
September 16, 2021 Man ting Royal Garden· The Paya Royal Feast", the curtain was reopened

author:Xishuangbanna tourism culture

In 542 years of the Dai calendar, Paya Zhen established the State of Mengli, and since then the Xishuangbanna region has begun the Paya era... The predecessor of the Man Ting Royal Garden View Area is the Royal Garden of the Dai King, and the special song and dance dinner "Paya Royal Banquet" launched this time can be called the essence version of the park's night brand evening Lancang River Mekong Night Song and Dance Bonfire Party.

September 16, 2021 Man ting Royal Garden· The Paya Royal Feast", the curtain was reopened

"Paya Royal Banquet" is a banquet held by the Dai King to receive VIPs, representing the Dai King's respect for the guests and the highest etiquette of the Dai royal family; at the banquet, guests can taste the authentic Dai King's meal, enjoy the taste feast brought by the top Dai taste of Xishuangbanna, feel the taste sublimation of the lips and teeth, and at the same time, enjoy the unique Dai court dance with the Dai royal family.

September 2021 Restart the curtain!

Man listen to the Royal Garden

Shuogu has enjoyed the taste to this day, spreading the ancient music of the court for thousands of years

Solemn and elegant royal etiquette, magnificent visual baptism

Prayerfully light water lamps to pray for blessings, and indulge in bonfire revelry

The homeland of the dynasty, the curtain has been opened...

September 16, 2021 Man ting Royal Garden· The Paya Royal Feast", the curtain was reopened

Guests attending the "Paya Royal Banquet" can enter the park in advance at 16:00 and stroll through the Royal Garden of King Dai to enjoy the beautiful natural scenery and feel the rich ethnic customs.

September 16, 2021 Man ting Royal Garden· The Paya Royal Feast", the curtain was reopened

At the beginning of the imperial banquet, the Dai girls will dance a cheerful blessing welcome dance with the mascot Imperial Elephant to welcome you, and you will enjoy the honorable court welcome ceremony of the Dai royal family.

September 16, 2021 Man ting Royal Garden· The Paya Royal Feast", the curtain was reopened

The Dai girl will guide you to your seat, and then offer the "Pagong", which symbolizes the highest etiquette of the Dai royal family, to express your welcome and blessings.

September 16, 2021 Man ting Royal Garden· The Paya Royal Feast", the curtain was reopened

Then it was officially time for the imperial banquet, and four Dai specialties were prepared throughout the imperial banquet, each with its own legend and significance.

September 16, 2021 Man ting Royal Garden· The Paya Royal Feast", the curtain was reopened


The first dish is called Ba Nan Kuang – Mountain Treasure Flower River Fish Soup

This dish takes Xishuangbanna mountain treasures, river fish, flowers and other ingredients as the main ingredients, and combines them together to boil into a soup, symbolizing the great unity of the nation, the brothers and sisters of all ethnic groups living in harmony, regardless of each other, mutual tolerance, Dai called "Bibinonong" (brothers and sisters) of the first meal.

September 16, 2021 Man ting Royal Garden· The Paya Royal Feast", the curtain was reopened

The second course is called Gaiwang – Whole Chicken Grilled with Lemongrass

The dishes selected in the Paya banquet, with unique flavors, exquisite ingredients, exquisite cooking, and delicious taste, were only enjoyed by the toast nobles at that time, and ordinary people could only be deterred. This second dish, "Lemoncho Roast Chicken", follows the traditional Dai cooking method and is an authentic "Dai Lemongrass Roast Chicken", which is delicious and at the same time emits the unique aroma of lemongrass itself, making people salivate when they smell this fragrance.

September 16, 2021 Man ting Royal Garden· The Paya Royal Feast", the curtain was reopened

The third course is called Howling Glutinous Eyelid – Spiral Multicolored Glutinous

The Dai people mostly live in the low-altitude areas of the humid and hot river valley and produce high-quality rice. The Dai proverb says: "There is sticky rice in the koshiki, the sun does not panic when the sun sets", "Ten pieces of no collapse, can not stand up to a ball of sticky rice", it can be seen that sticky rice is the favorite staple food of the Dai people. In the Paya feast, in order to show the royal family's honorable status, glutinous rice is to collect a kind of plant buds and leaves that the locals call dyed rice flowers and dyed rice grass, wash and boil, soak the glutinous rice with its soup water, and the steamed rice is yellow, purple, pink and other colors, and make multicolored glutinous rice to be presented. Dai family dyeing rice uses the buds and leaves of natural plants, and its flavor is attractive and soft and fragrant.

September 16, 2021 Man ting Royal Garden· The Paya Royal Feast", the curtain was reopened

The fourth course is called Howling Bar – Tropical Fruit Mix sour corner rice noodles

There is a legend in the Manting Royal Garden: the eighth generation summons Ai and Princess Dai to visit the Manting Royal Garden, and the princess is attracted by the beauty of the Royal Garden, and the soul remains in the Royal Garden. Later, the Dai people called this place "Chunhuan" meaning "Garden of the Soul", which is a love story derived from legends! In the Paya feast, there is a food that represents love, making pure white rice cold powder with glutinous rice, sprinkled with sour horn juice, and eating it in the mouth has a sweet and sour love taste.

September 16, 2021 Man ting Royal Garden· The Paya Royal Feast", the curtain was reopened

While savoring the food, you can enjoy the traditional dance of the Dai royal family. On gentle notes, beautiful Dai girls will dance for you to the most beautiful scenery of summer nights.

September 16, 2021 Man ting Royal Garden· The Paya Royal Feast", the curtain was reopened

The performance also included the cultural characteristics of the six Lancang and Mekong river basin countries of China, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam, as well as the ethnic culture display of the dai, kino, Brown, Lahu, Yao and Hani ethnic minorities living in Xishuangbanna Prefecture.

September 16, 2021 Man ting Royal Garden· The Paya Royal Feast", the curtain was reopened

At the end of the imperial banquet, together with the Dai royal family and the Dai girls, they came to the release lake to release water lanterns. The ancient traditional ceremony of setting off water lamps, holding a water lamp in hand, silently making a wish to put it into the lake, the water lamp is like a stream of fluorescent galaxies, and the good wishes in the heart are pinned.

September 16, 2021 Man ting Royal Garden· The Paya Royal Feast", the curtain was reopened

The last part of the royal feast is a bonfire party, symbolizing the unity of the nation and the family. Light a roaring bonfire, the black skyline and the bonfire shine together, sweep away the old sediment, ignite new hope, hold hands with the Dai family whistle, listen to cheerful music, dance briskly, and leave a wonderful night in Xishuangbanna...

September 16, 2021 Man ting Royal Garden· The Paya Royal Feast", the curtain was reopened

This is a "premium version" of dai culture experience! In September 2021, Man ting Royal Garden · Paya Royal Feast", restart the grand curtain!

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