
Women who can wear it like to be "complicated and simple" in winter, so that there is a sense of layering and taste

author:Big cousin's fashion circle

When girls wear, in addition to doing a good job of style, the choice of color is also particularly important, only by doing these steps well, then it is very likely to surpass fashion and move towards the fashion avant-garde when collocation.

In winter, everyone can dress themselves, but how to dress themselves is a special test, whether it should be based on cumbersomeness, or based on simplicity, which has become the biggest trouble for everyone when wearing.

Women who can wear it like to be "complicated and simple" in winter, so that there is a sense of layering and taste

In fact, if you want to wear it properly and look good, then you must choose according to your body or style, quickly judge your own minefields and deficiencies, and use advantages to cover up disadvantages.

"Complex and simple" is as good as ever, the shape will not be too monotonous, and it will not be too complicated, maintaining a certain sense of beauty, and retaining a different fashion and high-end.

Women who can wear it like to be "complicated and simple" in winter, so that there is a sense of layering and taste

First, what are the advantages of wearing "upper and lower simplicity"?

(1) The appearance is more advanced

Does appearance matter? Of course it's important. When the two sides are strangers to each other, the way others understand you is definitely the first step, if you ignore this, then the image will have the effect of subtracting points.

The advent of the sense of superiority is not presented out of thin air, and even it has many preconditions. The so-called "complex and simple" is actually to make the shape achieve a concise effect, so that everyone can gather their eyes more thoroughly.

Women who can wear it like to be "complicated and simple" in winter, so that there is a sense of layering and taste

(2) Reduce the complexity and cumbersomeness of the shape

No matter what age the girl is, when matching, the connection between the single product and the single product is particularly important, and the appearance will look more coordinated and natural, which can reduce the image burden caused by too many elements.

Especially for sisters who are not particularly good in shape, or who are not bright enough in terms of skin color, it is extremely critical, and too many colors will make you look depressed overall and find no focus.

Women who can wear it like to be "complicated and simple" in winter, so that there is a sense of layering and taste

Second, the specific collocation example gets

(1) Tops are folded with simple pants

With the drop of temperature, when the winter is matched, the way of "stacking" is very appealing, and this way of wearing can bring you a richer effect on the shape, which will deepen the sense of fashion compared to the simple combination of a piece of inner wear.

Such a sense of warmth in the top can be increased, but the only thing that is lacking is that the shape will easily appear bloated, so if the girl does not want to deepen the thick sense of the image when wearing, then simplifying the bottom is particularly necessary.

Women who can wear it like to be "complicated and simple" in winter, so that there is a sense of layering and taste

In fact, in addition to the sexy style, casual wear in the daily collocation role is also quite large, although there is no supermodel posture, but you can still create your own style according to your own style.

The double-layered approach of "one inner layer + one sweatshirt + one down jacket" gives your top a more creative look. Therefore, when choosing bottoms, the width and color degree are deliberately reduced.

Women who can wear it like to be "complicated and simple" in winter, so that there is a sense of layering and taste

In a broad sense, the top is cumbersome, in fact, there is a lot of room to play, but everyone does not necessarily have to do so complicated. For example, when folding on tops, we use a "white, black and black" piece combination.

Each piece exerts their own charm, combined to quickly deepen the shape, the style is slightly slim and does not affect the overall line, a high-waisted trousers with the whole body, very coordinated and super stylish.

Women who can wear it like to be "complicated and simple" in winter, so that there is a sense of layering and taste

As a common item for professional women, the suit can enhance the sense of formality when worn, but the space in the version is relatively small, so when wearing it, you should pay attention to the style.

Thin knitwear to do the inside, the middle of the choice of shirt, the outside of a suit, so that there is a sense of layering and do not lose the sense of high-grade wear, who can not love it, pure white high-waisted pants with the whole body to brighten and add color.

Women who can wear it like to be "complicated and simple" in winter, so that there is a sense of layering and taste

(2) Dark saturation is better when it is bright on top

It's not necessary to wear very deep in winter, and sometimes it's nice to add some saturation. For most girls, a little brightness can not only make the shape more abundant.

And the whole body shows a more bright sense, but when everyone is in the ride, the choice of bottoms should not be too gorgeous, up and down the bright hue group will make your modeling become very cumbersome, and the sense of simplicity will decline.

Women who can wear it like to be "complicated and simple" in winter, so that there is a sense of layering and taste

Even the cool green can show a super high sense of temperament, although the color is cold, it has the brightness it deserves. In order to make the overall shape more coordinated.

Therefore, the use of black pants to match is perfectly suppressed, reducing the large area of cumbersome. The style is three-dimensional and thin, so the difficulty of wearing and driving is not high, but the overall shape is very clear.

Women who can wear it like to be "complicated and simple" in winter, so that there is a sense of layering and taste

Dark color for bottoms, when wearing the most likely to let people have a high sense of shape, and the style is not likely to make mistakes, even if the figure is a little insufficient, it does not matter, slimness is quite strong.

The gentle taro purple is delicate in style, but it does not show too much femininity. Pairing with a dark skirt is perfect for everyday life, and the high heels with the full body are just in line with the requirements of complexity and simplicity.

Women who can wear it like to be "complicated and simple" in winter, so that there is a sense of layering and taste

Light green is used in winter, the color of the denim jacket, can increase the feeling of cool, with a white T-shirt, niche and age-reducing atmosphere, such a top to wear out the shape of super natural white.

Reduce the complexity of the bottoms, so use a short skirt to match, plus a pair of black boots. The overall dress is not only well done in terms of color, but also the simple shape is enough to highlight the image of the extraordinary little sister.

Women who can wear it like to be "complicated and simple" in winter, so that there is a sense of layering and taste
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