
Top Yangmou! 144-hour visa-free entry. Foreigners call Chinese born in Rome!

author:Xiao Dong said entertainment
Top Yangmou! 144-hour visa-free entry. Foreigners call Chinese born in Rome!

This trick is clever! Not only did it make those Western gossip self-defeating, but it also gave countless blue-eyed, blonde friends the opportunity to witness for themselves: "Hey, China is so cool!" ”

Top Yangmou! 144-hour visa-free entry. Foreigners call Chinese born in Rome!
Top Yangmou! 144-hour visa-free entry. Foreigners call Chinese born in Rome!

Imagine a foreigner from afar, with all his fantasies about the Great Wall and pandas, stepping foot on this ancient and modern land. As soon as I got off the plane, I was so shocked by the speed of the high-speed train that my jaw almost dropped, "This speed is faster than my thoughts!" He sighed as he used his phone to try to unlock the bikeshare on the side of the road, only to find that payment was a problem. At this time, an enthusiastic aunt appeared, helped him scan the code without saying a word, and made an "OK" gesture with a smile. At this moment, the cultural barrier dissolves in a smile, and the boat of friendship sets sail smoothly.

Top Yangmou! 144-hour visa-free entry. Foreigners call Chinese born in Rome!
Top Yangmou! 144-hour visa-free entry. Foreigners call Chinese born in Rome!

Netizens also became lively, and some people joked: "The moon in foreign countries is not necessarily round, such as the tourist city in Thailand, our construction in China is leveraged." ”

Top Yangmou! 144-hour visa-free entry. Foreigners call Chinese born in Rome!

Another person said seriously: "We have to seek truth from facts, good is good, and we will admit it if it's bad, but China's development will only be shocked when we see it with our own eyes." Some friends quipped: "It seems that I have to quickly pick up the lost English textbooks, in case one day I am stopped by a foreigner on the road to ask for directions, I can't compare it for half a day, right?" ”

Top Yangmou! 144-hour visa-free entry. Foreigners call Chinese born in Rome!

Of course, there is no lack of rational voices: "144 hours is just enough for foreigners to travel from the south to the north high-speed rail to experience the magic of 'drinking morning tea in Guangzhou in the morning and eating roast duck in Beijing in the evening'." ”

Top Yangmou! 144-hour visa-free entry. Foreigners call Chinese born in Rome!

And about security, someone half-jokingly said: "The secret of China's security? It may be because our 'white-skinned' tourists here are still a novelty, short-term visa-free, perfect check-in, safe and efficient. ”

Top Yangmou! 144-hour visa-free entry. Foreigners call Chinese born in Rome!

Behind all this is an olive branch extended by China to the world, a gentle challenge to misunderstanding: "Come on, friends, don't listen to those little reports, come and see for yourself, feel the customs and customs here, and change with each passing day."

Top Yangmou! 144-hour visa-free entry. Foreigners call Chinese born in Rome!

You will find that China has both a thousand-year-old cultural heritage and the convenient life of a modern city, and the warmth and friendliness of the Chinese people will make you feel a full sense of belonging. ”

Top Yangmou! 144-hour visa-free entry. Foreigners call Chinese born in Rome!

In short, this wave of operations is not only as simple as visa-free, it is a demonstration of China's self-confidence, a transmission of cultural self-confidence, and a statement to the world: "Come on, witness a real China with your own eyes." "In this era of rapid development, let's walk more and see more, because it's better to see than to hear, isn't it?

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