
In 1951, Wang Shusheng returned to Dabie Mountain and dug up the treasure buried by our army 20 years ago, and everyone's eyes were red

The People's Liberation Army used infantry to seize the world, and the main forces of the Red Army, the Eighth Route Army, and the People's Liberation Army were infantry, and even now, the infantry of our army is still the most important force, and China's infantry is also the most powerful existence in the world.

However, modern warfare is an era of diversified and multi-service operations, and it is difficult to win victories by relying solely on infantry operations to not only suffer heavy losses, but also to develop the navy and air force.

So, do you know when our air force and navy were established? The Navy was established on April 23, 1949, and the Air Force on November 11, 1949. In terms of military history, in fact, the history of China's air force and navy is relatively short.

In 1951, Wang Shusheng returned to Dabie Mountain and dug up the treasure buried by our army 20 years ago, and everyone's eyes were red

However, in fact, as early as the period of the agrarian revolution in 1931, our army once had an aviation bureau, and although it existed for a very short time, it left an important history.

In 1951, Wang Shusheng returned to Dabie Mountain, where he and the people dug up the "treasure" buried by the Red Army 20 years ago, and looked at this "treasure" and everyone shed tears. This treasure is the first plane ------ Lenin, and his owner is called Long Wenguang.

In 1951, Wang Shusheng returned to Dabie Mountain and dug up the treasure buried by our army 20 years ago, and everyone's eyes were red

Long Wenguang's deeds

In 1899, Long Wenguang was born in a peasant family in Chongqing County, Sichuan Province, surnamed Peng, and later when he was two years old, his father passed him on to his uncle Long Zuolin, and then he changed his surname to "Long".

Long Zuolin is a well-known local private school gentleman, the family is still quite solid, so Long Wenguang received a good early education, and later he studied at Chengdu Union Middle School, Zhejiang Institute of Technology, and Beijing Chaoyang University. In his days of education, he was deeply influenced by the vigorous May Fourth Movement and the new culture of the outside world, and longed for democracy and science.

In order to pursue his ideals, Long Wenguang decided to join the third infantry section of the Whampoa Military Academy to prepare for his subsequent military service.

In 1951, Wang Shusheng returned to Dabie Mountain and dug up the treasure buried by our army 20 years ago, and everyone's eyes were red

In 1926, Long Wenguang ended his two-year study career, and he was very serious in the days of the Whampoa Military Academy, especially in aerospace, so the school recommended him to enter the aviation school for further study.

At that time, the Soviet Borodin was working as a military adviser at the Whampoa Military Academy, and he suggested that a group of students of the Kuomintang at that time go to the Soviet Union to learn aviation technology, and Long Wenguang was the more eye-catching presence of this group of students.

After studying in the Soviet Union for nearly two years, when he returned to China, he was already the leader in the country from theory to practice, but he was such an excellent talent that was not valued in the Chiang Kai-shek government.

In 1951, Wang Shusheng returned to Dabie Mountain and dug up the treasure buried by our army 20 years ago, and everyone's eyes were red

Later, the Nationalist government bought the most advanced "Cossy" aircraft from the United States for 60,000 yuan, and such an advanced aircraft was only a few people who could fly at that time, and Long Wenguang was one of them.

I thought I was reused, but in fact I didn't, and the Kuomintang still just treated him like an ordinary air force.

In 1930, when he was on a mission, he was forced to land in the Eyu-Anhui base area because of the foggy weather and the exhaustion of fuel on the plane, and Long Wenguang also began his short but brilliant life.

In 1951, Wang Shusheng returned to Dabie Mountain and dug up the treasure buried by our army 20 years ago, and everyone's eyes were red

Become a glorious Red Army

When our army "invited" Long Wenguang out of the plane, our army was also very enthusiastic about the sudden "treasure" in front of us, but how to use such an aircraft, at that time, there were no people in the Red Army who could fly.

Xu Xiangqian, who was in charge of the Eyuwan base area at that time, learned about Long Wenguang and this plane, he specially found Long Wenguang and threw an olive branch at Long Wenguang.

Long Wenguang had long been unused in the Kuomintang, and was depressed, and when Xu Xiangqian said, "The Red Army is the contingent of the masses of the people and the contingent that seeks happiness for the broad masses of the people," Long Wenguang was also thrilled.

In 1951, Wang Shusheng returned to Dabie Mountain and dug up the treasure buried by our army 20 years ago, and everyone's eyes were red

Although he was born in the Whampoa Military Academy, he could not be reused, he had no relationship in the National Government, and he did not get any opportunities at all, so Long Wenguang decided to surrender to our army.

Soon, Long Wenguang changed the "Blue Sky and White Sun Flag" on the plane to "five stars" and then painted the three words "Lenin" with paint. After that, the central government decided to set up an aviation bureau belonging to the Red Army, with Long Wenguang as the director, and another astronaut, Qian Jun, became the political commissar of the space agency.

At that time, our party's space bureau had this plane, but this plane brought great encouragement to our army.

In 1951, Wang Shusheng returned to Dabie Mountain and dug up the treasure buried by our army 20 years ago, and everyone's eyes were red

It was during the period of counter-encirclement and suppression, and the Red Army in the Eyu-Anhui base area planned to seize the "high mountain village", but the high mountain village was easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the Red Army could not attack for a long time.

Therefore, the Red Army decided to dispatch the "Lenin", and when Long Wenguang drove the plane over the enemy, the enemy thought that the planes of the Kuomintang army cheered, but soon the planes dropped leaflets and bombs.

When the enemy saw this, he thought that our army still had many aircraft, and sending one was only a final warning; in this way, the enemy felt frightened one after another, and finally chose to surrender, and this battle also made our army taste the great role of aircraft in the war.

In 1951, Wang Shusheng returned to Dabie Mountain and dug up the treasure buried by our army 20 years ago, and everyone's eyes were red

Wang Shusheng returned to Dabie Mountain

Soon, the Lenin won many victories, and his dazzling light was remembered by Chiang Kai-shek. Chiang Kai-shek sent more than a dozen planes to search for the Lenin, but to no avail, and then offered a reward of 100,000 yuan for Long Wenguang's head, but it has not been effective.

Until Chiang Kai-shek gathered 300,000 troops to encircle and suppress the Eyu-Anhui base area, the Red Army urgently needed to transfer, and the huge "Lenin" became a burden at this time.

Helplessly, the Red Army could only break it down.

Although the aircraft was dismantled, it still had a significant impact on the speed of our army's transfer.

Helplessly, the Red Army could only bury the "Lenin" in the Dabie Mountains with tears.

In 1951, Wang Shusheng returned to Dabie Mountain and dug up the treasure buried by our army 20 years ago, and everyone's eyes were red

Long Wenguang, on the other hand, turned into infantry and joined the Red Army, but later during a breakout he was separated from the large army, and he disguised himself and returned to his hometown to visit his family, but the Kuomintang ambushed the heavy troops here, and he was arrested.

In the end, Chiang Kai-shek, despite the persuasion of domestic democrats at that time, executed Long Wenguang for "surrendering to the enemy", the year was August 9, 1933, and Long Wenguang was only 34 years old!

Our Party is very sad and sorry for his sacrifice, and in recognition of his contribution, our Party posthumously regards him as a martyr of the Red Army.

In 1951, Wang Shusheng returned to Dabie Mountain and dug up the treasure buried by our army 20 years ago, and everyone's eyes were red

Fast forward 20 years, in 1951, Vice Minister of National Defense Wang Shusheng returned to Dabie Mountain to visit the people, he saw that the people's lives are very happy and happy, suddenly felt that many years of revolution are worth it, and this time to Dabie Mountain, he also has a purpose is to find the "treasure" of the past.

After speaking with the masses of the people, he took a hoe with the masses of the people and dug out the former "Lenin" from Dabie Mountain, looking at the "treasure" in front of him.

Wang Shusheng and the old masses in the revolutionary zone all shed tears one after another.

They remembered the time they had been, and they also thought of the long Wenguang they had once been.

In 1951, Wang Shusheng returned to Dabie Mountain and dug up the treasure buried by our army 20 years ago, and everyone's eyes were red

brief summary:

Now, many years have passed, China's air force and navy have been very mature, as if it is the world's military power, no longer the weak Manchu Qing Dynasty. I think that if Long Wenguang could see the current air force of the motherland, he would definitely feel that his sacrifice was worth it. And our army will always remember his contribution, he will always be "China's first pilot."

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