
The "bellwether" of China's new car-making forces: more than 98,000 vehicles delivered a year, and the founder's net worth is 57 billion yuan

On the first day of 2022, the new car-making forces can't wait to publish the report card. How have each company performed in the past year? Let's take a look:

The first is the second echelon, WM Motor delivered 5,062 vehicles in December, with a total of 44,157 vehicles in the whole year, close to the total number of cumulative deliveries in the previous three years. In 2019, after winning the second place in the sales of new car-making forces, CEO Shen Hui also bet with Meituan Wang Xing on social media, saying that "Weima will definitely be one of the Top 3 in the future". However, the subsequent development is not satisfactory, and it has become a fact that it has fallen behind.

Fortunately, in the past year, WM has successively won the favor of PCCW of the Li Ka Shing family, Shun Tak Group (founded by the late "Macau gambling king" Stanley Ho), and Agile Ju. With the help of capital, we will continue to pay attention to whether we can achieve "turnaround".

The "bellwether" of China's new car-making forces: more than 98,000 vehicles delivered a year, and the founder's net worth is 57 billion yuan

Zero-run cars delivered 7,807 units in December, up 368% year-on-year and a new high. A total of 43,121 vehicles were delivered in the whole year, of which T03 38,463 and C11 4,021 were delivered. This is the third new energy vehicle company to make a core after Tesla and Weilai, and plans to enter overseas this year and launch 8 models by the end of 2025 to achieve the goal of 800,000 vehicles per year.

Nezha Automobile, which takes the "civilian" route and positions the low-end market, has delivered more than 10,000 yuan for two consecutive months. In December, the delivery volume of 10,127 vehicles soared by 236% year-on-year, of which 5,280 units were delivered in the Nezha V series and 4,847 units were delivered in the Nezha U Pro. A total of 69,674 vehicles were delivered in the whole year, an increase of 362% year-on-year, and users from first-tier, new first-tier and second-tier cities accounted for about 64%.

It is worth mentioning that traditional "new forces" such as Extreme Krypton and Lantu also have a good performance, delivering 3796 vehicles and 3330 vehicles respectively in December, showing a significant month-on-month increase. Landu has also become the fastest new brand of electric vehicles to achieve more than 3,000 deliveries in a single month.

The "bellwether" of China's new car-making forces: more than 98,000 vehicles delivered a year, and the founder's net worth is 57 billion yuan

The ranking of the first echelon has changed a lot. NIO delivered 10,489 units in December, an increase of 49.7% year-on-year; a total of 91,429 units were delivered in the whole year, an increase of 109.1% year-on-year, doubling for two consecutive years. However, due to the impact of the supply chain, the delivery situation fluctuates greatly from month to month, and it is not surprising to lose the "hegemony" of the new car-making forces.

Since delivery, the cumulative delivery volume of ES8, ES6 and EC6 has reached 167,070 units, which is still in the absolute lead. By the end of last year, the company had built 32 NIO centers and 285 NIO spaces in China, covering 132 cities, and also built a NIO center in Oslo, Norway.

This year, NIO plans to deliver three new models for the NT2.0 platform, including the AL-released ET7 and ET5. In addition, THE SECOND PRODUCTION BASE OF NIO IN HEFEI XINQIAO INTELLIGENT ELECTRIC VEHICLE INDUSTRIAL PARK (NEOPARK) WILL ALSO BE OFFICIALLY PUT INTO OPERATION IN THE THIRD QUARTER. However, on the whole, it is still a severe test for the supply chain.

The "bellwether" of China's new car-making forces: more than 98,000 vehicles delivered a year, and the founder's net worth is 57 billion yuan

Ideal delivered 14,087 units in December 2021, up 130% year-on-year, and reached 90,491 units for the full year, up 177.4% year-on-year. You know, this was done in the case of only one model, and the ideal ONE has thus become the highest-selling model among the new car-making forces, with 124088 cumulative deliveries since its delivery. It is reported that Ideal Auto will launch a new "X" platform this year, while releasing a new full-size luxury intelligent range extender electric SUV "X01".

Xiaopeng Automobile continued to soar, breaking through 10,000 for the fourth consecutive month with a delivery of 16,000 vehicles in December, and reaching the top of the new car-making force for three consecutive months. The total delivery volume of the whole year reached 98,155 vehicles, an increase of 360% year-on-year, which is the fastest year-on-year growth rate in "Wei Xiaoli". The P7 became the backbone of sales, accounting for 62% of total deliveries for the full year. The new Model, the Xiaopeng P5, reached a new high of 5,030 units delivered in December.

The "bellwether" of China's new car-making forces: more than 98,000 vehicles delivered a year, and the founder's net worth is 57 billion yuan

Xiaopeng Automobile has delivered more than 130,000 vehicles in history, and as the scale of users continues to grow, they are accelerating their layout. At present, 661 brand supercharging stations have been rolled out, covering 228 cities, and 311 sales stores have been operated in 121 cities across the country. According to the "2021 Hurun Rich List", the 44-year-old founder He Xiaopeng is worth 57 billion yuan, surpassing Li Bin (45 billion yuan) and Li Xiang (39 billion yuan). As at 3 January 2022, the market capitalization reached HK$336,386 million.

Of course, this bellwether is not a no-brainer. The cumulative loss in the first three quarters of last year has exceeded that of the whole year of 2020. The practice of abandoning gross profit margins and paying high marketing expenses and R&D investment in exchange for sales has been questioned by many people in the industry. In addition, the offline store was fined 100,000 yuan for collecting 430,000 consumer face photos without authorization, and was caught in the "cheating" storm, which put the brand on the cusp of public opinion.


In 2022, China's new energy vehicle sales are expected to reach 5 million. The "counterattack" of traditional car companies, coupled with the squeeze of BYD and Tesla, the new forces of car manufacturing are difficult to say and easy. In the face of this big cake, how much can be divided is still difficult to predict.

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