
Refusal to change to a new natural gas meter? Uncover the reasons behind user resistance

author:Kasumi loves to sing

In recent years, Continental has been actively promoting the upgrading of natural gas metering equipment to improve the accuracy and safety of metering. However, during the implementation process, many users expressed resistance to replacing the new natural gas meter and even refused to cooperate. The reasons for this are complex, but they can be boiled down to the following.

Refusal to change to a new natural gas meter? Uncover the reasons behind user resistance

Troublesome procedure for replacing a natural gas meter

Replacing a natural gas meter requires the cooperation of the user to carry out a series of operations, including application, review, installation and commissioning. This process is cumbersome and requires time and effort for users to process. In addition, the installation of new meters often requires specialized personnel, which can lead to longer waits for new natural gas meters to be used.

Refusal to change to a new natural gas meter? Uncover the reasons behind user resistance

Reliance on old natural gas meters

Many users are accustomed to using existing natural gas meters and have doubts and concerns about new natural gas meters. They were concerned that there might be problems with the metering accuracy, safety performance and service life of the new watch, so they were resistant to replacing it with a new watch.

Refusal to change to a new natural gas meter? Uncover the reasons behind user resistance

The issue of financial burden

Although the new natural gas meter can improve the accuracy and safety of metering, its price is relatively high, and users need to bear a certain financial burden. For some families with more difficult financial conditions, this undoubtedly increases their living burden, so they prefer to continue to use the existing natural gas meter.

Refusal to change to a new natural gas meter? Uncover the reasons behind user resistance

Concerns about personal information leakage

New natural gas meters usually have remote meter reading and smart metering functions, which require the user's information to be tied to the meter. Some users are concerned about the security of their personal information, and they are afraid that their personal information may be leaked after replacing the new form, which will lead to a series of security problems.

Refusal to change to a new natural gas meter? Uncover the reasons behind user resistance