
3 folds 2 times large bun puff pastry illustrated tutorial lotus puff pastry swan crisp candy crisp

author:Unforgettable bluebells

3 folds 2 times large bag crisp illustrated tutorial, the original post has a recipe, friends who need to find it.

3 folds 2 times or 4 folds 2 gifts are available, swan puff pastry, waist drum crisp, lotus flower crisp, melon seed crisp...

Medium gluten powder for oil skin and low gluten powder for oil core. Lard for grease, it is also possible with white oil. Rub the oil core for a while, especially in winter, and be sure to rub your hair with lard.

The display board can be sprinkled with more powder, and a small amount of powder can be sprinkled many times during the rolling process, and too much brush can be used to brush off excess powder.

After doing a good job, fry it with 167 degrees of oil temperature, and control the time of frying according to the situation.

Wrap the crisp medicine rolling degree is thick and even, to avoid the oil core becoming soft to affect the level, must not produce oil, the softness and hardness of the dough and oil should be mastered.

3 folds 2 times large bun puff pastry illustrated tutorial lotus puff pastry swan crisp candy crisp

Apple crisp

3 folds 2 times large bun puff pastry illustrated tutorial lotus puff pastry swan crisp candy crisp

Lotus puff pastry

3 folds 2 times large bun puff pastry illustrated tutorial lotus puff pastry swan crisp candy crisp

Candy puff pastry

3 folds 2 times large bun puff pastry illustrated tutorial lotus puff pastry swan crisp candy crisp

Two-color goldfish puff pastry

3 folds 2 times large bun puff pastry illustrated tutorial lotus puff pastry swan crisp candy crisp

Apple puff pastry and handbag puff pastry

3 folds 2 times large bun puff pastry illustrated tutorial lotus puff pastry swan crisp candy crisp

Swan puff pastry, rub the neck alone, put into the oven on the heat of 130, heat 130 degrees, bake for 10 minutes, depending on the situation to remove

3 folds 2 times large bun puff pastry illustrated tutorial lotus puff pastry swan crisp candy crisp

The oil core is reconciled in advance, arranged in a square or rectangular shape, the thickness is about 2 inside, not too thick.

3 folds 2 times large bun puff pastry illustrated tutorial lotus puff pastry swan crisp candy crisp

Roll out the oil skin, two cups of oil cores the size of enough. The thickness of the rolled oil skin should be uniform, which will affect the level of the finished product later

3 folds 2 times large bun puff pastry illustrated tutorial lotus puff pastry swan crisp candy crisp

Wrap it up and seal it on the side

3 folds 2 times large bun puff pastry illustrated tutorial lotus puff pastry swan crisp candy crisp

Tap with a rolling pin and slowly drive away

3 folds 2 times large bun puff pastry illustrated tutorial lotus puff pastry swan crisp candy crisp

Since the oil core is relatively hard to refrigerate, do not roll it directly, first use a rolling pin to knock well.

3 folds 2 times large bun puff pastry illustrated tutorial lotus puff pastry swan crisp candy crisp

Excess edge changes without oil core points where the place is cut off with a knife

3 folds 2 times large bun puff pastry illustrated tutorial lotus puff pastry swan crisp candy crisp

Roll out the rectangle, the outline will affect the later layers

3 folds 2 times large bun puff pastry illustrated tutorial lotus puff pastry swan crisp candy crisp

Measure it by hand to see if the tri-fold size is appropriate

3 folds 2 times large bun puff pastry illustrated tutorial lotus puff pastry swan crisp candy crisp

Sweep off the dough, spray some water on the surface, don't spray too much

3 folds 2 times large bun puff pastry illustrated tutorial lotus puff pastry swan crisp candy crisp

Repeat the above action once, and finally roll out into a blade of appropriate thickness, and freeze it before use

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