
"Hubei Macheng" Zheng Dengping's selected poems

"Hubei Macheng" Zheng Dengping's selected poems

About the Author

Zheng Dengping, a native of Macheng, Hubei Province. The online name Dabie Shanren, a farmer who is obsessed with ancient poetry, is a member of the Chinese Poetry Society, and a member of the Hubei Provincial Chinese Poetry Society. His works have been scattered in "Chinese Poetry", "Chinese Dictionary", "Changbai Mountain Poetry", "Poetry Newspaper", "Dongpo Chibi Poetry" and other paper journals.

A selection of poems

Listen to frogs on spring nights

The spring breeze surrounds the hall, and I don't feel cold before sitting on the steps at night.

The Mo Dao farmhouse has no elegant rhyme, and the frogs compete for the fragrance of rice flowers.

Kasuga Komura

A stream of blue water willows is light in the wind, and the branches of the flowers are full of pink wings.

Fang Trail runs through the village and courtyard, and the wisps of cooking smoke are painted.

Twilight is the scene

The garden is full of rapeseed with low pressure branches, and the first shade of grass is confused.

It should be a hirata throwing grain species, flying egrets on the river embankment.

A corner of the vegetable garden

Birds whisper light shade of incense, hedge new vines take advantage of the sun.

The small garden resembles a landscape painting, with cascading melon flowers and butterflies.

Twilight spring through a certain village

The rain passed through the Yamada Guo Maisha, and the qingxi area hugged the farmhouse.

There was no idle cup in front of the court, and half a tree cherry pressed bamboo fence.

Spring events

The clouds close the eaves and the wind is clear, and the rain foot mountains and fields are like mirrors.

Flowers fall without hindering the dream of spring weaving, and the needle embroidery water painting is born.

"Hubei Macheng" Zheng Dengping's selected poems

Farmer's sister-in-law

Shimoda can embroider the tianxia, online marketing fruits and melons.

I love the dusk village gathering, gently shaking the dance steps drunk farmer's home.

transplant rice seedlings

In May, the farmer skillfully cuts, and the needle embroidery water is painted.

The white clouds chased the green flat field, laughing and cheering ashore.

Mango seeds

Jiming Woye is busy planting seedlings, and the wheat in the ten mile slope field is yellow.

The villagers who stayed behind competed for the order of the festival before they stopped sowing and collected grain.

Small vegetable garden

Pepper fat eggplant tender rack hanging melon, bean vine naughty on the bamboo fence.

The bees and butterflies are not too small in the garden, and they frequently dance together to celebrate the new leaves.

Xia Yun

The drizzle melts into the blue pool, and the lotus canopy competes in the deep summer.

Looking for Fang, he regretted that the person came late, and opened four or five branches according to his eyes.

New Autumn

Gao Yan gradually reduced his joy to the new autumn, and the cloud shadow mountain light painted color flow.

The wind on the post urges the melons and fruits to ripen, and the village building embraces the fragrant rice.

"Hubei Macheng" Zheng Dengping's selected poems

Grow vegetables after the rains in early autumn

The melon vines were carefully cultivated, and the golden breeze was refreshing.

Leafy vegetables are full of garlic, and the green onions shine on the eyes.

Autumn colors in the small garden

The autumn color of the small garden is the same, and the lentils are spicy red.

Most of them are newly planted celery cabbage, a few scoops of clear water up green bushes.

Kikugo Tatetsu

The daisy in the Dabie Mountains is thick, and the spring seems to be in winter.

The scenery is busy putting away, lest the flying frost disfigure the painting.

Mountain village road

No longer deep in the mountains, winding roads and no villages.

When the tide shirt is light, the fruit screen is taped, and the express delivery is busy like a butterfly.


Oil tea Manling Chrysanthemum Garden is new, and the mountain village is happy to get rid of poverty.

The secretary called He Richang, and the voice sounded like a neighbor.

tree planting

The mud crisp is warm and sunny, and the green and red color is cut.

In order to make the breeze grow, the seedlings are planted with green clouds.

"Hubei Macheng" Zheng Dengping's selected poems

Laba porridge

Exhaust the wind and frost grain treasures, light boiling and slow cooking has been raw.

The pot turns over the jujube and the qiong pulp comes out, and the bowl is new to the lotus jade liquid.

The mud is long, and the colors in the clouds are real at this time.

Mo Yan sweated a lot of hard work, and the work was full of love and self-flavor.

Canola blossoms

Rural March beautiful clouds, 10,000 acres of pastoral exhibition cauliflower.

Welcome the fragrance wind with green sleeves, charming ribbon dancing gold yarn.

Bees wear deep paths to find poetry, and butterflies dance branches to take advantage of the sun.

If you want to ask where the spring light is beautiful, Dongjun is most pleased with the farmhouse.

Plant an oil tea tree with an old wife

Take advantage of the sound of spring to weave green smoke, and dead branches and weeds into the fertile fields.

Grind open the calluses to induce bee dance, evoking the fragrance of flowers to attract butterflies.

Smiling new seedlings picture painting, containing fang fertile wild color clouds.

The barren mountains work hand in hand to cultivate the place, and a scenery is unfolding in front of you.

Fuyu-Hi Village

Oil tea is busy before the hospital is closed, and it is sunny to dry the warehouse.

Persimmon red spicy cornice hanging, peanut cabbage next to the well.

The smell of dust is washed frequently by the shirt, and the fish processing contains the fragrance of the years.

Crops hibernate in the fields, idle sisters-in-law dance lightly.

A thousand poems

Editor-in-chief: Zheng Wancai

Deputy editors-in-chief: Wang Huiling, Wang Tianming, Hu Xiaona, Hu Min, Liu Chenghao, Qing Shui Yiren

Editors: Liu Yanfang, Yang Yulong, Liu Aihong, Wei Huabiao, Xie Xunlie

Copyright note: The poems issued by "A Thousand Poems" are authorized by the author

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