
Tang Taizong asked Yuan Tiangang: When will the Tang Dynasty fall? Yuan Tiangang said seven words, and Emperor Taizong was overjoyed

Tang Taizong asked Yuan Tiangang: When will the Tang Dynasty fall? Yuan Tiangang said seven words, and Emperor Taizong was overjoyed

Yuan Tiangang was a famous astrologer, Xiangshi, feng shui master, and prophet in the early Tang Dynasty. Among Yuan Tiangang's many stunts, he is the best at prediction, such as co-writing "Pushing Back Map" with Li Chunfeng; secondly, looking at the picture, you can see the future of others at a glance, rich and poor, so many people come to him to see the picture. Later, Emperor Taizong of Tang knew about Yuan Tiangang through people who had seen Yuan Tiangang, and he issued an edict to make Yuan Tiangang his own staff.

Although Yuan Tiangang did not have a grade or assume a real position, he could often accompany Tang Taizong nearby. Li Shimin often let Yuan Tiangang look at the people around him, and took pleasure in it. Yuan Tiangang in this period was not so much about looking at the picture as it was about talking about the cross-talk, and he was accompanying Tang Taizong for fun.

Tang Taizong asked Yuan Tiangang: When will the Tang Dynasty fall? Yuan Tiangang said seven words, and Emperor Taizong was overjoyed

Tang Taizong had such a divine operator by his side, and it would definitely make him calculate his own affairs. Ordinary people are most concerned about their future, life expectancy, and Tang Taizong is no exception, and often consults Yuan Tiangang about his situation. But this is extremely dangerous for Yuan Tiangang, and if he doesn't get it right, he will lose his life, after all, the disaster comes out of the mouth, and the companion is like a companion tiger. Therefore, how to answer Tang Taizong's question is really a difficult task.

Tang Taizong was already an emperor, so the future of the rich and noble did not need to look, after all, he had already become an emperor, and there was no possibility of promotion. But Tang Taizong was very concerned about his own longevity, although he did not look for elixirs everywhere like Qin Shi Huang and Emperor Wu of Han. Whenever Tang Taizong asked about his own limit, Yuan Tiangang replied: Long live, long live, long live to prevaricate, Tang Taizong knows that he can't live long, but he is not embarrassed Yuan Tiangang.

Tang Taizong asked Yuan Tiangang: When will the Tang Dynasty fall? Yuan Tiangang said seven words, and Emperor Taizong was overjoyed

Compared with his own life span, Tang Taizong was more concerned about the problem of Guozuo in the Tang Dynasty, and whether the Guozuo was long or not, how long it could be extended. At first, as soon as Tang Taizong asked this question, Yuan Tiangang flashed his words and avoided it, or said that his ability was limited and he could not speculate. But whenever he answered like this, Tang Taizong was very unhappy.

Later, Yuan Tiangang felt that he was very unfree around Tang Taizong, there was no sky high and cloudy outside, and he wandered around freely. Moreover, there will be danger at any time, so I want to find a reason to return to my hometown and leave the place of right and wrong. When he asked Tang Taizong to return to his hometown, Tang Taizong did not agree. Later, tang Taizong repeatedly proposed to the elders, and Tang Taizong agreed when he saw that he really could not stay, but there was a condition, that is, to answer a question. This question is a cliché, and it is said that if the answer is accurate, yuan tiangang will be let go, in fact, this is also Tang Taizong wants to embarrass Yuan Tiangang. The question is: How long can the Tang Dynasty last?

Tang Taizong asked Yuan Tiangang: When will the Tang Dynasty fall? Yuan Tiangang said seven words, and Emperor Taizong was overjoyed

Yuan Tiangang replied, "When the pig will go up to the tree!" When Tang Taizong heard this, he was first stunned, and then he was very happy, the pig would not go up to the tree, that is, the Tang Dynasty could continue to infinity and ten thousand lifetimes. So Yuan Tiangang was released and went home.

In fact, Yuan Tiangang means: the Tang Dynasty is known as Li Tang, Li is a kind of tree, "pig" and "Zhu" are harmonious, in 907 AD Zhu Wen replaced the Tang Dynasty and established the Great Liang. Zhu Wen initially rebelled with Huang Chao, but later defected to the Tang Dynasty, became a powerful vassal like Cao Cao, toyed with the Tang Emperor between the palms, and later asked the Tang Emperor to cede the throne to him.

(This article is original by Cu Ding Xieshi, first published by 100 companies, copy and paste is prohibited)

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