
Quiet Fear ~ Movie "Dead Silence"

author:Little Ren Jialun

I haven't watched a horror movie for a long time, and "Dead Silence" has been a long time, I thought it was a suspense film thriller or something like that, but I didn't expect to scare me half to death when I watched it. At home alone at night, seeing that all the lights are turned on at the end, I have to cover my ears and bite my teeth to finish the movie. But, it's so pretty!

The story itself begins with a horror legend, Mary Shaw, already fascinating. And the nervous stimulation of one link after another caught my eyeballs even more tightly. The deaths of the people inside were tongues cut off, and the faces were extremely terrifying, which frightened me, because Mary Shaw said: I will make all those who make me shut up and not make a sound. Hence the name DEAD SILINCE. I always feel that this name is too clever, layers of imagery, seemingly nothing, imagination and reality, foreshadowing and plot, suspense and panic.

Quiet Fear ~ Movie "Dead Silence"

I really like the male protagonist JAMIE, he makes me feel like HEITH LEDGER! The appearance is like, especially the faces of the two are tough and broad, and more importantly, the noses of the two are very thick. Although HEITH has never acted in horror films, his performances have always been very explosive. In short, the more I watch JAMIE, the more cordial, the acting skills are good, the young man has a future, it seems that I saw that someone finally came to pick up HEITH's class. I don't know why, since heith's death, the love for him has increased day by day, and I often miss him and nag him.

Back to the story, JAMIE is a courage guy, and with his "not afraid of death" mentality, our plot can be uncovered step by step. Everyone in the town refuses to tell or dare to tell the past, mysterious and terrifying, timid and kind Henry, neurotic HENRY's wife, solemn and stern father, annoying policeman who finally became cannon fodder, JAMIE has been carefully exploring, in the meantime has been nine deaths (I guess I have been scared to death), and in the end everyone has sacrificed (especially the poor policeman, let him not open his mouth and open his mouth), as if all the answers have a mystery. Unexpectedly, the biggest gimmick is in the back —

JAMIE finally couldn't contain it, and the fear of the past few days finally exploded when he saw his father's empty brain torso. His mysterious and beautiful stepmother turned out to be the initiator of MARY SHAW. "I've always wanted to make the perfect doll." Her voice was deadly. JAMIE is also dead.

Quiet Fear ~ Movie "Dead Silence"

So it all unfolded again...

The film is so thrilling, Mary Shaw's crazy and magical way of killing people, and her appearance is really scary. The movie definitely left me with more than just horror, but after the end, there is a long-lasting charm. The more I think about it, the more I taste it, and the more I think about it, the more I feel it.

Worthy of being the director of "Chainsaw Horror"! "Dead Silence" is so good! Remember, this fear is quiet, if you open your mouth and scream you will die, this is not scary.

Quiet Fear ~ Movie "Dead Silence"

Or maybe who knows who, not a mask, who knows, not a beautiful or even perfect doll?

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