
#Start keeping a diary #1576 Yun He Yue's chili fried meat slices sea cucumber is really delicious

author:Keping Dong drinks notes

2021/05/23 Sunday Beijing

When Zhang Yuan came to Beijing, he introduced a friend to me. A friend surnamed Dai opened a restaurant in Tongzhou District - Yun He Yue. Originally on the 12th, I wanted to go to Xiao Dai for a meal, and I didn't want to delay because of the time of medical treatment, and I was tired after several checks, so I told Xiao Dai about leave and went back after an appointment.

Xiaomi drove, and the two men chatted all the way to Tongzhou. In the past, it was rare to go to Tongzhou, far away, traffic jams, and there were not many good restaurants. After becoming a sub-center of the city, many institutions moved over, the traffic was more congested than before, and the cost of travel time was too high, so it was not going. Yun Heyue is on Yunjing East Road, and further inside, it is the core area of Tongzhou. I didn't go, I don't know how to build. The street scene seen is much better than that of the general county seat, and as the sub-center of Beijing, it is still a bit rustic.

Sit down and chat with Xiao Dai and the store manager, Xiao Dai is the nephew of Dalian Dai Shujing Master, and they have a lot of acquaintances with each other; Shao store manager used to work in the Xinrongji Financial Street store and met me many times. It's just that she remembers me, and I can't remember her. Ying Zi and Master Wu are good friends of mine, and she knows each other, so it is much smoother to talk.

Xiao Dai said that he didn't know what to eat for me, and Zhang Yuan said that it was good to take the best dish. I can eat anything, home is better, mainly with friends to eat, Shannanhaibei nonsense, try to be comfortable. Zhang Yuan is a very serious person for the production, he said that Yun Heyue's dishes are good, I believe Zhang Yuan is good. People's ability and energy are limited, it is difficult to do everything personally, more often, I believe that friends can save a lot of time and save a lot of effort.

Sour and spicy mullet egg flower gum soup. This vinegar pepper mouth is very authentic, sour and spicy harmonious, do not take or grab.

#Start keeping a diary #1576 Yun He Yue's chili fried meat slices sea cucumber is really delicious

Small pickles

#Start keeping a diary #1576 Yun He Yue's chili fried meat slices sea cucumber is really delicious

Cold cut abalone

#Start keeping a diary #1576 Yun He Yue's chili fried meat slices sea cucumber is really delicious

Green bean hand roll with caviar.

#Start keeping a diary #1576 Yun He Yue's chili fried meat slices sea cucumber is really delicious

Crispy chicken

#Start keeping a diary #1576 Yun He Yue's chili fried meat slices sea cucumber is really delicious

Cooked intoxicated rich shrimp. I criticized this dish, the shrimp head and tail are not used to decorate well, or try to make sure that everything on the plate can be ingested. The degree of familiarity also needs to be pondered, and the umami taste is missing.

#Start keeping a diary #1576 Yun He Yue's chili fried meat slices sea cucumber is really delicious

Sautéed wagyu beef grains. The beef is good, the heat is good, and it is naturally delicious.

#Start keeping a diary #1576 Yun He Yue's chili fried meat slices sea cucumber is really delicious

Stir-fried sea sausages with leeks. Delicious and crispy.

#Start keeping a diary #1576 Yun He Yue's chili fried meat slices sea cucumber is really delicious

Come and eat a Dalian sea urchin.

#Start keeping a diary #1576 Yun He Yue's chili fried meat slices sea cucumber is really delicious

Stir-fried pork and sea cucumber with crumpled pepper. This pepper is really fragrant, not too spicy, mixed with rice and eaten in large bites, that is, there is carb water and oil and more seafood, full of delicious happiness enjoyment.

#Start keeping a diary #1576 Yun He Yue's chili fried meat slices sea cucumber is really delicious

Grilled tongue fish, rice cakes. This fish is delicious, the fish is good, and the roast is good. Tongue fish is the fish, also known as longli fish, tongue is the name of dalian people. According to Xiao Dai, it is the season to eat tongue fish. The fish is tender and homely, delicious and kind.

#Start keeping a diary #1576 Yun He Yue's chili fried meat slices sea cucumber is really delicious

Matsutake sour cucumber stewed seafood

#Start keeping a diary #1576 Yun He Yue's chili fried meat slices sea cucumber is really delicious

Small greens

#Start keeping a diary #1576 Yun He Yue's chili fried meat slices sea cucumber is really delicious

Black truffle face. Delicious, delicious without black truffles.

#Start keeping a diary #1576 Yun He Yue's chili fried meat slices sea cucumber is really delicious

This meal is a pleasure to eat and a happy conversation. It seems that Tongzhou also has good restaurants. Shao said that Universal Studios is very close to here, the current business is good, and when Universal Studios opens, it is estimated that there will be many tourists coming, so that business will be booming. I think with the construction and expansion of the city's sub-center, coupled with the geographical location near Universal Studios, yunheyue's business will become more and more prosperous.

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