
It's ugly! Xu Xiuzhong, who cursed the extinction of the giant panda, was beaten by the Australian police, and the wigs flew away

author:Said at the time
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"I'm much cuter than a panda, I'm so lucky to have me in Australia"

It's ugly! Xu Xiuzhong, who cursed the extinction of the giant panda, was beaten by the Australian police, and the wigs flew away

Xu Xiuzhong, who once planned the Xinjiang cotton incident, began to refresh again: cyberbullying pandas.

It's ugly! Xu Xiuzhong, who cursed the extinction of the giant panda, was beaten by the Australian police, and the wigs flew away

When I first saw the news, I thought she was joking or laughing at herself, but after watching the original video, I found that she seemed to be serious, and she really felt:

I'm already a dignified Australian, and I'm loyal, so how can I not compare to a backward animal like China, if not a kangaroo?

It's ugly! Xu Xiuzhong, who cursed the extinction of the giant panda, was beaten by the Australian police, and the wigs flew away

As the relationship between Australia and China has improved in recent years, the life of foreign public officials has become more and more difficult because of the loss of use value.

It's really true that this sentence is born from the heart, just looking at Xu Xiuzhong's eyes fluttering and languishing, you can know how miserable her life is now.

It's ugly! Xu Xiuzhong, who cursed the extinction of the giant panda, was beaten by the Australian police, and the wigs flew away

In a TV interview, the host asked Xu Xiuzhong:

"Are you happy that Australia will welcome two pandas?"
It's ugly! Xu Xiuzhong, who cursed the extinction of the giant panda, was beaten by the Australian police, and the wigs flew away

Xu Xiuzhong thought for a moment, and replied with a crooked mouth: "I don't think so"

It's ugly! Xu Xiuzhong, who cursed the extinction of the giant panda, was beaten by the Australian police, and the wigs flew away

She was so frightened that she would start to oppose the attack at the slightest hint of China, just as the panda's entry into Australia would create competition for her and jeopardize her position in Australia.

Xu Xiuzhong began to arrange a national treasure in public:

"I think pandas are too lazy and incompetent, that's why they are endangered, and they deserve it"
It's ugly! Xu Xiuzhong, who cursed the extinction of the giant panda, was beaten by the Australian police, and the wigs flew away

I feel that she has a mental problem, and her logic is confused, what does it have to do with introducing an ornamental animal and whether it is lazy or not?

When Xu Xiuzhong spoke, the host showed a mocking expression from time to time.

It's ugly! Xu Xiuzhong, who cursed the extinction of the giant panda, was beaten by the Australian police, and the wigs flew away

When she slandered the panda, the people around her laughed not at the panda, but at her.

It's ugly! Xu Xiuzhong, who cursed the extinction of the giant panda, was beaten by the Australian police, and the wigs flew away

Xu Xiuzhong didn't realize that she had become a joke in the eyes of everyone, and continued to talk to herself, she stretched out her arms to show her black and white clothes:

"I'm so much cuter than those giant fats, I'm so lucky to have me in Australia, those pandas should get out of here"
It's ugly! Xu Xiuzhong, who cursed the extinction of the giant panda, was beaten by the Australian police, and the wigs flew away

She is loyal to her master all the time, and such an absurd statement makes the host can't help but laugh.

It's ugly! Xu Xiuzhong, who cursed the extinction of the giant panda, was beaten by the Australian police, and the wigs flew away

When the host wanted to end the topic, she was very rude and interrupted directly, and the host could only spread his hands very awkwardly.

It's ugly! Xu Xiuzhong, who cursed the extinction of the giant panda, was beaten by the Australian police, and the wigs flew away

Xu Xiuzhong was extremely emotional:

"I'm Australian, pandas aren't, they're not loyal to us and don't contribute anything, they just know how to eat, don't do business, and then go extinct"

It's ugly! Xu Xiuzhong, who cursed the extinction of the giant panda, was beaten by the Australian police, and the wigs flew away
She is actually emphasizing that pandas have no loyalty, and she does? She's more loyal than animals!

This mother-in-law said that the panda was dying out because of laziness, but it turned out that it was the Australian koala who was really dying out because of laziness.

It's ugly! Xu Xiuzhong, who cursed the extinction of the giant panda, was beaten by the Australian police, and the wigs flew away

She thought she was showing a kind of maverick and fashion, and she was very international, but in fact Australians saw her as sick in the head.

Just when all Chinese and foreign netizens were criticizing this traitor, something even more ridiculous happened, Xu Xiuzhong was beaten, and it was the Australian police who beat her.

It's ugly! Xu Xiuzhong, who cursed the extinction of the giant panda, was beaten by the Australian police, and the wigs flew away

These people are night pots, Australia and China have a bad relationship, so they push them out, and when the relationship is good, they are thrown away again, and if they don't open their eyes and make trouble, they will be cleaned up.

Didn't Xu Xiuzhong say that he was more precious than pandas? Give the Australian police ten dares, they don't dare to treat pandas like this!

Recently, Xu Luzhong organized an anti-China demonstration in Australia, which was stopped by the Australian police.

It's ugly! Xu Xiuzhong, who cursed the extinction of the giant panda, was beaten by the Australian police, and the wigs flew away

At that time, she was surrounded by the Australian police, and Xu Xiuzhong was very dissatisfied with the police's law enforcement behavior.

It's obviously working for the master, why do you want to clean me up?

It's ugly! Xu Xiuzhong, who cursed the extinction of the giant panda, was beaten by the Australian police, and the wigs flew away

She spoke with words in her mouth and pointed at the police.

Unexpectedly, people were not used to her at all, and several policemen wanted to forcibly take her away directly, but Xu Xiuzhong also resisted fiercely.

It's ugly! Xu Xiuzhong, who cursed the extinction of the giant panda, was beaten by the Australian police, and the wigs flew away

In the end, she was full of foreign appearances, and even her wig flew away, revealing an ugly bald head, which was particularly eye-catching.

The Australian police don't have much to do, and they rarely pull out their guns, but it's a pity.

If it were in the United States, Xu Xiuzhong would probably die directly.

It's ugly! Xu Xiuzhong, who cursed the extinction of the giant panda, was beaten by the Australian police, and the wigs flew away

After the incident, Xu Xiuzhong also wanted to maintain the last decency, and posted a tirade on social news:

"I'm proud of myself for being able to keep my humour after being attacked by the police, and now I've filed a formal police complaint"

It's ugly! Xu Xiuzhong, who cursed the extinction of the giant panda, was beaten by the Australian police, and the wigs flew away

It's a pity that the Australian police don't want to deal with her at all, and the so-called complaint is gone.

I feel that Xu Xiuzhong is a mental patient, a devil who has no bottom line and rebellious and does not hesitate to destroy everything.

It's ugly! Xu Xiuzhong, who cursed the extinction of the giant panda, was beaten by the Australian police, and the wigs flew away

In fact, compared to Xu Xiuzhong, I feel more disdain for the politicians in Australia, listening to Xu Xiuzhong insulting his own blood and insulting his own country to please them, I was really stunned, Xu is completely a disabled person with major personality defects.

If a foreigner says in front of me that he feels disgusted because he is white or black, and that he feels that he is from a low background, I will despise this person so much that I will not be able to listen.

It's ugly! Xu Xiuzhong, who cursed the extinction of the giant panda, was beaten by the Australian police, and the wigs flew away

But these foreigners are cheering, which shows that these Australians are anti-China to the point that they have completely lost their dignity, and it can be understood by referring to the various maneuvers of Australia's previous China policy.

It is not surprising that there are so many people in China who have such distorted personalities, but it is strange that so many people in Australia have lost their minds and become guests of various Australian media.

It's ugly! Xu Xiuzhong, who cursed the extinction of the giant panda, was beaten by the Australian police, and the wigs flew away

Xu Xiuzhong became a member of Australia's China think tank, which shows that these people with character defects evolved into such people according to the preferences of Australians.

Compared with Xu Xiuzhong, I think the real problem is some people in Australia.

It's ugly! Xu Xiuzhong, who cursed the extinction of the giant panda, was beaten by the Australian police, and the wigs flew away

Xu Xiuzhong is a genetically heavy shaker, Australians can command her to do almost anything to sell her soul, and I am not surprised that she will scold China naked on the tip of the Sydney Opera House one day.

I am still very confident in China's sense of morality as a civilization, and I believe that with such a white woman, the Chinese government will definitely not take pleasure in it and use her to attack the white country.

It's ugly! Xu Xiuzhong, who cursed the extinction of the giant panda, was beaten by the Australian police, and the wigs flew away

This is completely using the flaws of a mentally ill person to frame others, which is simply the next work within the next work, and there is no doubt that most Chinese will think about how to heal her in the first place.

It's ugly! Xu Xiuzhong, who cursed the extinction of the giant panda, was beaten by the Australian police, and the wigs flew away

I can't help but say that the idea of inventing a 144-hour visa-free visa is really amazing, so that more foreigners who have been deceived by the Western media for many years can also see the real China.

It's ugly! Xu Xiuzhong, who cursed the extinction of the giant panda, was beaten by the Australian police, and the wigs flew away

These foreigners who come to China have unwittingly become business cards to promote Chinese culture.

When the world becomes more and more sober, the less room Xu Xiuzhong and his ilk will exist.

It's ugly! Xu Xiuzhong, who cursed the extinction of the giant panda, was beaten by the Australian police, and the wigs flew away

Source: "CCTV" and "Global Network"

It's ugly! Xu Xiuzhong, who cursed the extinction of the giant panda, was beaten by the Australian police, and the wigs flew away
It's ugly! Xu Xiuzhong, who cursed the extinction of the giant panda, was beaten by the Australian police, and the wigs flew away
It's ugly! Xu Xiuzhong, who cursed the extinction of the giant panda, was beaten by the Australian police, and the wigs flew away
It's ugly! Xu Xiuzhong, who cursed the extinction of the giant panda, was beaten by the Australian police, and the wigs flew away
It's ugly! Xu Xiuzhong, who cursed the extinction of the giant panda, was beaten by the Australian police, and the wigs flew away
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