
It's reversed! Chinese language and literature bloggers speak out for the Oriental selection: "Mountains and rivers are broken" is no problem

author:The fisherman chats

Recently, when the Oriental Selection anchor introduced the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, he used the word "broken mountains and rivers" to describe it, which instantly sparked extensive discussions among netizens, and everyone felt that it was a little inappropriate to use the word "broken mountains and rivers".

For a while, Dongfang Selection and the anchors involved were obviously scolded on the hot search. The anchor then apologized in an attempt to settle the matter and save his reputation.

It's reversed! Chinese language and literature bloggers speak out for the Oriental selection: "Mountains and rivers are broken" is no problem

But unexpectedly, the matter is not over yet.

Today, a blogger who graduated from a Chinese language and literature major spoke out for Dongfang Selection, and she thinks: There is no problem with the word broken mountains and rivers, everyone is too sensitive.

What's going on here?

Things reviewed

On June 22, the Oriental selection team was invited by the official of Guizhou Cultural Tourism to enter Dong Village, Zhaoxing, Guizhou Province, and launched a wonderful activity related to cultural tourism. However, when the anchor Ming Ming (Shi Ming) introduced the scenery of Guizhou to the audience in the live broadcast, he blurted out the words "broken mountains and rivers" to the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau.

It's reversed! Chinese language and literature bloggers speak out for the Oriental selection: "Mountains and rivers are broken" is no problem

The anchor described it like this: Everyone is familiar with the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, and it is the whole thing, if you look at it from the aerial overhead, he can really be described as a broken mountain and river.

The idiom "mountains and rivers are broken" originates from the Southern Song Dynasty poet Wen Tianxiang's "Crossing the Zero Ding Yang". The poem reads: "The mountains and rivers are broken and the wind is fluttering, and the life experience is ups and downs. It depicts the tragic scene of the country's turmoil and the shattering of mountains and rivers, as well as the poet's own ups and downs and the feeling of being helpless. Such a background and artistic conception form a sharp contrast with the beautiful mountains and rivers of Guizhou.

Therefore, it is indeed inappropriate to use "broken mountains and rivers" to describe Guizhou. It is understandable that netizens have expressed dissatisfaction and doubts about this.

It's reversed! Chinese language and literature bloggers speak out for the Oriental selection: "Mountains and rivers are broken" is no problem

Of course, we believe that the anchor's original intention was not malicious, and he may have wanted to depict the unique geomorphological features of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau.

In fact, when describing such a landform, we can choose more appropriate and vivid words, such as "thousands of ravines", "mountains and rivers", "longitudinal distribution", etc., which can more accurately describe the magnificent scenery of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau.

Guizhou Cultural Tourism deleted the video

With the rapid fermentation of the incident on the Internet, Guizhou Cultural Tourism expressed dissatisfaction. They originally intended to invite Dongfang Selection to promote the beauty of their hometown, but the expression of "three rivers broken" made Guizhou cultural tourism the focus of public opinion. Previously, Guizhou Cultural Tourism posted multiple accounts and tweets on Douyin to introduce the anchors and related videos selected by Dongfang. But after the incident, they deleted all the videos about Dongfang Selection, a move that clearly reflected their anger and dissatisfaction.

It's reversed! Chinese language and literature bloggers speak out for the Oriental selection: "Mountains and rivers are broken" is no problem

The anchor apologized

After a few days of fermentation, at 7 o'clock on June 29, the anchor in question posted a long article, responding to the relevant controversy and publicly apologizing.

It's reversed! Chinese language and literature bloggers speak out for the Oriental selection: "Mountains and rivers are broken" is no problem

Shi Ming said that why did he use "broken mountains and rivers" to describe the landform of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau? He doesn't delve into the multiple meanings behind it. When mentioning the terrain in the live broadcast, this term is unconsciously used, purely for the convenience of verbal expression, and there is no intention of "ulterior motives" or "deliberate".

In addition, because he was walking and commenting on the live broadcast, it was difficult to see the audience's comments and feedback in real time, so he was unable to correct this statement in time.

Finally, he felt that for an accurate description of the topography of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, more rigorous or appropriate words such as "broken surface" should be chosen.

It's reversed! Chinese language and literature bloggers speak out for the Oriental selection: "Mountains and rivers are broken" is no problem

After the anchor apologized, everyone stopped holding on. Although everyone has some complaints about Dongfang Selection, everyone will complain and no longer dwell too much on the past.

Bloggers who graduated from the Chinese language and literature major openly spoke out for the Oriental Selection

I thought that this matter was over at this point. However, on June 30, a blogger who graduated with a major in Chinese language and literature publicly spoke out for Dongfang Selection.

This blogger, who graduated from a Chinese language major, believes that the Oriental selection anchor is from the perspective of geography and landform. Its meaning here emphasizes how big the mountains and rivers are in Guizhou, and it is difficult to see continuous flat land. Actually, there is no problem with the usage of this word. The fermentation of the matter is because someone deliberately provoked the incident, and the back is infinitely magnified.


She also emphasized that if every word had to be analyzed word by word, then no one in the Chinese language and literature would dare to make an impromptu speech in public.

Netizens have different opinions about this blogger.

Some netizens agreed with this blogger's opinion.

It's reversed! Chinese language and literature bloggers speak out for the Oriental selection: "Mountains and rivers are broken" is no problem

Some netizens disagreed.

It's reversed! Chinese language and literature bloggers speak out for the Oriental selection: "Mountains and rivers are broken" is no problem

The fisherman has something to say

The fisherman feels that this word is indeed a bit controversial, but there is no need to go online, to put it bluntly, everyone knows that this anchor has no malice, since there is no malice, don't blame it too much.

What do you think?

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