuang to be detained, so that the entire State of Wei was in the hands of the Sima family. The power struggle ended with Sima Zhao destroying Shu and Sima Yan claiming the title of emperor, and at this moment, the State of Wei no longer had the surname Cao, and the Sima family officially took power. Western Shu was returned, Eastern Wu was destroyed, the whole world was no longer in a three-point trend, and the whole world returned to the Sima family, which was for the Jin Dynasty.

Sima Yi continued to accumulate in his patience for many years, and was accustomed to the Cao family's attitude toward his courtiers, and his suspiciousness caused the Cao family to lose many of his meritorious deeds, and in the face of Sima Yi's several efforts to turn the tide and save the danger from water and fire, not only did not praise, but blatantly took back Sima Yi's military power. Sima Yi's forbearance skills are also beyond the reach of ordinary people, not showing joy and dissatisfaction, pretending not to care and surrender, and actually wanting to move. It was precisely because of Sima Yi's forbearance and for him that he attracted many ministers who were dissatisfied with Cao Wei's means, which confirmed that those who won the hearts and minds of the people won the world.

Before Sima Yi died, he made a will: His descendants should not sweep my grave for me, and now I have discovered his "intention"


Sima Yi died at the age of seventy-three, which was indeed a high lifespan in that era, surviving so many emperors of the Cao family, and at the same time he was also very good at disguising himself, good at observing colors, strong insight, and finally dominated the world with patience again and again. I have to admire this old man, first maintain his body and have the energy to plan, and then have a perseverance that can withstand the test.

Sima Yi strengthened the entire Sima family and founded the Jin Dynasty, until after Sima Yi's death, he instructed his descendants not to sweep the tomb for him, and even now, Sima Yi's cemetery has not been found. Why this strange request? Perhaps because of the fear of retaliation by the descendants of the Cao family, Sima Yi's tomb is still a mystery.

Speaking of this, we can't help but lament that Sima Yi's foresight and talent are indeed rare talents in history, whether it is his military ability or political ambitions, step by step, seeing the real chapter in details, looking at the present dynasty from ancient times, the excellent wisdom of the ancients is incomparable to many modern people today. Sighing at Sima Yi's long-term foresight and surrendering to Sima Yi's burden of humiliation, few people in history can do such a feat, this is the talent and wisdom of the ancients.

References: "Poetry Classic, Jie Nanshan", "Biography of Sima Yi"

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