
Empress Dowager Yingzheng killed 27 intercessors in a row, and the 28th said what made him release Zhao Ji?

Zhao Ji was the empress dowager of the Qin dynasty and the mother of Qin Shi Huang.2 Speaking of Zhao Ji, I have to say Lü Buwei and Yan Yi, because these two men and Zhao Ji have abnormal male and female relationships.

After the death of Yin Zheng's father, Qin Zhuang Xiang Wang Yiren, Zhao Ji lived with Xiangguo Lü Buwei, and they were together for a long time, and Lü Buwei was afraid that this matter would make Yin Zheng know that it would be detrimental to him.

After all, adultery with the empress dowager is a capital offense no matter what dynasty.

In this case, he dedicated his protégé Concubine Yi to Empress Dowager Zhao Ji, and what was unexpected was that the two people actually gave birth to 2 children, which can be said to make Yingzheng very faceless.

After many years of death and the mother having children again, everyone will be disgraced.

However, at that time, he had no right and could not do anything.

Empress Dowager Yingzheng killed 27 intercessors in a row, and the 28th said what made him release Zhao Ji?

However, at the age of 22, he felt that if he did not ask for power, he might lose his life, after all, Yan Yi and Zhao Ji discussed that if there was a problem with Yingzheng and lost his life, he would let their two sons, namely the Qin throne.

This made Yingzheng very annoyed, if he did not shoot again, he might become a fish on someone else's case board. Therefore, he seized power in the hands of his mother Zhao Ji.

After Yingzheng seized power, Yan Yi knew that his plot had failed, and said that his adultery with the empress dowager was originally a capital offense. He rebelled.

Of course, he did not set off any storms, he was beaten away by the troops led by Lü Buwei, after he escaped, Yingzheng announced a high reward to arrest him, and finally he was arrested, And Yingzheng broke his car, at the same time, the two boys born of Yan Yi and Zhao Jisheng were also thrown to death.

However, what should be done with his mother Zhao Ji?

Empress Dowager Yingzheng killed 27 intercessors in a row, and the 28th said what made him release Zhao Ji?

The way Yin Zheng thought was to imprison her, not to let her see anyone, and to save herself from doing some more things that were not correct in the three views, so that he would be upset.

In addition, Yin Zheng also gave a life, saying that if a minister dared to intercede with the empress, no matter who shot him, it would not matter. YingZheng is not talking about playing, he is really motivated.

However, there are people who are not afraid of death, they want to intercede for Zhao Ji, and they want to let Yingzheng return Zhao Ji's free body, after all, Zhao Ji is also Yingzheng's mother no matter what she says.

Putting his mother under house arrest as a son is in itself a great filial piety. In ancient times, filial piety was still very important, but no matter who it was, as long as it was to intercede, Yingzheng was killed.

Empress Dowager Yingzheng killed 27 intercessors in a row, and the 28th said what made him release Zhao Ji?

According to the historical records, he has killed 27 ministers who interceded for Zhao Ji, and he thought that he had killed enough people, and no one dared to intercede for Zhao Ji again, after all, no one thought that his life was long.

However, what Yin Zheng did not expect was that the twenty-eighth person came again, and this person was named Mao Jiao. When he met Yingzheng, Yingzheng knew what he wanted to say.

In order to scare him off, Yin Zheng told Mao Jiao that I had already killed 27 people in front of you, and if you came for the empress dowager's affairs, I advised you not to open your mouth, otherwise, shoot and kill.

Mao Jiao said I know that you have killed 27 people, I heard that there are 28 stars in the sky, and today I have come to gather enough for the 28th person. But you must listen to me finish.

You see that everyone has said this, and there is no reason for Yingzheng not to let people say it.

Empress Dowager Yingzheng killed 27 intercessors in a row, and the 28th said what made him release Zhao Ji?

Mao Jiao said: You put your mother Zhao Ji under house arrest, which is your great filial piety. As a monarch, if you do something unfilial, the adverse consequences will be unimaginable to you. Don't you want to unify the world? Don't you want to be the greatest King of Qin?

If everyone in the world knows that you are not filial piety, there will be no talent to assist you. If you think about it, who would assist a person who killed innocents indiscriminately, even his own mother?

Therefore, when you imprison your mother Zhao Ji, you can only stop your steps in unifying the world, and killing your courtiers who advise you shows that you are a person who cannot listen to opinions.

In this case, if you are not filial and indiscriminately kill innocents, no one dares to serve you, and if there is no talent, how can you unify the world?

Empress Dowager Yingzheng killed 27 intercessors in a row, and the 28th said what made him release Zhao Ji?

After saying these words, he said to Yin Zheng that I was finished with what I was going to say, and you could kill me. When Yin Zheng heard Mao Jiao say this, he suddenly realized, quickly helped Mao Jiao up, and then said that Mao Jiao was right, and rewarded Mao Jiao again.

It was Mao Jiao who said these words, and Yin Zheng released his mother, who was already under house arrest. Of course, this release was to exile her, in short, it was still to give Li Zhao Ji freedom.

However, this also proves his hatred for Zhao Ji, we all know that Yingzheng unified the Six Kingdoms and became emperor, but he has never been an empress.

Why not make a queen?

Empress Dowager Yingzheng killed 27 intercessors in a row, and the 28th said what made him release Zhao Ji?

To a large extent, he is disappointed in women and distrustful, the pain caused to him by his mother Zhao Ji cannot be erased, he is even dimmed because of this matter in greatness, as long as when it comes to him, people will think that his mother is Zhao Ji, an improper woman.

Even whose son Qin Shi Huang really was is controversial today.

Therefore, Yin Zheng's hatred for Zhao Ji must be bitterly rooted in the hearts of the people, but fortunately, he finally released his mother and did not restrict her freedom.

Of course, Zhao Ji wanted to thank Mao Jiao, and it was Mao Jiao who saved her life with wisdom.

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