
Qingyuan Manchu Autonomous County is a place name of Manchu origin

Editor's Note: These are two articles on Manchu place names in Qingyuan Manchu Autonomous County, originally published on the Manchu Culture Network last year and now published together.

Qingyuan Manchu Autonomous County is a place name of Manchu origin

Qingyuan Manchu place names

Author: Kang Xipeng Qunqun

From the Qin and Han Dynasties to the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the northeast is the gathering place of Sushen, Beji and Jurchen (Manchu), and its folk customs, language and culture, lifestyle, and celebrity are full of northern regional colors. However, since the rise of the imperial court in the middle of the Ming Dynasty and the qing dynasty's nearly two hundred years of invading the Guandong migration, a large number of villagers from Shandong, Hebei, Rehe, Zhili and other provinces migrated to the northeast, because the northeast is sparsely populated, the migration of disciples is endless, thus causing a great fusion of various ethnic groups in the northeast, but also caused the great integration of various ethnic cultures, to the middle of the Qing Dynasty, the name of the land in the northeast began to be Sinicized, by the end of the Qing Dynasty, the people who migrated over have become the main body of the northeast region. As a result, the names of places in various places have undergone earth-shaking changes, and most of the Manchu place names have been translated into Chinese place names, leaving only some Manchu place names left behind in various mountainous areas. Qingyuan was the Longgang Mountain of Changbai Mountain, and one of the birthplaces of the Qing Dynasty, so some of the small number of Manchu place names left behind are still in use. After collation, the Manchu place names still in use in Qingyuan are introduced to the reader.

English frontal gate. Former names, Eagle Eagle Yu, Yingguo Yu, Yingguo Kou. Geographical location, Ying'emen Village, Ying'emen Town, Qingyuan County. Righteousness, in the canyon, in the ravines, on the hillsides are full of white flowers such as red, thick plums, wild grapes, etc., which are full of English. Translated in Chinese, there are many white flowers in canyons, ravines, and hillsides. In the early years of the Qing Dynasty, Emperor Taiji ordered the construction of a wicker side of the royal wall, and a side gate was set up in the Ying'eyu section, named Yingguo Gate, which was later renamed Ying'e Gate.

In front of the South Exit. Former names, Han Yang Gang Luo, Maggot Gang Luo. Geographical location, Qingyuan County Nankouqian Town Nankouqian Village. 義, 蚂蛄嘟, Chinese, 義, Tadpole. Origin of place names, at the end of the Ming Dynasty, Hanyang Gangluo set up a bayonet (checkpoint) to prevent foreigners from entering the land of Longxing to destroy feng shui, and after the Jin Dynasty moved the capital to Shengjing, because the bayonet was located just south of Okayama and Hunhe, according to the geographical orientation and the title of the bayonet, the name of Hanyang Gangluo was changed to Nankouqian.

The Great Sioux River. Former name, Longgang Guyo. Geographical location, Dasuhe Village, Dasuhe Township, Qingyuan County. Righteousness, whirlwind. Chinese, Righteousness, Tianhe, Milky Way. Origin of the place name, at the end of the Ming Dynasty, this place is the original forest area of Longgang Mountain, and every spring the strong spring wind turns the forest sea, and the sound of the forest waves is like a flash flood, and the Jurchens call it the whirlwind Guy Luo. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the brothers surnamed Su who broke into the Guandong moved to the whirlwind gang Luo to settle in the wilderness, and the locals called the older brother Dasu and the younger brother Xiao Su. Because his brother occupied this river basin, people changed the name of the whirlwind guy Luo to the Dasu River. Later, in Nurhaci raised troops here, the Great Su River also had the meaning of the Heavenly River and the Milky Way.

Grass market. Former names, Raft Gangluo, Baiyun River, White Milky Way. Geographical location, Caoshi Village, Caoshi Town, Qingyuan County. Righteousness, bayan river, rich river, river of abundant water and grass. Chinese, Yi, grassland, the market for selling hay. In the early years of the Ming Dynasty, the Jurchens who hunted here generally used the katou grass grown in this place to wrap their feet in the winter to withstand the cold, so when the Jurchens came to autumn, they either cut grass here or bought grass. In the middle of the Ming Dynasty, the ming court official Fushun Mashi set up a hay field to buy pasture grass here, and gradually turned the names of rafts into grass markets.

North three. Former name, North Three Guys Lo. Geographical location, North Sanjia Village, Beisanjia Town, Qingyuan County. Yi, where the three families of the Jurchen Nara, Ilgen and Toka clan live. In Chinese, it means the residence of the three families of the family, the Zhao family, and the Tao family. In the early years of the Qing Dynasty, three Jurchen families fished and hunted here. In the middle of the Qing Dynasty, jurchens began to change their surnames. The clan that lived here changed its surname to Na, the Ilgen clan changed its surname to Zhao, and the Tao Jia clan changed its surname to Tao, and thus the place was named Beisanjia.

Tsuchiko. Once used the name, percussion of The Bull. Geographical location, Tukouzi Village, Tukouzi Township, Qingyuan County. Meaning, the wicker side wall was ripped open by a guy at the top of a big hole. In Chinese, it means a small village tun at the passage open on the earthen embankment of the wicker side wall. In the early years of the Qing Dynasty, Emperor Taiji ordered the construction of wicker edges, and after the completion of the wicker edge, it became a landmark building of the imperial family of the Qing Dynasty. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty began to decline, the wicker edge lost its usefulness, the wicker edge was opened by people to open a larger opening, people no longer need to go around the Ying'er Gate, because with this big mouth, this place was gradually renamed as Tukouzi.

Big lonely. Once used the name, Lone Guy Lo. Geographical location, Qingyuan County, Dagujia Town, Dagujia Village. Meaning, a family lives in a house. In Chinese, yi, there is only one lonely family living in the wilderness. During the Zhenguan period of the Tang Dynasty, the Wei family moved from Chang'an to settle in this area, because only the Wei family lived in a very broken ground shack, and was named the lonely family Boy Luo by jurchen hunters. Later, the Wei family built a large house, so that the place was renamed da gu after the orphan family was moved into the family

Qingyuan Manchu Autonomous County is a place name of Manchu origin

Xiajiabao. Former name, Chai Hegou Guy Luo. Geographical location, Xiajiabao Village, Xiajiapu Town, Qingyuan County. A fortress-like dwelling built by the Yi'Xia family. Houses inhabited by the Chinese, Yi, and Xia families. In the middle of the Ming Dynasty, the Xia family of Xifeng County moved into the Chai River Valley to pan for gold, in order to prevent bandits and room robberies, the Xia family used tall logs to sandwich their residences into the shape of a castle, so chai he luo was renamed Xia Jiabao.

Wandianzi Town. Former names, NaruwoJi, Shen Shui GangLuo. Geographical location, Qingyuan County, Wandianzi Town, Wandianzi Village. Meaning, densely forested places, water meadows, elbow-shaped bays, blisters, swamps, wetlands at twists and turns in rivers. Chinese, Yi, swamp, wetland. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the founder of the old Manchu language, Erdene, gave this poem when he traveled to the source of the Oak Hun River: "There is an attic behind The Luoluo, and the shen water flows opposite the window of the building." The banks of the river are soaked in the bay, and the ducks swim lightly in the reeds." The poem is written by the Jurchens who built a small wooden building on the shore of the reed-covered Paoze, which was built by a Jurchen for their own small Gege. Standing in the back window of the small building, you can see the rushing river and the bubbles of the bay and the vast reeds, wild ducks and waterfowl play among the aquatic plants, and the grass and wild lotuses floating on the water. The scenery of bubbles, rivers, wild ducks, wetlands and reeds is breathtaking. Wan Dian Zi got its name from this.

Ao Jia Bao. Former names, River Sandwich Guy Luo, Black Bull Guy Luo. Geographical location, Ao Jia Bao Village, Ao Jia Bao Township, Qingyuan County. Yi, lying cow stone, cow shape black lying stone, Ilgen clan, New Cobalt And other Jurchen families live. Chinese, Yi, Ao surname people live in the place. In the middle of the Qing Dynasty, the Jurchens changed their surnames, and the Jurchen families such as the Ilgen clan and the Niu Cobalt Lu clan who lived here changed their surnames to Ao Jia Luo, which was initially named Ao Jia Luo, and later with the migration of the Shandong family in the Guandong Province, Ao Jia Luo was renamed Ao Jia Bao.

Namsan Castle. Former names, GuanJia Luo, Guan Jia Jie, Guan Jia Dao. Geographical location, Qingyuan County Nanshan Town Nanshan City Village. Righteousness, the place of residence of the gongzi, the official family, and the guan family. Chinese, Yi, Hilltop Ancient City. The origin of the place name is because there are the ruins of the ancient mountain city of the Qin and Han dynasties on the east and west hills, and according to the geographical orientation of the Liu River and the Guanjia Gongzi, the name of Guanjia Street was renamed Nanshan City.

Goji. Former name, Dog Milk Guy Lo. Geographical location, Qingyuan County, Wolfaidian Township, Wolfaidian Village. Meaning, dog tits. Chinese means, goji berries, wild Chinese medicinal herbs. In the early years of the Ming Dynasty, the people who came here to pan for gold found large pieces of goji berries in the ravines of this place, so the people who panned for gold here were called Dog Milk Dianzi, which was later gradually simplified to goji Dian.

Pale stone. Former names, Magpie Gang Luo, Chang Shi Li, Cang Shi Gang Luo. Geographical location, Cangshi Village, Hongtuoshan Town. Righteousness, Magpie, King Eight Stones, Eagle Stone. Chinese, Yi, Eagle-shaped Stone, Turtle-shaped Boulder. In the early years of the Ming Dynasty, people named this place Cangshi based on a large stone stone that resembled a goshawk's beak and a huge turtle-shaped stone.

Qiu Yang. Former names, Hua Guy Luo, Old Grave Bottom, Cotton Sheep Guy Luo. Geographical location, Qingyuan County Hongtuoshan Town Qiuyang Village. Meaning, crooked ditch. In Chinese, yi, the calm water in the great river bay resembles a docile golden sheep. In the early years of the Ming Dynasty, the Hua family moved into this place, and the Hua family named this place Qiuyang according to the harmonic sound of the Golden Sheep and the calm river surface.

Haiyang Village. Former name, Han Yang Guy Luo. Geographical location, Haiyang Village, Nankouqian Town, Qingyuan County. Righteousness, sheep, vines. Chinese, Yi, the river like a cotton sheep lying stone. In the early years of the Ming Dynasty, there was a stone lying in the river here, like a sheep lying in the river, and its body was full of ragatha, so it was called a rare sheep by the Jurchens. By the end of the Ming Dynasty, the Jurchens called Nurhaci the King of Han, taking its consonant, and this stone was called Hanyang Stone by the Jurchens, and by the middle of the Qing Dynasty, this Lying Stone was called Haiyang by the Shandong people who moved into this area according to the harmonic sound of the period.

Turn Xiang Lake. Former name, Nie Ma Gang Luo. Geographical location, Qingyuan County Ying'emen Town to Xianghu Village. Meaning, bubbles, blisters on the mountain. Chinese, Yi, a small lake on the top of a high mountain. In the early years of the Ming Dynasty, there were many mountain springs on the top of the alpine tiger here, and the trickles wrapped around the mountains, forming a lot of blisters in the bay margin, which was initially called Zhuanshui Lake, and later because of the abundant water on the Nie Maling Mountains, it was gradually renamed by a cultural person to call the combination of water and wood (eye) into Zhuanxiang Lake.

Bay Dragon Bubble. Former name, Bubble Boy Luo. Geographical location, Qingyuan County, Dagujia Town, Wanlongpao Village. Righteousness, Lara. Chinese, yi, thread hemp, blister water soaked with hemp bundle. Wild nettle is a file vine artemisia plant, the leaf diameter has short thorns, squatting growth, can climb vine several meters, dioecious plant, female plant called tho, male plant called dumb hemp, straight for palm-shaped compound leaves, flower color is light green, the skin can be twisted rope, the seed is called hemp seed, can be used in medicine and oil, after eating there is a laxative effect. The origin of the place name, the soil on the bank of the Qing River is fertile, which is conducive to the growth of Lara seedlings and wild nettle. Because the Qinghe River forms a series of small blisters around the village, this place is called the Bay Dragon Bubble by the Jurchens.

Laterite temple. Former name, Red Bald Temple Guy Luo. Geographical location, Xiajiabao Town, Qingyuan County, Laterite Temple Village. Righteousness, Red Bald Temple Guy Luo. Chinese, Yi, surname Hong monks live in the temple. In the early years of the Qing Dynasty, a monk named Hong (Lama Ma) led his disciples to build a temple here, so the temple was called the Red Bald Temple, and later over time, the name of the Red Bald Temple was gradually renamed the Red Clay Temple by the people who lived here.

Monkey Stone. Former name, Bat Guy Lo. Geographical location, Xiajiapu Town Monkey Stone Village. Righteousness, the sacred stone, the monkey-shaped stone pillar under the Yanfu Mountain. Chinese, Righteousness, Bat Mountain, Stone Monkey Head. In the early years of the Ming Dynasty, when the monkey stone was formed into a tun, people living here found that the top of a stone pillar under the large stone stone on the east side of the tun fell resembled a monkey crouching on it, so the people who lived here named the place Monkey Stone Gangluo, and later with the age, the Monkey Stone Gangluo was renamed Monkey Stone.

Ganjingzi. Former name, Ganjing Guyo. Geographical location, Nanshan Town Ganjingzi Village. Righteousness, sweet water spring eyes. Chinese, Yi, Ganquan. In the early years of the Ming Dynasty, most of this place was rusty water, there was moss and rust floating in the water, and later the Shandong people who broke into the Kanto moved into this place to settle in the wilderness, several Shandong families worked together to dig a well, people ate clean well water, so people named this place Ganjingzi according to this well.

Poplar weizi. Once used the name, Wei Zi Guy Luo. Geographical location, Qingyuan County, Nanshan Town, Yangshuweizi Village. Righteousness, around the bend. Chinese, righteousness, sharp turns. In the early years of the Ming Dynasty, there was a large poplar forest at the small river turn bay here, and the poplar forest was in the east, high and west, and the river water was turbulent, swirling into a bay turn, so this place was named Weizi by the Jurchens. After the Shandong people who invaded the Kanto region moved in, Weizi was renamed Yangshuweizi.

Aldon. Former names, Al Dang, Aldan, Alban. Location, Qingyuan Town, Aldon Village. Righteousness, mountains and rivers are long. Mongolian, righteous, distant. Chinese, righteousness, blocking. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, king Nurhaci led the Eight Banner Army to practice attack and defense in the area from Ao Shiha to Hanyanggou, far north of the city of Hetuala, and his eldest son (big brother) Chu Ying blocked the attack of Amanur Hachi's attack on soldiers and horses in Hanyanggou. In the middle of the Qing Dynasty, the Manchu families living in Aldan were named Iraqi, Haqi, Ninguta and Urhatai.

North Miscellaneous Wood. Former name, Kita Zamu Guyo. Geographical location, Hongtuoshan Town North Zamu Village, Yi, Thorn Rose Fruit, Chinese Wild Rose, Manshan Wild Grow Wild Rose Thorns, Blooming Wild Rose Flowers. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the Jurchen Itmu family lived on both sides of the Hun River, bounded by the Hun River, and the south was named Nan Zamu Gangluo, and the north was named Beizamu Gangluo. In the early years of the Qing Dynasty, the Shandong people who broke into the Kanto region moved into this area to settle in the wilderness, and the Shandong people translated the name of Beizamu Gangluo according to the Manchu meaning. In the early years of the Kangxi Dynasty of the Qing Dynasty, The Elder Suhe, who lived in the Itmu clan of Themu clan in the north of The Zamu, entered the Eight Banner Army, and the military position was to escort the military academy. Later, because of his outstanding military achievements, he was awarded the title of General of Fuyuan. In the fifth year of the Kangxi Dynasty, Su He accompanied Tu Hai to suppress the Shaanxi Wang Fuchen, defeated the anti-thief Huang Wenying at Hu'erling, and destroyed the anti-chancellor Wang Jizheng, because Su He won many battles, and was given the title of Tuoba Shalaha (battle hero) by the Kangxi Emperor according to his merits. After 23 years of the Kangxi Dynasty, Su He was successively awarded the titles of Shilang of the Punishment Department of the Great Qing Dynasty, Hubu Shilang, Gongbu Shilang, and Shangshu of the Bureaucracy. In the 31st year of the Kangxi Dynasty, Su He died of illness, and according to his will, the body was transported back to the North Ditch of Beizamu Village for burial. In the 39th year of Kangxi, Kangxi returned to his hometown to visit Shengjing, Tokyo, and Xingjing, and when passing through the Northern Miscellaneous Woods, he specially gave Su He a monument to the Seven Eyes of the Dragon. The inscription reads: "Emperor Qing sealed sukh officials plus second rank". In the middle of the Qing Dynasty, the Jurchen clan set off a climax of surname change, and the Item clan changed their Jurchen surname to Zhao. Later, with the branching of the family, the Zhao surname spread throughout the villages, tuns and counties. In 1967, the Red Guards in tandem, in the name of breaking the "four olds", used explosives to smash Sukh's tombstone, and now only many scattered stele stones are left in front of Suhe's tomb.

Half pull back. Former name, Braggolo. Geographical location, Xiajiapu Town Tianqiao Village. Righteousness, a small river in a willow forest on the north side of the mountain. Chinese, righteousness, the back of the mountain. In the early years of the Ming Dynasty, the Jurchen hunters of the Hada tribe have been hunting here, and because the deep forest in the ditch is dense and rarely seen all day, the Jurchens call it Bra. After the Shandong family who invaded the Kanto in the early years of the Qing Dynasty moved into this area, according to the harmonic pronunciation of Bra, the place was renamed as a half-pulled back.

Qingyuan Manchu Autonomous County is a place name of Manchu origin

Big Da Lian Back. Formerly used name, Darren backed TheRo. Geographical location, Xiajiapu Town Dingbao Village Dada Bianbei tun. Righteousness, a small river flowing along the river, a stream in the mountain forest, and a mountain spring. In Chinese, yi, the river on the back of the mountain. In the early years of the Ming Dynasty, there were only a few Jurchen hunters living in Dadalianbei, and the Jurchens called this place DalianBeiluo. In the early years of the Qing Dynasty, several Shandong families who broke into the Kanto region moved into this area to settle in the wilderness, and after becoming a tun, the Shandong people continued to use the name of Dalianbei.

Luo Circle Ditch. Former name, Luo Circle Guy Luo. Geographical location, the big lonely town of Xinglongtai village south. Meaning, hanging pot, brass pot, porcelain pot. Chinese, Yi, Jurchen hunters make a fire to cook in the place. In the early years, Jurchen hunters often hunted in this place, and when they stayed here overnight, Jurchen hunters hung pots on branches of trees and boiled meat, so this place was called Luoquangou by Jurchen hunters. In the early years of the Qing Dynasty, the Shandong people who invaded the Kanto moved into this area to settle in the wilderness, following the name of Luoquangou, which was named by Jurchen hunters.

Red Deer Ditch. Former name, Red Deer Guy Luo. Geographical location, northwest of Shiyang Village, Tukouzi Township. Meaning, abundance (sorghum), maple tree. Chinese, righteousness, for ditch, gully. In the early years of the Ming Dynasty, the hunters of the Jurchen Hada tribe hunted around here, and saw that the sorghum planted by the Han people was a large piece of fire, which was stained red with the leaves of the maple tree, so the Jurchens named this place Fengzhi (red deer). In the early years of the Qing Dynasty, the Shandong people who broke into the Kanto later in the qing dynasty moved into this area to settle in the wilderness, and the Han people added a ditch character after the two characters of red deer, and the name of red deer ditch was born.

Dojo grooves. Former name, Knife Owl Ditch Guy Luo. Geographical location, Wandianzi Town Qidaohe Village Road Cave Gou Tun. Righteousness, ferocious dove, Chinese, righteousness, eagle. The dove has a curved and sharp beak, four toes with hooked claws, fierce habits, specializing in meat, commonly known as goshawks, active in mountain forests. In the early years of the Qing Dynasty, Jurchen hunters often shot birds here. Jurchen hunters also call the dove bird a knife owl, so this area is also called a knife owl ditch by many Jurchen hunters. Later, the Jurchens created the script, and the three characters of the knife owl ditch were written by the Jurchens and called the Dao cave ditch. In the middle of the Qing Dynasty, the Shandong people who broke into the Guandong moved into this area to settle down, and the Shandong people followed the name of Daoxiaogou.

The wind knocks down the trees. Former name, Drift raft guy Luo. geographical location. Wan Dian Zi Town Wind Fall Tree Village. This means that in ancient times, there was no rotten charcoal charcoal that was buried deep in the mud pond. In Chinese, it means mud pond, pond, swamp. Folk have two legends. First, in the early years, a large wind disaster blew down many large trees in the drifting raft, so it was named the wind falling tree. Second, it is the concubine of the Emperor Taiji who returned to Xingjing Yongling to worship the ancestors through this place. In ancient times, the imperial concubine was called a phoenix, and when a concubine came here, the phoenix came here. The wind fell on the tree, the wind arrived, and the phoenix road got its name.

Big Na Road. Former name, Manchu, Naruwo Ji gang Luo. Geographical location, Wandianzi Town Dana Road Village. Meaning, lettuce. Chinese, Yi, Maomi Primeval Forest. In the early years, the Jurchens were nomadic people who lived in the mountains, but their daily necessities also required the exchange of goods. Therefore, the land is a pass leading to the outside of the mountain, where Jurchens and Han Chinese often gather to trade goods. According to the Han chinese title of the trading place bazaar and the market well, the Manchu language called the market and the market well Naru, which was gradually transformed into the Dana Road. In the early years of the Qing Dynasty, the Shandong people who broke into the Kanto moved in, and the Dana Road became a Han village for the original Jurchen boy Luo, and the name of the Dana Road was used.

Wooden bureau. Former name, Wheat GuyLoh. Geographical location, WanDianzi Town Damiao Village West. Meaning, wild barley. Chinese, righteousness, barnyard. In the early years of the Ming Dynasty, the Jurchens came here to dig up badgers in the autumn and winter. At that time, the Jurchen hunters did not have iron pickaxes, shovels, and shovels, and the digging badgers were all made of wooden bureaus (wooden shovels made of hard wood). One winter, a group of Jurchen hunters who cut badgers threw a few used wooden bureaus in place after cutting badgers, and a few years later, the Jurchens who went into the mountains to hunt found that the wooden bureaus were not rotten, so the place was named Chengmujuzi by the Jurchen hunters.

Cut the rafters ditch. Once used the name, cut the rafters guy Luo. Geographical location, WanDianzi Town cut rafters ditch village. Meaning, small pot. Chinese, Yi, the place where the Jurchens hunt and make rice in a pot. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, Nurhaci called the Han Dynasty the Establishment of Houjin, built the Khan Palace in the city of Hetuala, and ordered people to cut down rare trees here. Because there are many people who go into the mountains to cut down, people three groups, five gangs hang small pots on trees to make rice, but also because there are too many rafters cut down, after the palace is built, there are still a large number of remaining rafters that have not been transported out of the mountain and discarded in the ravine, and after many years the rafters rot, and the rafters ditch gets its name.

Ice Ditch. Former name, Ice Beard. Geographical location, Wandianzi Town Wandianzi Village Binghugou Tun. Meaning, ice beard. Chinese, Yi, Glacier. In the early years, the glacier formed in the shade of the forest here to the summer season in winter has not yet been melted, the Jurchen people call it ice beard, but also because the ice hu luo mountain is steep, the altitude is high, the forest is dense, the thorns are dense, the sunlight can not reach the ground, the summer glacier has not been able to touch the glacier still covers the entire ditch, so it is called the ice beard ditch by the Jurchens.

Clam Pond Ditch. Formerly used name, Ship Nail Guy Lo. Geographical location, Dasuhe Township South Tianmen Village Clam Pond Ditch Tun. Meaning, boat nail fish, commonly known as sand dragon fish. Chinese, righteousness, blisters in a ravine. In the early years, there was a kind of boat nail fish that grew in the river here, and the Jurchens named this place boat nail Gangluo according to this fish. In the early years of the Qing Dynasty, a flash flood swirled up and down the Small River of The Boat Nails into two large ponds, in which frogs inhabited the ponds. Therefore, the Jurchen hunters who hunted here changed the ship nail gang Luo to a toad pond. Later, several Shandong families moved into the vicinity of toad pond, and since then, Shandong people have named this place East Toad Pond and West Toad Pond in order of top and bottom, and the Jurchens have referred to this place as Clam Pond Ditch.

Crystal Palace. Former name, Pu Liu Guyo. geographical location. Dasuhe Township and Qingcun Crystal Palace Tun. Righteousness, pu liu, Chinese meaning, poplar. It is a tree that has a long dormancy period, withering leaves in late autumn and spitting out leaves in early spring. Due to the long dormancy period of pu willow, the early spring returns to the season to spit out pulp and terminate the dormancy. Because of the frost in early spring, the willow branches have a strong temperature absorption effect, can suck a large amount of water vapor on the branches of the branches, in the early winter and early spring, the water droplets on the branches of the branches are frozen and Xiaoice balls, and the white crystals above and below the willow trees are seen from a distance, and the Jurchen hunters call this landscape the Crystal Palace.

Sandwich grooves. Former name, Sandwich Guy Luo. Geographical location, Ao Jia Bao Township Jiapigou Village. Righteousness, Chai Hu (wild Chinese medicinal herbs) Chinese, righteousness, narrow ravines. In the early years, the Jurchens hunted and harvested here and dug up a large amount of firewood. Chai Hu was called Jiapi Guyluo by the Jurchens, and later the Shandong people moved into the Jiapi GangLuo to settle in the wilderness, because the Jiapi GangLuo Mountain was narrow, and only a line of sky was seen upwards, so the Shandong people who moved into this place added a ditch word after continuing the name of the Jiapi Gangluo and adding a ditch character after the sandwich.

Ao Shi Ha. Former name, Shi Ha Galo. Geographical location, Ao Jia Bao Township Ao Shi Ha Village. Meaning, stars, shooting stars. Chinese, Yi, Meteorite. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, Jurchen hunters found a flat round black flake stone the size of a millstone here. Jurchen hunters call it Shiha according to their shape and color, and Shihagolo got its name. The Shandong people who moved into this area called it the tweezer stone, because this stone resembled the iron chain used by the Shandong people to spread pancakes, and the Jurchen hunters who later lived here changed their Jurchen surname to the surname Ao, so the names of the tweezers and Shi Ha were renamed Ao Shi Ha.

Qingyuan Manchu Autonomous County is a place name of Manchu origin

Comb the dragon's back. Former name, Wei Tou Guy Luo. Geographical location, Ao Jia Bao Township Ao Jia Bao Village Comb Long Bei Tun. Righteousness, the mountain col where the dragon combs its hair. Chinese, Yi, the place where the Qianlong Emperor combed his hair. In the eighth year of the Qianlong Dynasty (September 1743), the Qianlong Emperor returned to his hometown to worship his ancestors and stayed here. During the morning tour, Qianlong saw that the creek in the mountain pass was clear and transparent, so he squatted down on the dragon body to wash his hands and wash his face. The eunuch brought a horse mattress (stool) and asked Qianlong to sit down, and then used a wooden comb dipped in the stream to comb Qianlong's hair. The ancients called the emperor the true dragon Tianzi, combing the emperor's hair is equivalent to combing the dragon's hair, and then the people who live here will change the name of the head of the dragon, and in later years, some people call this place the dressing back and the combing pile back.

Great Lai River. Former name, Raicho Guy Lo. Geographical location, Ao Jia Bao Township Da Lai He Village. It means, Lyray. It is a water weed of the Artemisia family that grows along the river and in the creek, and blooms colorful pimple-shaped flowers around autumn. Chinese, righteousness, water pot grass. In the eighth year of Qianlong (September 1743), Qianlong returned to his hometown to worship the ancestors of Yongling and found that on the edge of the small river, in the creek, in the ravines and on the hillside, there were red, white and pink Laicao flowers blooming everywhere. Qianlong was accustomed to seeing peonies, moon seasons, and roses in the capital, and at this time he inadvertently saw that there were large areas of wildflowers on the small rivers in the countryside, and asked the rear to know that this flowering plant was called Laicao, so people called this place called Lai River, and then it was renamed DaLai River by the Shandong people who broke into the Guandong.

Big straw. Former name, Reeds GuyLo. Geographical location, Nanshan Town Dayang Village. Yi, the squirrel, is a small mammal, very similar in appearance to a squirrel, with a wide puddle membrane on the front and back of the abdomen, a long tail, a brown or black back, and the meaning of the large straw is also to describe the stupid or skull-eyebrow mouse eyes. Chinese, righteous, tall and solid. In the early years of the Qing Dynasty, a man surnamed Sui moved into the Reeds to settle in Luo. This Sui surnamed man was naturally tall and had thick hands and feet, but he was sick and sick all day and could not work in the ground, and he always had the eyes of thieves and rats to hang out in the nearby villages, so people called the man surnamed Sui a sick straw man or a big seedling, and after the reed gang Luo Chengtun was named as a big seedling.

Weng Quan. Former name, Hanging Water Margin Guy Luo. Geographical location, Nanshan Town Nanshan City Village Weng Quan Tun. Righteousness, the kanzi of flowing water, the hanging water margin. Chinese, Yi, Small Waterfall. The stream flows high and down to make the sound of rumbling water. In ancient times, this place was a small waterfall made of rocks and small streams, and the water of the streams flowed vertically from a high place into the Tan, and because of the continuous rumbling sound of the water Tan by the Tan wall, the Jurchens who wandered here named the place Weng Quan.

Blocking the Rock River. Former name, Sparrowhawk Guy Lo. Geographical location, Nanshan Town Jiudaogou Village block shihetun. Meaning, sparrowhawks, a bird of prey unique to the mountains here, are smaller than eagles, larger than birds, gray-brown, and cruel in temperament. Chinese, Righteousness, Nighthawk. In the early years, Jurchen hunters often hunted in this area to find eagles (eagles eating leftover wild animals). Later, Jurchen hunters discovered that it was a unique bird of prey, sparrowhawk, and found that this sparrowhawk habitually swung its beak back and forth on branches or stones when it was eaten to wipe the beak horns. Therefore, the Jurchens changed the Sparrow Eagle Gang luo to the Dangshi River, and later it was called the Stone Barrier River by the Shandong people who moved into this area.

Four alkali plants. Former name, Kuroishi Guyo. Geographical location, Nanshan Town Sidao Alkali Factory Village. Righteousness, ravines, large ravines, cocoons (silkworms) on steeper ditches and hillsides. Chinese, Yi, a mountain field where silkworm cocoons are stocked. In the early years of the Qing Dynasty, the Shandong people who broke into the Guandong moved to Heishi Gangluo and stocked silkworms on four mountain beams, and the four mountain beams were bred by the Shandong people to create four silkworm farms. According to the geographical order of the mountain beams and slopes and ravines, the silkworm farm is arranged into four silkworm farms, and the black stone is located in the position of the fourth road. Therefore, people named this place the Four Cocoon Fields. By the middle of the Qing Dynasty, when the Manchus had risen to change their surnames and learn Chinese characters, the Four Cocoons were mistaken by the Manchus for the Four Alkali Factories.

Silver Tiger Ditch. Former name, Ant Egg Guy Lo. Geographical location, Nanshan Town Jiudaogou Village Yinhugou Tun. Righteousness, burning ants, small reptiles. In Chinese, yi, there are ravines of white tigers. In the early years of the Ming Dynasty, Jurchen hunters hunted here to find a big white tiger, because the Jurchens believed in shamans and regarded the white tiger as a fairy, so the Jurchen hunters did not dare to shoot arrows and hunt, so the Jurchen hunters changed the name of the ant egg To luo to the white tiger. In the early years of the Qing Dynasty, the Shandong people who broke into the Kanto moved into the White Tiger Gangluo. The Shandong people told the Jurchens that the name of the White Tiger committed a crime in the astrology, and committed the White Tiger Star, so the Jurchens changed the White Tiger Gangluo to Silver Tiger Ditch.

Gatekeeper sentry. Former name, patron Guy Luo. Geographical location, Hongtuoshan Town Hongtuoshan Village Gate Kan Sentinel Tun. Righteousness, opening, bayonet. Chinese, righteousness, the passage out of the mountain. In the early years, there was no road in the mountain, the southeast and west sides faced the Hun River, and the north side of the mountain was a very long and steep mountain beam, and people and cars and horses had to take the river to wade through the water. Whenever the flood season of the Hun River soars, people travel unhindered, Jurchen people because of the inconvenience of travel, they will team up to chisel a hole in the mountain beam on the west side of The Luoluo can travel carriage, which is like a door out of the mountain, so the Jurchen family living here gave the place the name of the gate post.

Beach Island. Former name, Tan Zhong Guy Luo. Geographical location, Hongtuoshan Town Cangshi Village Tanzhou Tun. Meaning, flash floods silt up the mudflats. Chinese, big beach. In the early years of the Qing Dynasty, a flash flood washed a bronze bell onto the beach, and the Jurchen family who lived here named the place Tanzhong Guyo Luo. In the middle of the Qing Dynasty, the beach bell was silted up into a large beach in the later flood of the Hun River, and the name of the beach bell was changed to Tanzhou.

Railing bridge. Former name, White Flag Guy Luo. Geographical location, Hongtuoshan Town Lanmuqiao Village. Meaning, dead wood, the bridge built became dead wood. Chinese, Yi, Wooden Bridge. One summer in the early years of the Qing Dynasty, a large willow tree on the bank of the Small River of the White Flag Was swept down by a flash flood and lay on the small river. The people who lived in Galori used the hammer to hammer down the branches and level the poles, and from then on the people of Galori used the big willow tree as a bridge. By the middle of the Qing Dynasty, the willow tree bridge could not be left, but the bridge was still lying on the small river, so the people who lived here named it The Lanmu Bridge.

Qingyuan Manchu Autonomous County is a place name of Manchu origin

Three sentinels. Former name, clipped back guy Luo. Geographical location, Nankouqian Town Eighteen Daoling Village Three Sentinel Tun. Righteousness, openings, bayonets, passes. In Chinese, Yi, kaishan split ridge to build the road. In the early years, there were many mountain beams in the east and west of the back of the mountain, the north was a big mountain, and the entry and exit of the back of the mountain only depended on the sheep intestine path on the south side of the river beach, and the Jurchen people chiseled three openings on the three beams of the east and west mountains for the convenience of travel, and built a small road. As a result, this place was named the Three Sentinels by the Jurchens.

Shibandi. Former name, Thorn Ge Luo. Geographical location, Nankouqian Town Shibaidi Village. The meaning of the place name, meaning, the area of cultivated land reclaimed. Chinese, plot, ten acres of land. In the early years, the Jurchens were a hunting people who had been hunting and picking for a living since ancient times. By the end of the Ming Dynasty, the Jurchens began to learn farming under the influence of Han culture, and called the land area they had reclaimed as platoons, and in this year, the southeast side of the Thorn Ge Gang Luo was reclaimed by the Jurchens a large enough piece of land, measured after ten rows, so the Thorn Ge Luo was named Ten Rows by the Jurchens. After the Shandong people who broke into the Kanto moved into Chengtun, a cultured Shandong person added a single person in front of the cross, and the ten rows of land were called Shi Paidi.

Locanda. Formerly used name, Lailu Guyluo, geographical location, Nankou former town Ofejiapu Village Luo KandianTun. Meaning, horse coat, cotton cut shoulders. Chinese, clothes. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the Eight Banners Army was stationed here to shoot and hunt, and a soldier of the Eight Banners Army cut off his shoulder and put it in a broken basket and discarded it in the wetland swamp. In the early years of the Qing Dynasty, the Jurchen emperor hired Shandong people surnamed Luo who invaded the Kanto to come to Lu gang Luofang Mountain, and the Shandong people surnamed Luo found the cotton shoulder that was not rotten in the swamp, and the Shandong people surnamed Luo hung the cotton shoulder on the tree as a road sign, so the place was called Luo Kandian by the Jurchens.

Black stone wood. Former name, Black Site Wood Guyo. Geographical location, North Sanjia Town Black Stone Wood Village. Meaning, black wood, black stone like wood, black charcoal-colored stone after fire, wild mountain locust tree. In Chinese, it means sarcophagus tomb, the site of the ancient city. In the early years of the Ming Dynasty, the Jurchens discovered the sarcophagus tomb here, and the place was named Black Site Wood. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, Nurhaci said that Han established Houjin, and his brother Shu'erhazi secretly led people and horses to build a palace and build a house in Heilamu because of his political differences with Nurhaci, and the driver set up another one, and renamed the tomb of Heihaqi to Heilumuzhai. Nurhaci learned that his brother Shulhaqi had parted ways with himself, and in anger, he set up an ambush to arrest Shulhaqi's father and son, and burned and destroyed the black wood village, after the fire, the wooden village was scorched, the cornerstone was also blackened by the fire, and the remaining wood was also black and charcoal- colored, so people changed the black wood village to black stone wood.

Tree base ditch. Former name, Mo Li Guy Luo. Geographical location, North Sanjia Town Shujigou Village. Righteousness, tree chicken. Chinese. Wild birds, flying dragons, sand-spotted chickens in the mountains. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, Mo Hedge Luo inhabited a wild tree chicken called a flying dragon. In the Jurchen language, the tree chicken is called the tree base, and thus the hedge is also called the tree base by the Jurchens who hunt here. In the middle of the Qing Dynasty, the Shandong people who broke into the Kanto area moved into this area to open up the wasteland, and the Shandong people added a ditch word after the two characters of the tree base, which gave the tree base ditch its name.

Tethered horse tree. Former name, Nishigolo. Geographical location, Qingyuan Town Douhutun Village Tethered Mashutun. Righteousness, trapped dragon piles, solid dragon piles, tethered branches. Chinese, righteousness, an elm tree tethered over a horse. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, Nurhaci called Han the founding of Houjin, and fought against the Ming Dynasty on the grounds of the Seven Great Hatreds. In the battle with the Ming army, the war horse ridden by Nurhaci suddenly lost its front hoof here, and Nurhaci changed to another war horse and tied the original war horse to a large elm tree on the side of Xi ganglosi, which gave the name of the tethered horse tree.

Yellow Flag Ditch. Former name, Gongzi Guy Luo. Geographical location, Qingyuan Town, Huangqigou Village. Meaning of place names. Righteousness, yellow flag, yellow flag station. Chinese, Yi, Eight Flags Barracks Plate. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, Nurhaci called The Han Dynasty the Later Jin Dynasty and fought against the Ming Dynasty. Camps and checkpoints have been established in the ravines of the Hun River Basin. This place is the base of the Eight Flags Army with yellow flags, and when the Eight Banners Army moved, a dilapidated yellow flag was abandoned in the ditch, and the Shandong people who moved into the ditch later named the ditch Yellow Flag Ditch according to the yellow flag that was discarded here.

Gala Galo. Former name, Gala Galo, now known as Happiness Village. Meaning, rocky little guy Lo. Chinese, Yi, small village near Stone Mountain, Small Tunzi. The Jurchens are a hunting nation, living in the mountains and forests for generations, and most of the Jurchens' residences are chosen in the leeward and sunny places, and the houses are all sitting north to south, relying on the mountains and water. Gaga Guy Luo is a guy who was founded in a strange rocky rock. In 1966, the members of the Gagaluo Production Brigade changed the name of Gagaju luo to Happy Village based on the new idea of "breaking the four olds and establishing the four new".

Partridge nest. Former name, Meadow Zi Luo. Geographical location, Grass Town Water Curtain Cave Village Partridge Nest Tun. Meaning, nests. In Chinese, it means hou bird's nest, bird's nest, and the nest where water birds inhabit. Dian Zi Gang Luo is located in the Liu River, Qing River, Ying'e River watershed, the ditch in the creek, bubble, wetland contiguous, water and grass luxuriant, fish and shrimp more, so every year to attract a large number of migratory birds, Jurchen is a hunting and picking ethnic group, every spring to come here to pick up migratory bird eggs, because the reed bush in the partridge nest is particularly many, so the Jurchen people named this place the Partridge Nest.

Water curtain hole. Former name, Water Curtain Guy Luo. Geographical location, Grass City Town Water Curtain Cave Village. Yi, Hanging Water Lake, Chinese, Yi, Waterfall. The water curtain is located in the watershed of the LiuHe, Qinghe and Ying'e Rivers, and the creeks, bubbles and wetlands are contiguous, because there is a higher stone cliff at the mountain stream, which is vault-shaped, and every summer when the water is abundant, the water flows vertically from the height, forming a waterfall. Jurchen hunters compare this natural wonder to the water curtain cave in the journey to the West novel, so the Jurchens call this place the water curtain luo water curtain cave.

Guanmu Mountain. Former name, Steep Ditch GuyLo. Geographical location, Ao Jiabao Township Jiapigou Village Guanmu Shantun. Righteousness, the trees of the King of Jinhan, the wood of the King of Han. Chinese, Yi, the official's lumber yard. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the Eight Banner Army cut wood here and banned a large mountain field in the steep ditch, which the Jurchens called the Hanwang Mountain Forest. In the early years of the Qing Dynasty, the Shandong people who broke into the Kanto moved into this area to open up the wasteland, and the place gradually became a tun, and the Shandong people learned that this place was once the mountain forest of the King of Han, so they changed the name of the steep ditch to Guanmu Mountain.

Five poplars. Former name, Tsukiko Guyo. Geographical location, Ao Jia bao township Jiapigou village Majiagou village. Righteousness, poplar ditch. Chinese, Yi, grows five old poplar trees. In September 1743, Qianlong returned to his hometown to worship his ancestors and passed through this place. Found that there were five thick and tall old poplar trees in the ravine, Qianlong admired these five old poplar trees straight and clean, so these five old poplar trees became the local sacred trees, and every New Year's Festival people worshiped the poplar god under the tree. As a result, people reconfigured Ziluo into five poplars.

Imperial. Former name, its dry guy Luo. Geographical location, Dasuhe Township Yangjiadian Village Royal Garden Tun. Righteousness, horse pen, cattle pen. Chinese, Yi, Royal Garden, Royal Back Garden, Garden of King Nurhaci. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, King Nurhaci of Han led the Eight Banner Army and the Ming Army to tear up and kill at Salhu, and a large number of warhorses were captured, and the site was selected to raise warhorses in a mountain pass in Ganluo, so this mountain pass was called the Royal Horse Garden by the Jurchens. In the early years of the Qing Dynasty, the Shandong people who broke into the Guandong moved into this area to open up the wasteland, and the Shandong people felt that the Royal Horse Garden was the meaning of the horse circle, so the Shandong people living here changed the Royal Horse Garden to the Royal Garden.

South Queen. Former name, Whirlwind Guy Lo. Geographical location, Dasuhe Township Dasuhe Village South Big Tun. Righteousness, wood stacked sequential numbers. In Chinese, the number of piles, the classification of wood, and the piles of wood stacked according to specifications. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, king Nurhaci built the Houjin Palace in Hetuala, and ordered the Eight Banner Army to cut down rare trees here, according to the classification of wood and different sizes, the Eight Banner Army arranged the wood cut in order, arranged according to the number of Jurchens, and this place was numbered as Nanda.

Yellow belt ditch. Former name, Hu Jia Guy Luo. Geographical location, Dasuhe Township Changshatun Village South Yellow Belt Zigou Tun Tun. Righteousness, paving. Chinese, Yi, Cloth Strips. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the Eight Banner Army camped in the Luo'an camp of the Hujia gang to practice soldiers and horses. When the Eight Banners Army withdrew, a yellow flag was discarded at Hujia Gangluo. When the Shandong people who had moved into the area to open up the wasteland in Kanto picked up this yellow flag, they tore the yellow flag into cloth strips and hung it on the trees to scare the seed-eating birds, so the place was named Daizigou by the Shandong people. Later, with the passage of time, the belt ditch was gradually renamed as the yellow belt ditch.

Flagpole ditch. Former name, Solo Galo. Geographical location, Wandianzi Town Damiao Village Flagpole Ditch Tun. Meaning, Solo rod. Chinese, righteousness, a ravine with a flagpole. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, a group of people and horses of the Eight Banner Army and the Yellow Banner camped here, practiced soldiers and horses, and cut down tall trees for flagpoles. When the Eight Banners army withdrew, the flag was removed and the flagpole was abandoned, so the Jurchens called the place Solo Galo. In the middle of the Qing Dynasty, the Shandong people who broke into the Kanto region moved into this area to open up the wasteland, and the Shandong people renamed Solo Galo to Flagstaff Ditch.

Revival Tun. Former name, Fire Dragon. The location of the ground, Dabao Village, Dasuhe Township, fuxing Tuntun. Meaning, the young man Luo of Huolong and Wangxing. The Chinese meaning is, Fuxing, blessed place. In the early years of the Qing Dynasty, the Jurchen Emperor Guanyan led his family to move into this area to hunt. Therefore, the prey hunted by the Yan family in the remote area was often robbed by bandits, so the Yan family hired Aha to build the courtyard of the family into a castle with stone and wood, and the huolong Gangluo was renamed Baozi Guluo. In the middle of the Qing Dynasty, the Yan family changed their surname to Wang, the grandfather's name was changed to Wang Shichang, the son was renamed Wang Baofu, and the grandson was named Wang Fuxing. After Wang Fuxing grew up, because he and his brothers separated their families and moved to a secluded place near Baozi Luoluo to build a house and settle down, because Wang Fuxing's family lived a prosperous life, people said that Wang Fuxing's family's place of residence was Fudi, so several families moved from BaoziLuo to build houses near Wang Fuxing's home to settle down, so people called this place Fuxingtun, and the Shandong people who moved into Guandong many years later changed the name of Fuxingtun to Fuxingtun.

Qingyuan Manchu Autonomous County is a place name of Manchu origin

Ground car ditch. Former name, HuZi Guy Luo. Geographical location, Wandianzi Town cut rafters ditch village ground car ditch solid forest farm work area. Place name meaning, Manchu, meaning, ground car, wooden cart dragged on the ground without a wheel. Chinese, righteousness, climbing plow, snow climbing plow, ox pulling wooden climbing plow. In the early years of the Ming Dynasty, king Nurhaci built a palace in Hetuala, under the aim of cutting down rare trees in Huzi Luoluo, because the Huzi Luo Mountain is long, the only mode of transportation is to use climbing plough transportation, climbing plough in Manchu commonly known as ground car. When the logging was completed, many of the climbing plows (groundcarts) were abandoned in the ravine, and the huzi Gangluo was renamed the ground car ditch.

Golden Pit. Former name, Kyaw Lok Hang. Geographical location, Wandianzi Town Wandianzi Village Jinkengtun. Righteousness, nesting, and obscurity. Chinese, Yi, pit type mountain pass, a large pit inside the mountain pass. In the early years of the Qing Dynasty, the Jurchen Ai Xinjue Luo family lived in a mountain pass surrounded by mountains on all sides, and thought that there was only a sheep intestine trail on the south side of the mountain pass to travel, so people called the Ai Xinjue Luo clan residence juekeng. In the middle of the Qing Dynasty, the Manchus changed their surnames, and many Manchu families changed their surnames to Han. The Aixin Jueluo family, who lived in Kyaw Lok Hang, changed their surname to Jin, and thus Kyaw Lo Hang was also renamed Jinkeng.

Partial path. Former name, Bao Guy Lo. The location of the ground, Nanshan Town Sanshengbao Village is partial to The Zitun. Righteousness, a long bias, a slope. Chinese, Righteousness, Slope. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the Eight Banner Army passed through here, and due to the heavy crushing and trampling of the carriages and horses, a dirt road was formed on the slope, and in the Jurchen language, the dirt road was called the road. As a result, Bao Guy Luo was renamed Partial Daozi. In the middle of the Qing Dynasty, the Shandong people who broke into the Guandong moved into this area to settle in the wilderness, and the Shandong people continued to use the name of partial Daozi when they became Tun.

Moon Groove. Former name, Flyover Guy Luo. Geographical location, Wolfaidian Township New House Village Moon GouTun Tun. Righteousness, silver moon ticket. Chinese, righteousness, moon, the longest gully of the moon from the rising ditch to the west fall ditch. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the Jurchens panned for gold here, every evening the moon always rose at the mouth of the East Mountain, and fell at the mouth of the West Mountain in the early morning, because standing here to see the moon stay empty for the longest time, so people named this place Silver Ticket Ditch, at the end of the Ming Dynasty, the Shandong people who broke into the Guandong moved into the wilderness and panned for gold, and the Shandong people changed the silver ticket ditch to the moon ditch.

Jinjiaogou ( Jinjiaogou , formerly used name , Jinjiaogou Gangluo , geographical location , Jingjiagou Village , Yi , Dingzi , Jin Shengzi . In Chinese, cow horns, utensils made of cow horns for sand gold. In the early years, people panned for gold, and all the sand gold they found was packed in a gold jar made of horns. Folklore has it that this golden jar made from the horns of a cow is auspicious and festive. At that time, people had no culture and were convinced that they were not condensed, so anyone who came to pan for gold had to first buy a gold jar made of horns and wrap it in red cloth, so there were many gold panning points for sand gold with horns, and everywhere was horn wrapped in red cloth, so people named this place Golden Horn Ditch.

earth. Once used the name, big row guy Lo. Geographical location, Xiajiapu Town Dadi Village. Meaning, big row, big row, day. Chinese, yi, larger plots, acres. In the early years of the Qing Dynasty, the Jurchens began to abandon hunting and farming. In the Jurchen language, land is measured as a few days and rows or a few plots. Since there were no farming equipment to reclaim the land at that time, all the land was hillside land reclaimed with clumsy wooden tools. The Yan family of Shandong people who invaded the Kanto in the late middle and late Qing Dynasty moved into this area to open up the land, which improved the original reclamation methods and planting methods of the Jurchens in the past. The Yan family reclaimed a large piece of ploughing land in this area, so both jurchens and Han Chinese called this large area of cultivated land reclaimed by the Yan family the earth.

Yuan Family Temple. Former name, Yuan Guy Luo. Geographical location, Xiajiapu Town Yuanjiamiao Village. It means that the Yuan family immortals, the altar dedicated to the ancestors. Chinese, Righteousness, Family Temple. In the early years of the Qing Dynasty, the Yuan family moved to this place to settle in the wilderness, in order to sacrifice the ancestors, begging for the wind and rain to be smooth, the Yuan family built a temple, so people named this place Yuan Family Temple. In the late Qing Dynasty, the Jurchen Ilgen clan here was also changed to the surname Yuan, making the Yuan Family Temple more exuberant, and the name of the Yuan Family Temple was used when the village became a village.

One side of the mountain. Former name, Lotus GuyLoh. Geographical location, big lonely town on the side of the mountain village. Righteousness, lotus bubbles, there is a blister under the mountain. In Chinese, Yi, there is a swamp under a long large hillside. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, two Jurchen families became nobles here, these two nobles ran horses here to occupy the wilderness, the two noble families took the Qinghe River as the boundary, each occupied a mountain field, and the Yehe family occupied a large mountain field in the south of lotus gangluo, so people changed the lotus gangluo to a mountain. In the middle of the Qing Dynasty, the Shandong Zhang family moved into this area to settle in the wilderness, and continued to use the name of a mountain.

Pine mouth. Former name, Pine Tree GuyLo. Geographical location, big lonely town pine tree mouth village. Righteousness, card, bayonet. In Chinese, Yi, the gate at the head of the village, there is a gate-shaped entrance and exit made of two ancient pine trees on the way in and out of the village. After the construction of the wicker edge in the early years of the Qing Dynasty, the people traveling from Tieling County and Kaiyuan County had to travel eastward, and they had to pass through the section of the road where two ancient pines grew there, and it was like entering and exiting a huge mouth made of trees, so that the people who lived here changed the name of the pine tree Toro.

Xinglongtai. Former name, merchant desk. Geographical location, big lonely town Xinglongtai Village. Righteousness, prosperity, prosperity, fire. Chinese, righteousness, trade prosperity, prosperity. After the construction of the wicker border wall in the early years of the Qing Dynasty, the people of Tieling County and Kaiyuan County rushed to the east in chariots and horses, and they had to pass through this place and then cross the mountains and walk through the Ying'e Gate. The merchants who lived here seized the business opportunities of the chema pedestrians from now on, opened a beach bed by the Qinghe River, and sold mountain goods, fruits and food, so people called the beach bed of the merchant as the merchant's platform. Other people saw that the merchants were buying and selling, so they also went to this place to sell goods and shout, and inadvertently the merchants' desk became a thriving grocery market. As a result, people changed the business platform to Xinglong Platform.

Door face. Former name, door face guy Luo. Geographical location, Tukouzi Township Men face village. Righteousness, signboard. Chinese, righteousness, hanging dangzi, erected arches, plaques. After the construction of the wicker edge in the early years of the Qing Dynasty, the people from Tieling County and Kaiyuan County had to travel eastward through this place to cross the mountains and turn away from the Ying'e Gate. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, a few bold people sawed down the willow tree on the side of the wicker here, cut open the earthen embankment on the side of the wicker, and people did not have to go around, so these brave people set up a bayonet here to collect tolls, in order to remind the passers-by and cars and horses, a large plaque was hung above the wooden door of the checkpoint, and people could see the plaque like the door face when they walked on the road. Hence the name of the place Door Face.

Qingyuan Manchu Autonomous County is a place name of Manchu origin

Shi Yang. Former names, SunTou Guy Luo, North Monkey Stone Ditch Ditch. Geographical location, Shiyang Village, Tukouzi Township. Righteousness, lone stone, lying stone. Chinese, Righteousness, Hard stone. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, because the sun first shone on the lone stone in the early morning, people named this place Sun Ditch. In the middle of the Qing Dynasty, the Northern Monkey Stone outside the Sun Ditch was already a larger Gangluo, and the Sun Gully was only a small tunluo, and because the Sun Gully belonged to the Northern Monkey Stone Gangluo at that time, the Jurchen chieftain who lived in the Sun Gully took the stone of the Northern Monkey Stone, took the Yang of the Sun Gully, and changed the name of the Sun Gully to Shiyang.

Mazhanggou. Former name, Elm Bottom. Geographical location, Xiajiapu Town Jinjia Shack Village Mazhanggou Tun. Righteousness, shade, shadow. Chinese, meaning, area, scale, inch distance. In the early years of the Ming Dynasty, this place was called elm tree bottom. In order to let the horses eat grass freely, the Li family controlled the length of the rope every day, extending the rope by two feet every day, and after a month, the grass under the old elm tree was not only eaten by the horse, but also trampled by the horse into a small plain, and the small plain became a good place for the farmers to rest. As a result, people named this place Mazhanggou.

Ditch. Once used the name, Noisy Ditch Guy Luo. Geographical location, Rafters Gou Village, Ying'emen Town. Place-name meaning, righteousness, fist. Chinese, Yi, Yellow Skin, Fox. The origin of the place name, in the early years, the branches of an old tulip tree here were luxuriant, but there were a large number of nodules (wood knots) growing at the pole, large nodules like bowls, small nodules like fists, and the nodules on the entire pole were like the skin of craggy clams. Jurchen hunters regard this nodule as a treasure, because this nodule can be used to be twisted with a knife into a hard garlic jar, spinning and other utensils. The pattern is not only beautiful, but also durable and not deformed, so the Jurchen hunters named this ditch Fist Ditch, and the Han people who moved in because of the yellow skin and foxes in the ditch named this ditch Noisy Branch Ditch.

Tiger Cave Ditch. Former name, Tiger Guy Luo. Geographical location, Hongtuoshan Town North Zamu Village. Righteousness, machete, Chinese, righteousness, soap horn tree, elm tree, soap thorn board tree. In the early years of the Ming Dynasty, a cave inhabited here with a large tiger, so people called it Tiger Cave Ditch. In front of the Tiger Cave, there is a tall soap horn tree (elm), and every autumn the soap horns of the tree are like a machete hanging from the tree. Thus the Jurchen hunters translated the tiger cave as a machete.

Manta Ditch. Former name, Manta Galo. Geographical location, Xiajiabao Town GaoLizi Village. Righteousness, steamed buns. Chinese, Yi, round type mountain. In the middle of the Qing Dynasty, the Manchus began to change from hunting to farming, not only learning to cultivate land and farming, but also learning the pastry technique of steaming steamed steamed buns. But the Manchus have their own language, and the name for steamed buns is Manta. There is a steamed hill in a ravine near GaoLizi, so the Manchus called it Manta Mountain according to the shape of the mountain's steamed buns, and later when the Shandong people who invaded the Kanto moved in, the Shandong people continued to use the name of Manta Mountain.

Hanging bow ditch. Former name, Hanging Bow Guy Luo. Geographical location, Big Lonely Town Wang Dabao Village, Wang Xiaobao Village, Goumen Tun. Righteousness, badger, a small wild animal whose oil can heal burns and burns. Chinese, righteousness, hanging, hanging. One autumn at the end of the Ming Dynasty, a few Jurchens found that there was a badger hole in the big ravine, so they teamed up and dug into the ditch, and once they got to the ditch, one of the several people in the ditch hung his bow on the branch, and then used the wooden bureau (wooden tool) to cut the badger, because the badger cave was like a net, in the underground, there were multiple exits, and the badgers fled in all directions. When the Jurchens descended the mountain after catching a few badgers, the bow that was hanging from the branches of the tree was lost in the ravine. A few years later, bows and arrows were still hanging on the branches of the tree, so this ditch was called the hanging bow ditch, and the name of the hanging bow ditch also had the meaning of badger.

Dragon Phoenix Ditch. Former name, Pheasant Guy Lo. Geographical location, Nankouqian Town South Sanjia Village Village. Righteousness, around the bend, seven twists and eight turns, flinging. Chinese, meaning, bending. In the early autumn of the Qing Dynasty, a few Jurchens went into the mountains to hunt pheasants, and found a large python in the bend of the Pheasant Gangluo Ditch, which was as thick as a large bowl mouth, and the Jurchen hunters thought that this was not an ordinary snake, but a dragon. The Jurchen hunter had just taken a few steps when a pheasant suddenly flew up from the grass, and the colorful feathers fell to the ground. Originally, these Jurchen hunters were still in the horror of seeing the python just now, but they were actually startled by this suddenly startled pheasant, so the Jurchens thought that this was a phoenix, and the dragon phoenix ditch got its name.

Big dumb ditch. Once used the name, big dumb guy Lo. Geographical location, Nankouqian Town Wangjiabao Village LvjiabaoTun. Righteousness, night owls, owls, owls. Chinese, Yi, Owl, Cliff Eagle. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, in the mountains of Lüjiapu, there were many birds of prey such as owls that were considered to be mourning birds by humans, and the mourning birds always issued wailing and strange songs at night, and at night, no one dared to go out of the house, and they could only stay at home and even dare not speak loudly. In particular, pedestrians who go out and return late to walk on the mountain road are afraid to make a sound, so people name this place Big Dumb Ditch.

Come to Deer Ditch. Once used the name, to lu gang luo. Geographically, Nankouqian Town includes Wangjiapu Village, Golden Fort Tun and Lüjiabao Tun. Righteous, spacious, open, open. In Chinese, Yi, sika deer, wild deer, out of nowhere came a wild deer. Legend has it that as early as the Tang Dynasty's Zhenguan period, the Tang army passed through this place in the east, because the mountains were high and dense, the ravines were long, and the Tang army got lost. Just as the Tang army was wandering in the mountains, a deer shook its head and tail and came to the front of the line in an affectionate manner, this deer was so cute, the officers and men somehow, just when the officers and men were puzzled, the deer picked up the horse in front of the line with their mouths and walked south, and the officers and men followed behind the deer, and in only one hour the people and horses walked out of the mountain. Therefore, people call this place Lugou.

Mist Ridge. Former name, Hazelnut Guy Lo. Geographical location, Nankouqian Town South Sanjia Village. Righteousness, hazelnut poles, hazelnut trees, hazelnut pole rows. Chinese, righteousness, firewood field, large pieces of thorns. The Jurchens were hunter-gatherers and had a very accurate grasp of the seasons and seasons and natural variations. Hazelnut pole row, is the main natural environment for the growth of hazelnut mushrooms and yellow mushrooms, every early autumn autumn fog in the mountains, this season is the hazelnut mushrooms and yellow mushrooms unearthed and growing good season. So the Jurchens regarded whether there was fog above the hazelnut pole row as an instruction for picking mushrooms, and after a long time, the Jurchens named this place Mist Ridge.

Look like grooves. Once used the name, looking like a ditch guy Luo. Geographical location, Ao Jia Bao Township Dalaihe Village. Righteousness, eyes, holes in the trees. Chinese, righteousness, gully, ancient trees in ravines, cattle-like large ravines. In the middle of the Qing Dynasty, the Jurchens began to abandon hunting and farming, and learned to use agricultural tools and sow seeds with the Han People. The triangular wooden utensils of the cow pulling the plough on the neck of the cow are called the cow look, and the stiff rope of the plow is passed out in the center of the cow and the three eyes at both ends, so that the stiff rope is connected with the plough, and the cow look is also a large loss of objects, and it is often damaged and thrown away. One spring when planting land, people picked up the cows thrown in the ditch the previous year, so people named the place the look of the ditch.

Shimengou. Former name, Shimen Guylo. Geographical location, Wandianzi Town Damiao Village Mujuzitun. Righteousness, eagle, harrier eagle. Chinese, Yi, Eagle Zhan, (The eagle eats the rest after eating rabbits or pheasants and other small animals). One winter in the early years of the Qing Dynasty, a group of Jurchen children were skating on a small river, and suddenly an eagle flew into the air to the wicker dianzi in the distance, and the children went to check while skating, and the eagle saw someone come and flapped its wings and flew, and it turned out to be a rabbit that had been pecked open. "Oh! The children lit a fire by the small river and roasted the remaining rabbits. Since then, this place has been called Shimengou by the Jurchens.

Rolling Horse Ridge. Former name, Little Shen Shui Gang Luo. Geographical location, Wandianzi Town, Nanshan Town. Righteousness, rolling mountains, very long ridges. Chinese, righteousness, tall mountains. Origin of the place name, Rolling Horse Ridge is the largest primeval forest area in the Longgang Mountains of Changbai Mountains, and whenever the spring wind rises, the forest waves are fierce, and the tree waves roll, like ten thousand horses galloping. Since the end of the Ming Dynasty, it has been named Rolling Horse Ridge. In addition, according to legend, during the Tang Dynasty, Xue Li led a large group of people and horses to lead a large group of people and horses to pass through here, because the horses were moving forward on the ridge, so they left the name of rolling horse ridge. There is also a legend that the Khan king Nurhaci left behind when he fell off his horse on a horse across the ridge.

Lou Guy Lo. Once used the name, hit the stone guy Luo. Geographical location, Hongtuoshan Town under the Village of Dabao Tun on the Dabao Tun. Yi, the Jurchen Ningguta family lives here, the Chinese, Yi, Lu surnames live in the place where the family lives. In the middle of the Qing Dynasty, the Yening Guta clan changed its surname to Lu, so it was named Lu Guy Luo. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, coal was found in the mountains of Lu Guluo, but the people living in the mountains at that time did not know what coal was, and only by the color and brightness of coal, they guessed that it was Ugin, so Lu Jia luo was renamed Ujin Guyo. In the early years of the Republic of China, a capitalist named Mujido from Fengtian Province came here to open a coal mine, and only then did people understand that what they called Ugin was called coal.

Its stem is a big post. Former name, Longgang. Geographical location, Changshatun Village, Dasuhe Township. Righteousness, stand on poles. In Chinese, Yi, a large number of trees that have died due to pests and diseases standing on the ground. The temperature in the Changbai Mountains is mostly constant, but there are also extremely strict years. Extremely cold years of temperature can reach 38 to 42 degrees, as long as more than 38 to 42 degrees, there are many trees because of the climate of Yanzhai has been frozen to death, becoming light pole trees and standing poles, especially mountain elm, mountain poplar, old partridge eyes and other trees, the temperature will be extremely cold there will be a large area of death, become the light pole tree standing pole. Therefore, according to the Jurchen language's name for the light pole tree and the pole of the station, this place has the name of its gandagang.

Evergreen Reviews:

Manchu place names are an important part of Manchu culture. The study of Manchu geographical names is one of the important contents of the study of Qing history, especially the study of pre-Qing history, Manchu language studies, local history studies, local history studies, and toponymy studies. It has historical significance and practical significance. It deserves attention and support. Out of his love for Manchu culture, Mr. Kang has spared no effort to conduct a comprehensive investigation and investigation of qingyuan county's geographical names for decades, and strives to identify and select Manchu place names from a large number of place names, and has achieved great results and made great contributions! Should be given a positive and a thumbs up!

Correct identification, accurate translation and scientific examination of Manchu place names are not easy. It is not only necessary to have the theory of toponymy, but also to read the history books of the Ming and Qing dynasties, official documents, local chronicles and historical maps of the Ming and Qing dynasties, and to master more Manchu genealogies and Records of The Family And The Inscription of Zhong Ding. It is also necessary to have knowledge of Manchu language majors (written and spoken, official and local languages). It is also necessary to grasp the four-hundred-year evolutionary history of each place name. Only in this way can we correctly identify, verify and translate accurately, and not mislead the world. The words have roots, the evidence is well-founded, the scientific rigor is recognized by the academic community, and the world praises and avoids false rumors, hard work and fruitlessness, and self-destruction of reputation.

In order to support the authors in improving their results, Weyant makes the following suggestions:

1. Promote the general reading of "The Village of Qingyuan" into an academic research work. It can be called "Study of Manchu Geographical Names in Qingyuan".

2, the Research Base of Ethnic Minority Culture in Northern China has trained various IOs and Manchu language talents for Manchu counties such as Huanren Benxi in Qingyuan. A few years ago, the Manchu Institute of Geographical Names was established in Qingyuan County. Engaged in the study of Manchu place names in various counties in Fushun area. He is currently studying the book "Examination of Manchu Geographical Names in Qingyuan". Since Mr. Kang is not very proficient in Manchu, in order to avoid translation errors, it is recommended that you cooperate with him or join his organization to create achievements. The manuscript of the institute was officially published after being reviewed and revised by the experts of the base.

3, whoever writes Manchu place names must come up with historical evidence. Phonological changes and place-name evolutions are convincing.

4, it is necessary to test the original full pronunciation of place names and accurately translate them in order to be recognized by the academic community.

5. Manchu place names related to historical events and historical figures can be attached to the relevant history.

6, important legends related to place names can be briefly remembered. However, it is necessary to indicate the source of the legend and the address of the legendary person: name: annual order and interview: record person and other information.

7, the content of the legend should record the original words, regardless of its right or wrong, to be loyal to the original words, can not be changed and unauthorized. Personal acquaintances are noted separately below.

8, the Manchu geographical names related to geography should be simplified description of the geographical terrain and geomorphology. Place names related to animals, plants and property should be examined for reference to the translation of the evidence.

9, Manchu place name phonetics in addition to Chinese character marks must have Roman Zhuyin to facilitate correct translation and verify whether the translation is correct or not.

If you can achieve the above nine points, the academic work will be complete! Then the academic community recognizes, the world accepts, and the works are valuable!

Who can trust you that the translation is correct if you don't? Isn't it meaningless that no one believes that there is no propaganda and use value? Isn't it dwarfed when the main book is published?

My humble knowledge is for reference only, and I would like to talk about my caring heart and ears!

I hope that Teacher Kang will go further. Academic research results have long appeared in the world! Good luck!

Qingyuan Manchu Autonomous County is a place name of Manchu origin

The Manchu Culture Network published a group of articles by the author Kang Xipeng entitled "Manchu Place Names in Qingyuan Manchu Autonomous County", which was written in great detail. On the same day, @Cicheng Tsulitrim said that his hometown is Qingyuan, and @Cicheng Tsulitrim provided a few additional points, which are now shared with you.

As far as I know, one of these villages is like this: the Laterite Temple. Former name: Red Disciple Temple Guy Luo. Geographical location, Xiajiabao Town, Qingyuan County, Laterite Temple Village. righteousness:

Red Disciple Temple Guy Luo. Chinese, Yi: The temple where the red-robed lamas and disciples lived. In the early years of the Qing Dynasty, a red-clad lama led the disciples to this place to build a temple for practice, so the temple built was called the Red Disciple Temple, and later, with the passage of time, the name of the Red Disciple Temple was gradually falsely called the Red Clay Temple by the people living here.

In addition: Manta Ditch. Former name, Manta Galo. Geographical location, Xiajiabao Town GaoLizi Village. Righteousness, Manda. Chinese, Yi, Buddhist mascot. Later, when the Shandong people who invaded the Kanto moved in, the Shandong people continued to use the name of Manda Mountain.

In addition: Manda (Tower) Ditch. Former name, Manda (Tower) Guyo. Geographical location, Xiajiabao Town GaoLizi Village. Righteousness, Manda (Tower). Chinese, Yi, Buddhist mascot. Later, when the Shandong people who invaded the Kanto moved in, the Shandong people continued to use the name of Manda (Pagoda) Mountain.

Author @ Cicheng Tsurultrim

Manchu Culture Network original article.

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