
In 1955, the list of founding generals was 22, so why was it finally determined that there were only 10?

In today's era when the country is becoming stronger and stronger, a peaceful life is inseparable from the efforts of the ancestors, and it is those ancestors who have paid blood and tears that have exchanged one shot and one cannon for our current tranquility, and have also turned the people into masters, ending the humiliating history of old China at that time, and making New China a powerful country that cannot be underestimated in the world. However, to say that the most proud are naturally those people's armies that have played the prestige of our Chinese nation.

In 1955, the list of founding generals was 22, so why was it finally determined that there were only 10?

In 1952, China began to initially divide the ranks of military personnel and implement a salary system, which is also a key step in the regularization of our army. When the time came to 1955, our country awarded titles to all the soldiers who had been in the Southern Expedition and the Northern War for many years, of which ten were awarded as generals and ten were awarded as marshals, and many people were more curious, why did the 22 people initially drafted in the list of founding generals finally become ten?

The original member of the list of awards

In fact, earlier, the central authorities drew up three plans for the list of titles, and the initial proposal for the award of titles by the generals was 22 people, of which in addition to the ten generals also included Xiao Ke, Wang Zhen, Xu Shiyou and other twelve people.

At the same time, there is also a list of fifteen people and a list of ten people, the list of ten people is the list of ten generals that was later determined, and the list of fifteen people includes Song Renqian, Zhou Chunquan, Xiao Ke, Zhang Zhongxun, and Wang Zhen.

Later, after many discussions and careful consideration by the organization, when the three plans were still undecided, the chairman finally made a decision and chose to abandon the other two big lists and draw up ten generals.

In 1955, the list of founding generals was 22, so why was it finally determined that there were only 10?

This also made the other twelve generals and generals, including Xiao Ke, regret missing this rank, of course, the reason for this is naturally well organized and thoughtful, so the list of ten people has also been widely recognized by the whole army and the people of the whole country.

The creation of the Twenty-Two Generals

If you explore the list of twenty-two people, it is not difficult to see that several people who have been selected as twenty-two generals have rich resumes and representatives. For example, Zhou Chunquan and Chen Zaidao, who were promoted to the rank of deputy corps, compared with other generals of the rank of the main corps who were not elected, only the deputy corps level of them also had their own glory.

The first is Zhou Chunquan, who was born in Hubei Province, as a poor peasant family, only entered primary school at the age of 12, and after less than four years of study, he could no longer support him to continue his studies because of his family conditions, so at the age of 16, he went to a weaving factory in Hankou to become a worker.

In the previous ten years of life, he witnessed various problems in old China, coupled with several years of education, which gave birth to revolutionary ideas, began to actively participate in the workers' movement, and was later elected as a workers' leader by the workers of the weaving factory.

It was precisely because of his firm revolutionary ideas and excellent organizational ability that he was gradually valued by the organization in his later work, and by 1935 he was already the deputy director of the Political Department of the Red Army.

Later, with the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Zhou Chunquan began to be responsible for logistics work, and his years of diligent and selfless dedication made great contributions to the later victory of the War of Resistance, which also laid the foundation for his position in the Red Fourth Front, when his prestige was only under General Commander Xu, Political Commissar Chen and Zhang Guotao.

In 1955, the list of founding generals was 22, so why was it finally determined that there were only 10?

Another Chen Zaidao is more special, he also belongs to Hubei, after participating in the jute uprising in 1926, he began a lifelong military career. Later, during the Red Army period, he was in the Red Fourth Front, and because of his outstanding performance, he successively went from deputy division commander all the way to the position of commander.

In the follow-up, the Red Fourth Army turned to the Sichuan-Shaanxi region, and in the face of the enemy's repeated encirclement and blockade, Chen Zaidao showed a keen sense of military smell, led the troops to fight countless victories, and won the respect of all officers at all levels of the army.

In 1955, the list of founding generals was 22, so why was it finally determined that there were only 10?

When the Liberation War began, Chen Zaidao was even appointed commander of the Henan Military Region, and with his keen sense of the military, our army still fought back and forth in the face of the enemy's attacks, and he could be regarded as a fierce general with outstanding military merits, and his position was also played again and again by virtue of his own strength and battle achievements, even if he was later divided into the rank of deputy corps, he naturally also landed on the pre-selection list of 22 generals.

Ten will be more eye-catching

As for why only 10 people were selected in these 22 lists, if 10 generals were thrown, the other 12 actually had their own battle achievements or reputation.

It can even be said that they can be regarded as representative figures of the army in all aspects, accompanied by the organization from scratch, and the final step of liberation of all China.

Only later, before the title was about to be awarded in 1955, the chairman gave a suggestion, thinking that the generals who had gone to work in the local areas would not be evaluated as a good rank. Therefore, in the face of the list of 22 people, the list of 15 people and the list of 10 people, the final choice of 10 lists, because after the removal of several candidates who went to work in the localities, only these 10 people were the most prominent and representative in terms of merit alone, so Chen Zaidao and the other twelve people finally had no choice but to lose the rank of general.

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