
The captain of the Japanese cavalry fell alone, and Commissar Yin pulled it and shot at the heart socket, but the gun did not sound

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Yin Zengyuan, the former political commissar of the 204th Division of the 68th Army, was the secretary of the 5th District Party Committee of Baiyangdian Border and the political commissar of the district squad. At that time, there was Juanzhou City in their jurisdiction, which is now The Town of Juanzhou.

The town of Juanzhou in Cangzhou, Hebei Province, is an ancient city on the edge of Baiyangdian, with clouds since ancient times: the number of great temples in the world is Juanzhou. He also said: Beijing people are all, and the lock is shoulder to shoulder.

After the Japanese army invaded Juanzhou, the temple fair was greatly deserted. In order to show the prosperity of the "New Order", the Japanese also want to promote the temple fair. At the temple fair, the Japanese army was afraid of accidents and did not dare to come easily, but traitors and spies often appeared at the temple fair and ate and took cards. After the "May Day Sweep", Japanese hypocrisy was rampant. District 5 wanted to punish traitors and traitors, so they often went to the Temple Fair in Juanzhou to find people and then clear them.

The captain of the Japanese cavalry fell alone, and Commissar Yin pulled it and shot at the heart socket, but the gun did not sound

In the winter of 1942, Political Commissar Yin Zengyuan took a few elite district squad fighters, disguised themselves as civilians, hid their guns, and set off from Shiwuji to Run to Yanzhou. To avoid attracting attention, 5 people walked separately.

On this day, the wind and sun are beautiful, there are more people rushing to the temple fair, and the stars are dotted on all roads. Shi Wuji was a few kilometers from Juanzhou, and when he reached Lizhuang, which was still a kilometer or two away from Juanzhou, he suddenly heard a horseshoe sound of "Gaddah". Yin Zengyuan's heart tightened, because he knew that only the Japanese army came out on horseback. In the city of Juanzhou, there was a Japanese cavalry squadron with more than 30 people. Yin Zengyuan subconsciously hid by the side of the road, not wanting to have anything to do with these Japanese troops, the Japanese army was much more difficult than the traitors. After a while, the Japanese army passed through the center of Li Zhuangzi Street, and Yin Zengyuan came out of the alley. Not far from Li Zhuang, a large ocean horse ran behind him, and Yin Zengyuan took a look and found that there was only one Japanese army that had singled.

Riding on a horse, this Japanese soldier was not tall, with a human Danhu, some age, and a scar on the right cheekbone on his face. This distinctive feature, which only Japanese cavalry squadron leader Ichiro Hirata possesses, is said to have been wounded during a "horse beard" in tohoku. This person is very cruel to Chinese, as long as he comes out, does not hit a few "live targets", does not harm one or two women, will not return to the barracks.

When Yin Zengyuan saw that it was him, anger rose in his heart. Many villagers and relatives cried to him about Ichiro Hirata's atrocities (Yin Zengyuan was a native). Ichiro Hirata is now single, and he must have done something bad again, and he doesn't know which family has suffered. Yin Zengyuan saw that the Japanese horse team in front of him was no longer visible, and decided to kill Ichiro Hirata to avenge the villagers.

He walked briskly, wanting to stay away from Li Zhuang, lest the Japanese army go to Li Zhuang to kill people and vent their anger. When Ichiro Hirata caught up, Yin Zengyuan went up and grabbed the reins of the horse, drew the magazine gun with his hand, and went up to resist his heart socket.

The captain of the Japanese cavalry fell alone, and Commissar Yin pulled it and shot at the heart socket, but the gun did not sound

"Down! Hands up! The Japanese soldier was frightened, his face changed, he said a word of Japanese, and reached out to touch the gun. Yin Zengyuan scolded, you! Yin Zengyuan pulled the trigger, but the gun did not sound, "Not good! It's a stinker! Yin Zengyuan broke out in a cold sweat on the door of his head, and his left hand quickly left the horse reins.

Ichiro Hirata, who was on horseback, had already drawn his pistol and fired three shots at Yin Zengyuan in a row, but Hirata Ichiro also eagerly fired, and the bullet knocked over the cotton on Yin Zengyuan's front chest and back, and the big ocean horse also ran away in shock. "It's over!" Yin Zengyuan thought to himself, but he did not fall down for a while.

Yin Zengyuan withdrew from the stink, reloaded, and aimed at the back of the head of the Japanese army that had not yet run far, "snapping" a shot, and Hirata Ichiro fell off his horse. Later, Yin Zengyuan learned that Hirata Ichiro had indeed gone to do something bad, just chasing a girl in Lizhuang, and when he didn't find it, he discouraged a sister-in-law who was holding a baby, fell to death of the baby, and ruined the sister-in-law.

Yin Zengyuan ran up to take a look, and the bullet just went in through the back of the Japanese army's head, and the cheeks came out. He didn't lose his breath, his face was bloodstained, and his eyes were staring at Yin Zengyuan. Yin Zengyuan immediately made up a shot and killed Ichiro Hirata. The members of the team heard the gunshots and rushed over. They were all delighted to see ichiro Hirata killed. Some strangled their horses, and some took down the Japanese command knives and pistols.

The captain of the Japanese cavalry fell alone, and Commissar Yin pulled it and shot at the heart socket, but the gun did not sound

Yuan Hong, a member of the team, saw that Yin Zengyuan's cotton jacket had blossomed and asked busily: "Political Commissar, are you injured?" Yin Zengyuan only took a closer look at his body at this time, and it turned out that the bullet was coming from an oblique top and rubbing against the front chest and back, and he survived death.

In this way, do you still go to the Temple Fair in Juanzhou? Everyone was a little hesitant. Nicknamed Gazi, he advocated fighting, and Jia Huan said: "Don't go, the Japanese horse team heard the gunshots, and it will be troublesome to return." Yin Zengyuan felt that Jia Huan was right and said, "Run!" "Pull up the Big Ocean Horse and go straight to the fortress village of Yu Village."

The Japanese horse team heard the gunshots and rushed over. These Japanese troops were the cavalry squadron stationed in Yanzhou. They came out today to "sweep" the East and West Eight Fangs. The Japanese rushed back, and on the way to Lizhuang, they saw that their captain, Ichiro Hirata, had been killed there, and the big ocean horse was gone. They circled around, and then followed the horseshoe prints left on the road towards yu village.

Yin Zengyuan They arrived at Yu Village, and they wanted to rest their feet and drink horses. Unexpectedly, the six or seven police inspectors of the pseudo-public security bureau happened to be issuing some kind of "good citizen certificate" in the village, and they were worried about the pursuing soldiers behind them, so they turned their heads and went to Wuguandian. Without going far, the Ampanga stood down and pulled and peed. Yin Zengyuan was anxious, looked at the horseshoe prints on the ground, and thought to himself, Doesn't this give the enemy a trace to follow? He said to the group, "I see that we men and horses are going separately, and it is safer, in case the Japanese army chases him, no one can catch him." Everyone felt justified, and Yan Gazi said, "You all go, and I will lead the Japanese troops away on horseback." Yin Zengyuan said: "Okay, tonight camp in The East Dock, after you ride a horse to the far side, go into the East Dock and wrap the hooves of the horses." Then, Yin Zengyuan led the people towards the East Dock in the southeast direction. Yan Gazi stepped onto the Yan horse, slammed his heels, and galloped to the northeast.

The captain of the Japanese cavalry fell alone, and Commissar Yin pulled it and shot at the heart socket, but the gun did not sound

After a while, Yin Zengyuan saw the Japanese horse team chasing them in the distance. He stayed for a moment at the horse's excrement and soon chased it northeast.

It was a little dark for a while, and they arrived at East Dock, and on this day they went around in a few circles, basically without stopping. After a while, Yan Gazi also came to Dongdawu, he went around in more circles, and people were sleepy and tired. Dongdawu is Yin Zengyuan's home, and his parents and sisters are there. When their parents saw them coming back exhausted in the middle of the night, they immediately cooked for them. After eating, a few young men lay down on the kang with their heads facing inward, and their shoes did not take off, and they immediately fell asleep. Yin Zengyuan's mother, seeing that her son's cotton jacket was broken, asked him to take it off to make up for it, knowing that he had been hit by a bullet, tears flowed down, but he did not make a sound. Yin Zengyuan's sister brought foot washing water and washed their feet for them in turn.

Yin Zengyuan talked with his family for a while, and just as he was about to go to sleep, the village cadre Yin Zongku rushed to the door and said: "Zengyuan, it's not good, the insider sent information that tomorrow at dawn the Japanese army will surround Dongdawu!" When Yin Zengyuan heard this, he immediately realized that it was a great mistake to bring an Oriental horse. Perhaps, the Japanese army followed to The East Dock and found that the horseshoe was missing; perhaps, Yan Gazi forgot to pack the horseshoe. He said subconsciously, "Uncle, I will send the horse to Dongzhuang immediately!" "Big nephew, you are confused, the Japanese army is going to surround Dongdawu!" "Then let's go early!" "You guys go early!"

It is reasonable to say that the sooner you go, the better, but after a day of running, several team members can't wake up. Yin Zengyuan had no choice but to say, "Mother, when the chicken barks twice, you call me." This night, Yin Zengyuan's father stood outside the village, his sister stood at the intersection, and his mother stayed at home. The chickens barked twice, and the mother shouted at them, hurriedly ate a few bites of the meal prepared by the mother, brought some more, hurriedly got on the road, and took advantage of the darkness to move to the area around the cow village.

The captain of the Japanese cavalry fell alone, and Commissar Yin pulled it and shot at the heart socket, but the gun did not sound

They left the East Dock, walked out of the upper 3 or 4 miles, and looked back, only to see a fire rising from the East Dock, mixed with the sound of messy gunshots, dog barking and terrible cries.

After a few days, they learned that the Japanese army had gathered the villagers in a large courtyard and forced the villagers to hand over the Eighth Route Army, which had killed the Japanese squadron leader Ichiro Hirata. After threatening and luring, he saw that no one answered, so he threw the village cadre Yin Zongku into the fire and burned him alive. He killed a few unpleasant villagers, and when he left, he set a fire and burned the East Dock to the ground.

Yin Zengyuan Listened to them, and all their lungs exploded. Shouting that they want to break into Yanzhou and kill all these Japanese troops! Yin Zengyuan said: We must repay this vendetta, but in attacking Yanzhou, we are not strong enough, and we can only act according to the opportunity. Yan Gazi said regretfully, I wrapped the horseshoe earlier, Uncle Yin, they will not be killed. Yin Zengyuan listened to his heart and said his plan. The Toyo horse hid first and could no longer expose the target. In addition, yan gazi was sent to Baiyangdian, and the district squad and the handgun team that were active in that area were transferred to eat this dish while Hirata Ichiro had just died and was anxious to take revenge.

The captain of the Japanese cavalry fell alone, and Commissar Yin pulled it and shot at the heart socket, but the gun did not sound

District 5 squads and handgun teams, totaling more than 100 people. Touching strongholds, ending the artillery tower, hoeing and eliminating hegemony, it is very famous in Baiyangdian. In particular, the handgun team made the enemy feel frightened. Guo Baohua, the captain of the gun, shot accurately, and could open his bow left and right and take a hundred steps through Yang.

A few days later, the team gathered together, and after a few cadres discussed, everyone felt that destroying a Japanese cavalry unit in Juanzhou was like eliminating several puppet army squadrons, which would not only inspire people's morale, but also greatly destroy the prestige of the traitors. Yin Zengyuan proposed a way to use Ichiro Hirata's big ocean horse to "lure the snake out of the hole" and hit him in an ambush!

They sent people to Yuzhou to contact the internal line, and received news that the Japanese cavalry team was sending traitors around to investigate, in a vain attempt to find out who had killed Hirata Ichiro and take revenge.

Yin Zengyuan called a meeting of the backbone to discuss which place was suitable for ambush, and everyone felt that it would be better to move the Japanese army farther away and to go to Dagou Zhuangzhuang. Take the Dayang Horse there, and the Japanese army will definitely go. If the enemy wants to go to Dagou Zhuangzhuang, he must go to Xiaowanzhuang and Wangezhuang, and there is a brick kiln between the two villages, and there are many ditches and ditches, and it is more appropriate for the team to ambush there.

The captain of the Japanese cavalry fell alone, and Commissar Yin pulled it and shot at the heart socket, but the gun did not sound

A few days after Dayangma was dragged to the area around Dagou Gezhuang, the internal line sent information saying that the Japanese army was going to Dagou Gezhuang to "sweep." This time, however, in addition to the Japanese cavalry, there was also a squadron of Imperial Allies. In this way, the enemy and the pseudo-forces have surpassed our side, and they can still fight? Finally decided, we must avenge the blood revenge of the villagers and fight!

Yin Zengyuan demanded that when the gun captain Guo Baohua attacked the Japanese army, he would lead a few people to intercept the puppet army and ensure that the team would destroy the Japanese army first.

Unexpectedly, however, as soon as the battle broke out, the puppet army saw that the Eighth Route Army only fought the Japanese army, and if it did not fight them, it would not be able to take care of the Japanese army, so it just ran desperately toward the strongholds of Dagou Zhuang, leaving the Japanese army to be beaten.

The captain of the Japanese cavalry fell alone, and Commissar Yin pulled it and shot at the heart socket, but the gun did not sound

The Japanese army rode on horseback and was caught off guard, and the company fell down a batch of horses first, and the fire of the ambush team sealed the road. The Japanese army jumped off its horses and, unable to choose the terrain, set up its machine guns, and Guo Baohua killed the enemy machine gunners with one shot. However, the Japanese army did not show weakness, quickly dispersed, and according to the terrain resistance, the two sides lay on the ground and fired at each other.

Our side was superior in numbers, and machine guns, rifles, hand guns, and grenades greeted each other, forcing the Japanese army into a depression, and some of the daymaries were knocked down or some ran everywhere. Guo Baohua shot with both hands, one shot after another, one shot after another, not much effort, and more than 30 Japanese troops were all killed.

The news that the Japanese army in Yanzhou was completely annihilated by the Eighth Route Army shook Baiyangdian, and the people of Baiyangdian rushed to tell each other, and all clapped their hands and applauded. The puppet army on the side of Baiyangdian suddenly converged a lot. When the commander of the Jizhong Military Region heard the news of this victory, he also specially commended the team of the 5th District.

【Deeply cultivate the history of war and carry forward positive energy】

Understand history, cherish the present, and thank the older generation of revolutionaries for their selfless dedication

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