
"Laigu Mi xin" trial play: war chess x Wenbo, the unique charm of the national tide of the second dimension

The cultural IP of the fire in recent years is the Forbidden City and the "National Treasure": one is the "first generation" of the cultural and expo circles, and the other is the "rising star" who ignited the "national treasure fever" and set off a boom in the B station.

"Laigu Mi xin" trial play: war chess x Wenbo, the unique charm of the national tide of the second dimension

Nowadays, the periphery of the Forbidden City is endless, and brushing a treasure has almost become a peripheral exhibition, from lipstick makeup to clothing and handbooks, almost becoming synonymous with "national creation". And "National Treasure", which seems that the audience can also see the "seeking the surroundings" of the film brushing the screen under the variety show of the "elderly layer", I found out with hindsight that traditional culture has become a piece of fragrant food in the second dimension.

"Laigu Mi xin" trial play: war chess x Wenbo, the unique charm of the national tide of the second dimension

I don't know when, the two-dimensional game is no longer satisfied with only relying on exquisite character drawings to attract the attention of players, and pays attention to "self-cultivation". With the prevalence of national style, everyone no longer simply feels that traditional culture is boring, and more and more people are willing to sink their hearts and feel the profundity of Chinese civilization.

From "Food Language", "Ink Soul", and then to "Forgetting the River Style", many games with traditional cultural themes have also sprung up like mushrooms.

"Laigu Mi xin" trial play: war chess x Wenbo, the unique charm of the national tide of the second dimension

As a lover of traditional culture and national style games, I am certainly happy to be able to contact my favorite knowledge during the game. On the morning of December 31, "Laigu Mi xin", which was tested, is such a two-dimensional mobile game that combines traditional cultural themes. This time, the whole "work" is anthropomorphic cultural relics.

▍The combination of national style art and two-dimensional elements

"We've always been there, and you've finally seen us."

The first thing that attracted me to "Coming to the Ancient And New" was undoubtedly the rare theme of "cultural relics anthropomorphism", followed by the art painting.

"Laigu Mi xin" trial play: war chess x Wenbo, the unique charm of the national tide of the second dimension

Cultural anthropomorphisms are different from military and even animal anthropomorphs. The latter in people's minds, more or less retain some stereotypes, maintain the overall style is relatively easy, and cultural relics because of the different dynastic processes involved in themselves, the size and fineness are also very different, in order to ensure the degree of reduction while achieving the unity of style is not easy.

At least before the experience, I was still a little worried about seeing a mixture of mixed styles.

After the experience, I found that my worries were really superfluous - unlike the "convex and backward upturned fabric less" routine used in the two-dimensional game vertical painting, the character standing painting of "Laigu Mi Xin" appeared to be clean and clean, and the costumes of the national tide and traditional Chinese characteristics were particularly delicate under the smooth brushstrokes.

"Laigu Mi xin" trial play: war chess x Wenbo, the unique charm of the national tide of the second dimension

In fact, there are many cultural relics with their own unique and maverick shapes, and "Laigu Mi Xin" does not choose to emphasize the overall harmony and specially weakens their characteristics, covering them with complicated ornaments.

Like the "bronze longitudinal mask" "settled" in the Sanxingdui Museum, and the cultural relics themselves in reality, the shape is exaggerated but very mysterious. In this world, he is a weird researcher who is obsessed with scientific research. The glasses worn on the head are no different from the shape of the cultural relics, and the folds of the cloth and the tongue of the shoes also faintly show the appearance of the mask.

"Laigu Mi xin" trial play: war chess x Wenbo, the unique charm of the national tide of the second dimension

The "Grape Flower bird pattern silver sachet" collected in the Shaanxi History Museum is much smaller and more cute. "Laigu Mi Xin" makes the hollowed-out outer wall of its most characteristic sachet into a fluffy skirt pattern, and the streamers are more like a swirling incense mist, making her appearance delicate and flexible.

"Laigu Mi xin" trial play: war chess x Wenbo, the unique charm of the national tide of the second dimension

While emphasizing the portrayal of the most prominent features of the cultural relics without creating a sense of violation, with the endorsement of the "National Treasures" program group, the anthropomorphic images of these cultural relics born under the hands of the designers are extremely vivid.

▍ When a national treasure becomes a human being

Cultural relics were born in the hands of mankind, after thousands of years, covered in dust, they have crossed a thousand years of time and gone to a long-lasting future. So, if one day, those cultural relics that carry historical memory and convey the humanistic spirit become human beings, what will it be like?

In my imagination, cultural relics have spent a short period of a hundred years, many thousand years, even if they are incarnated as human beings, they are still more or less solemn and calm. However, the game's initial plot easily broke my stereotype of them.

"Laigu Mi xin" trial play: war chess x Wenbo, the unique charm of the national tide of the second dimension

- Handsome guy who are you? One thing to say, this double-handed little prince is really too able to say, and I was shocked by skr.

In the world of Laigu Mi Xin, cultural relics will give birth to consciousness to become "instruments", and the part of human beings that can see their existence is called "collectors".

In addition to the above-mentioned heavenly death, who has a lot of words and rhymes, the "Warring States Copper Tableware", a foodie who loves to eat delicious, appears in a "group", and is good at stacking Arhats, seven plates of dancing bricks with a flexible posture and extremely good at dancing, and a manta peach bottle that is extremely afraid of getting along with people and treats the cabinet as a home...

These "instruments" have different personalities, their habits are closely related to the cultural relics themselves, and even the skills released are quite "individual". However, in this test, "Laigu Mi-Shin" has adjusted the animation of the character's independent skill performance.

"Laigu Mi xin" trial play: war chess x Wenbo, the unique charm of the national tide of the second dimension

△ Skill performance at the time of the first test

"Laigu Mi xin" trial play: war chess x Wenbo, the unique charm of the national tide of the second dimension

△ The skill performance in this test

Compared with the more gorgeous but out-of-the-scene skill performance of the first test, the modified performance method chooses to build the "stage" on the battlefield, which has a more sense of presence and enhances the interaction between the characters and the scene.

In addition, in the data of the "instruments", the information belonging to the cultural relics is also recorded very carefully, and even the timeline of the "relocation" of the body has not fallen.

"Laigu Mi xin" trial play: war chess x Wenbo, the unique charm of the national tide of the second dimension

——From this point of view, it seems that there is no sense of violation of the national treasure becoming a person.

▍ More strategic "Battle Flag" gameplay

With the "Battle Flag" system as the core, "Laigu Mixin" is different from the ordinary "Battle Flag" game, and introduces the "speed mechanism" commonly found in turn-based games in the basic gameplay.

Throughout the course of the game, the speed of the characters will determine the order of action.

"Laigu Mi xin" trial play: war chess x Wenbo, the unique charm of the national tide of the second dimension

In addition, the "instrumenters" in the game are divided into 5 different positions.

The "Framing Technique" equivalent to the mage character usually has the skills of high Framing Damage and Group Attack; the "Light Sharpness" of the Guards who can act twice a turn and have a high mobility; the "Strategy" that can tactically abandon the opportunity to attack and give the enemy characters acting within the attack range to counterattack; the "Long-range Strike" of the shooter character with high range and physical attack; and the "Su Wei" who can mock the target to force attack themselves or resist damage for the friendly units around them, and slow down the action speed of the local characters around them.

The variety of tactical positioning undoubtedly makes the configuration of the team more strategic.

"Laigu Mi xin" trial play: war chess x Wenbo, the unique charm of the national tide of the second dimension

It is worth mentioning the Z-axis "height" setting of "Laigu Mixin" - the terrain is split by the setting of "obstacle distance"

"Laigu Mi xin" trial play: war chess x Wenbo, the unique charm of the national tide of the second dimension

It is almost foreseeable that the most distant distances like this "close to the end of the world" will have many opportunities to meet in the map with complex terrain in the future.

▍Integration into traditional culture shows a trend of two-dimensional mobile games?

Leaving aside the "wargame" gameplay, Laigu Mi Xin is not the first two-dimensional mobile game to integrate traditional culture. It can even be said that in recent years, the number of two-dimensional mobile games that have begun to try to integrate into traditional culture is increasing year by year.

In the early years, Tencent's "Food Language" was one of the two-dimensional games that tried to integrate into traditional culture.

It mainly focuses on "anthropomorphic traditional Chinese cuisine", whether it is a character painting or a plot setting, it is also closely related to the national style. It is also a highly restored origin of the production of traditional food with the plot of animation and anthropomorphic perspective, and was once loved by many players.

"Laigu Mi xin" trial play: war chess x Wenbo, the unique charm of the national tide of the second dimension

NetEase's layout of the national style mobile game is also clear, after the launch of "E-truth , Miaobi Qianshan", it also produced a "National Wind Music Project" "Forgetting the River Wind Hualu" that was born out of history and ancient style music. The songs tell the stories of historical figures and witness the lives of celebrities.

"Laigu Mi xin" trial play: war chess x Wenbo, the unique charm of the national tide of the second dimension

In addition, several works, such as "Dream Collection", which brings together the swords and swords of Jin Yong's martial arts world, and "Ink Soul", which takes poetry and its author as the theme, are also popular because of the uniqueness and style of their themes, attracting the attention of many players.

"Laigu Mi xin" trial play: war chess x Wenbo, the unique charm of the national tide of the second dimension

Under the trend of traditional culture popularization, it has become an inevitable trend to integrate more cultural IP in two-dimensional games. How this road will develop in the future cannot be asserted, but at least the attempt of "Coming to the Ancient And New" in the theme of literature and blog this time has made me see the different charm of traditional culture.

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