
Elderly women, to understand the "3 to 3 no" of the flower silk scarf, will be more elegant and decent

Does beauty and fashion belong only to young people?

In the eyes of most people, when people are old, they should accept the worldly vision, give up those beautiful clothes, and do what they should do and wear at any age.

In fact, fashion and beauty are not exclusive to young people, and a person's highlight moments should not just stay in the flourishing youth.

Elderly women, to understand the "3 to 3 no" of the flower silk scarf, will be more elegant and decent

Age is just a number, even if you are full of white hair and faltering, as long as you are willing, as long as you are willing, you can still live like a girl, love to dress, and live more elegantly.

Elderly women, to understand the "3 to 3 no" of the flower silk scarf, will be more elegant and decent

As linda Wright, a fashion grandma we're going to share in this issue. She is over 70 years old, full of white hair, wrinkled and bloated, but there is still nothing to stop her pursuit of beauty.

The moment she put on her sunglasses and hat, she went back in time and couldn't tell that this was a 74-year-old grandmother.

Elderly women, to understand the "3 to 3 no" of the flower silk scarf, will be more elegant and decent

Her dressing philosophy is also very simple, as she puts it: "In this ever-changing and versatile fashion world, I really think I have to stick to my simple idea of finding roots."

Elderly women, to understand the "3 to 3 no" of the flower silk scarf, will be more elegant and decent

For middle-aged women, dress is not the pursuit of fashion, but to create their own style. Sometimes simple items can also wear a fashionable and high-end feeling, just like her use of silk scarves, simple wearing and adding a silk scarf can show a unique charm.

So let's talk about the "three to three don'ts" in the matching of the floral silk scarf that can quickly improve the clothing:

Elderly women, to understand the "3 to 3 no" of the flower silk scarf, will be more elegant and decent
Elderly women, to understand the "3 to 3 no" of the flower silk scarf, will be more elegant and decent

The goddess Audrey Hepburn was very obsessed with silk scarves, as she put it: "When I put on the silk scarf, I never felt so clearly that I was a woman, a beautiful woman. ”

The silk scarf symbolizes elegance and taste, and is the soul of a woman's temperament, or playful and cute, or dignified and elegant.

But for many middle-aged women, the silk scarf is a controversial presence, because in addition to elegance, it also means old-fashioned in a way.

Elderly women, to understand the "3 to 3 no" of the flower silk scarf, will be more elegant and decent

For example, for most middle-aged women, many people will be more inclined to design and fancy styles in the choice of silk scarves, because these can have the effect of brightening skin tone and showing youthfulness to a certain extent.

But in fact, elegance such as silk scarves is also temperamental, and its collocation technique will largely determine its high-level.

Elderly women, to understand the "3 to 3 no" of the flower silk scarf, will be more elegant and decent

The more complicated the design and color of the silk scarf, the more difficult it is to match, and once the color is not well grasped, it will look very rustic. Therefore, for the design of complicated silk scarves, we must pay attention to the "combination of complexity and simplicity", that is, the choice of clothing is simple.

Elderly women, to understand the "3 to 3 no" of the flower silk scarf, will be more elegant and decent

Light blue top + blue pants + floral silk scarf: the full body blue is elegant enough, but it is also slightly monotonous, at this time tie a flower color silk scarf, so that the wear is more existential, and will not look old-fashioned.

Point: For middle-aged women, choose a pair of knitted earrings to decorate them, which can highlight the dignified and elegant temperament.

Elderly women, to understand the "3 to 3 no" of the flower silk scarf, will be more elegant and decent

Black coat + red scarf: the combination of low-key black and gray, plus a little red embellishment, can not only make the dress more existential, but also increase the sense of color contrast.

Elderly women, to understand the "3 to 3 no" of the flower silk scarf, will be more elegant and decent

On the contrary, when wearing itself is more designed and colorful, the silk scarf with it will try to choose a simple and pure color, which is in line with the principle of "flower matching".

Elderly women, to understand the "3 to 3 no" of the flower silk scarf, will be more elegant and decent
Elderly women, to understand the "3 to 3 no" of the flower silk scarf, will be more elegant and decent

For the floral silk scarf, there is also a more advanced collocation is to choose "the same color echo".

Many colorful silk scarves look old-fashioned, mainly because the color combination is visually messy, which will make people have an impetuous and rustic feeling.

Therefore, the way to dissolve this visual feeling is to choose those that are similar and unified in color, so that they will look much more harmonious.

Elderly women, to understand the "3 to 3 no" of the flower silk scarf, will be more elegant and decent

Blue and white stitched silk scarf + blue sweater: two colors with similar colors have a wonderful aura in collocation, and their different shades can also bring a different visual experience.

Elderly women, to understand the "3 to 3 no" of the flower silk scarf, will be more elegant and decent

Floral silk scarf + blue sweater: The matching of the same color echo is focused on determining the color of the clothing according to the color of the silk scarf, that is, choosing a certain color of the silk scarf as the main color, and then choosing the clothing with the same or similar color. If there are more silk scarves, you can also determine which silk scarf to choose according to the color of the clothing.

Elderly women, to understand the "3 to 3 no" of the flower silk scarf, will be more elegant and decent
Elderly women, to understand the "3 to 3 no" of the flower silk scarf, will be more elegant and decent
Elderly women, to understand the "3 to 3 no" of the flower silk scarf, will be more elegant and decent

In addition, if you are worried that the floral silk scarf is difficult to control, and the solid color silk scarf is too simple, then the polka dot silk scarf is more suitable. The simple black and white polka dot design can not only play an embellishment role, but also will not appear exaggerated, which is very suitable for middle-aged women.

Elderly women, to understand the "3 to 3 no" of the flower silk scarf, will be more elegant and decent
Elderly women, to understand the "3 to 3 no" of the flower silk scarf, will be more elegant and decent

Blue and white polka dot silk scarf + blue and white striped shirt: polka dot silk scarf can also use color similarity, for example, the combination of this blue and white polka dot silk scarf and blue and white striped shirt is a good fusion of colors, which is not obtrusive, and at the same time increases the attractiveness and sense of luxury.

Elderly women, to understand the "3 to 3 no" of the flower silk scarf, will be more elegant and decent

More complicated is the contrast of colors, although it can increase a certain sense of fashion, but the use of color requirements are also higher. This collocation is more suitable for having the ability to control the color, if ordinary people want to try, it is more recommended to choose a small area of contrast, such as this body:

Red and blue collocation: The combination of red coat and blue top and blue jeans is itself a very contrasting outfit, and at this time, the red and blue stitched silk scarf is not only an embellishment, but also a bearing effect.

Elderly women, to understand the "3 to 3 no" of the flower silk scarf, will be more elegant and decent
Elderly women, to understand the "3 to 3 no" of the flower silk scarf, will be more elegant and decent

In addition to the "combination of complexity and simplicity" and "color echo", the color silk scarf should also pay attention to the prominence of personality in the details. Many of us simply tie it around our necks when we put on a silk scarf, which is not wrong, but it is slightly monotonous.

Elderly women, to understand the "3 to 3 no" of the flower silk scarf, will be more elegant and decent

For silk scarves, there are actually many wearing techniques. For example, wrapping a silk scarf around the head is also a classic scene of Audrey Hepburn scarf.

If the silk scarf you choose is not very skin color-lining, you can also tie it on your wrist, bag, etc., and it will have a different experience if you decorate it a little.

Elderly women, to understand the "3 to 3 no" of the flower silk scarf, will be more elegant and decent

Or choose to use a silk scarf as a fold. For example, choose a long silk scarf to put on the inside of the coat or the outside of the coat, exposing a little edge to increase the sense of layering.

Elderly women, to understand the "3 to 3 no" of the flower silk scarf, will be more elegant and decent
Elderly women, to understand the "3 to 3 no" of the flower silk scarf, will be more elegant and decent

Or opt for a short silk scarf that wraps around the neck as an undergarment, again exposing only its edges. It is rich in clothing without looking bloated, and for slightly fat women, if you are worried that stacking will make you fat, you can use this method. However, it should be noted that it is better to choose a shorter silk scarf at this time.

Elderly women, to understand the "3 to 3 no" of the flower silk scarf, will be more elegant and decent

In addition, you can also try the stacking of silk scarves and scarves, choose two items with the same color system, and wear them together to bring a different visual experience.

Elderly women, to understand the "3 to 3 no" of the flower silk scarf, will be more elegant and decent

Well, about the collocation of silk scarves, this issue will be shared here, if you still have questions about the selection and wearing of silk scarves, welcome to leave a message in the comment area ~

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