
Why did warlords compete for regular troop titles during the Republic of China?

Warlords vying for a number? Indeed, it's kind of interesting to say.

In the eyes of our ordinary people, warlords have their own troops, as long as there are guns and people, what else do they want? Isn't it just a string of numbers? There's nothing to compete for.

If you have such an idea, he is wrong.

In fact, not only the warlords will fight over this matter, but also the central army under Chiang Kai-shek's hands will also compete for this matter.

Why? Why is this trumpet so fragrant? Of course, the reasons why the Central Army competed for the number and the warlords competed for the number were different.

Let's first talk about the reasons why the Central Army is competing for the number.

Why did warlords compete for regular troop titles during the Republic of China?

First of all, a number, which is equivalent to the name of a unit, represents the inheritance and glory of your unit, as soon as others hear this number, they know what this unit has done before, soldiers? Military merit badges, glory is what is their face. The number is gone, the glory is gone, this and that can be endured.

Take an example.

For example, if you say the Eighteenth Army of the Kuomintang, as soon as you say this, a small friend who understands history will have to say, "Isn't this one of Chiang Kai-shek's five main forces?" Chen Cheng's troops? ”

You see, the meaning of a number represents more, if you know more about the small partner, it will tell you directly.

"More than that! This was also Chiang Kai-shek's most consorted unit, the earliest to build the army, not only participated in the War of Resistance Against Japan, but also in the warlord war. At the Songhu Luodian garbage dump, the Eighteenth Army and the Japanese Third Division fought for a month, when the entire Luodian was bleeding from the pestle, and it was also called the Flesh and Blood Mill by the Japanese! ”

You see, this even merit can bring you out, this is the hidden effect of a number, from a number can read a lot of things, that is, with the sacrifice of the results of the dye.

Casually change you, how do you feel about the troops?

In fact, the eighteenth army of this number was originally unremarkable, nothing unusual, the earliest is the northwest army used the number.

Later, after 1929, the Unit of the Northwest Army was abolished, and the number was emptied, after all, it was not a unit of the Central Army? Chiang Kai-shek seized the opportunity to definitely lay you off.

So why did this Eighteenth Army's trumpet fall into Chen Cheng's hands?

This is because in 1930, the Central Plains War broke out between the Kuomintang.

At that time, Chen Cheng took his eleventh division and was the first to attack Jinan, which was a great achievement, and as a reward chiang kai-shek gave Chen Cheng the number of the eighteenth army.

Chen Cheng was originally a division, and the Eighteenth Army was a military rank, which was equivalent to the treatment of a division of Chen Cheng to be expanded into an army.

Later, this unit, Chen Cheng, handed over to Hu Lian, hey, it was downsized in time for the restructuring. The Eighteenth Army was reverted back to the Eleventh Division, with a prefix added to its front. In fact, it is still at the military level, and during the Republic of China period, it was said that the reorganized division was actually similar to the meaning of the military-level unit.

Then the number of the Eighteenth Army was empty again, so Chiang Kai-shek gave this number to a local unit in Sichuan.

Why did warlords compete for regular troop titles during the Republic of China?

The old fan number is so gone, speaking of the roots, Chen Cheng is also heartbroken for half a day, after all, he has changed the feelings and merits he had invested before, which is gone, which is equivalent to Chen Cheng's old fan number of the civil engineering department.

This made Chen Cheng feel bad, and he said that he was always worried about this number in his heart no matter what.

So you see that the eleventh integrated division and other integrated divisions are together, and this is to form a combat unit at the corps level. Then, taking advantage of such an opportunity, Chen Cheng stubbornly arranged for this corps to come out with an integrated Eighteenth Army.

There is a sense of nostalgia in it.

Why? This integrated Eighteenth Army and the Eighteenth Army are completely two concepts, one is at the corps level and the other is at the army level, and this is the feeling, and he cannot forget it.

However, during the Republic of China period, the whole army was not once or twice, and the number changed from time to time.

Later, the Kuomintang tried to restore the reorganized division to an army, and as soon as this matter was implemented, Chen Cheng immediately asked for this number and pressed it on the head of his entire reorganized eleventh division.

Heck, that's back. Do you say it's a small thing? This is really different in the army, and when it comes to the Eighteenth Army, the first thing that big guys think of is chen cheng's old base unit, fighting a hard battle, an elite unit.

As for the former Northwest Army and the Sichuan army in the middle, they were directly ignored.

One more thing.

Why did warlords compete for regular troop titles during the Republic of China?

Everyone knows that on August 20, 1937, the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China issued an order that the First Front, the Second Front, the Fourth Front, and the Northwest Red Army of the Red Army of the Red Army accepted the reorganization of the Kuomintang.

This was the second cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communists after the all-out War of Resistance.

Finally, under the consultation of both sides, the Red Army established the Eighth Route Army, referred to as the Eighth Route Army, with three divisions under its jurisdiction.

Speaking of which, let's explain, what was the road in the Republic of China period?

This is a temporary organization during combat time, usually used at the campaign or tactical level, and will be cancelled after the end of the operation.

But at that time, China had been fighting wars, so in the ten years of civil war of the Kuomintang, it was not abolished, but he was retained as a command structure, and the highest commander of the road was the commander-in-chief.

Then according to the general explanation, the lower side of this road should be set up with an army, which is greater than the army. In fact, to be clear, this army is equivalent to a corps.

However, the organization during the Republic of China period was very chaotic, and some roads only had divisions and no troops, for example, the Eighth Route Army, which was reorganized into the Red Army, had three divisions below.

There were some roads where he had no troops at all and was an empty shelf.

Therefore, these road armies are large and small, and many small partners are confused when they read the data, which is also a matter of no way.

After all, if the army was really established according to the words of the Road Army, the troops of the various factions that Chiang Kai-shek would face would swell up, and he would be able to collect a number and not be afraid of size.

Well, that's too far a stretch, and we'll go on.

It is said that the True Eighth Route Army is an unwanted name in the Kuomintang battle sequence.

You don't look at it as a number that people don't want, but this number is a bit historical.

When the Fourth Army of the National Revolutionary Army was in the Northern Expedition, the big guys had heard of it, right? The Ye Ting Independent Regiment was his subordinate unit.

Later, the Fourth Army was expanded and became the Eighth Route Army. The commander of this unit was first Li Jishen, then Chen Jitang.

Chen Jitang launched the Liangguang Incident in 1936, and this title was revoked and is now handed over to the Eighth Route Army.

Why did warlords compete for regular troop titles during the Republic of China?

Therefore, at that time, the number of the Eighth Route Army was an empty shelf, and the number of the three divisions under its jurisdiction was the number of the Northeast Army.

At that time, after the Xi'an Incident, Chiang Kai-shek carried out a reorganization of the Northeast Army, and the Northeast Army had seventeen divisions, and after a lot of rectification, seven divisions were withdrawn. The Kuomintang's purpose in doing so is self-evident.

The number of the three divisions of the Eighth Route Army is one of these seven divisions, and after fighting here, in the impression of the big guys, it is said that the Communist army is the Eighth Route Army, and the Eighth Route Army is the communist unit (the New Fourth Army was reorganized in October).

When the Eighth Route Army was established in August, it advanced into the North China Battlefield to fight the Japanese.

You don't know that at that time, the Kuomintang troops were gradually defeated and retreated on the battlefield in North China, and finally Yan Xishan, a warlord, was anxious to see the Eighth Route Army enter Shanxi to help.

As soon as I said this, I felt funny, before the Eighth Route Army wanted to replenish some ammunition from Yan Xishan, Yan Xishan was not willing to shake his head and refuse. This time, he was hit by the Japanese, and immediately offered 500,000 rounds of Type 79 bullets, 500,000 rounds of medium-sized bullets, and 200 submachine guns with their feet.

You must know that Chiang Kai-shek's supplies for the Eighth Route Army are not guns, and even the ammunition allocation is buckled.

If nothing else, after the Eighth Route Army entered Shanxi, on September 25, the Battle of Pingxingguan was a mighty battle, annihilating more than a thousand people of the Twenty-first Brigade of the Japanese Fifth Division.

What is it? This is glory. On the North China Battlefield, the Chinese army took the initiative to find an opportunity to annihilate the first big victory of the Japanese army, and then the 115th Division fought all the way to the west of Hebei, recovering ten county seats, and the 129th Division attacked the Japanese airfield at Yangmingbao at night.

Why did warlords compete for regular troop titles during the Republic of China?

Saying this does not seem to be in line with the main question, but you must know that in fact, the name of the Eighth Route Army really did not take long, and later the National Government changed the name of the Eighth Route Army to the Eighteenth Army.

Why did it change that way? At that time, the reason was that the battle sequence of the three armies of the national navy and army was changed from the army to the group army, so there was a change of name.

However, the name of the Eighth Route Army had long been called out, and the common people still liked to call the Communist Party's troops the Eighth Route Army. After all, it is the Japanese who used this number to fight, and also defeated the Japanese, you want to have feelings for the people, let alone the troops.

Therefore, even if the name of the Eighth Route Army became the Eighteenth Army, it could be like this, and the people loved to shout.

This is the honor of a unit, melted into feelings, and no unit likes to casually throw away its feelings.

Another reason for warlords to compete for the number.

Why did warlords compete for regular troop titles during the Republic of China?

It is said that from the end of the Northern Expedition to the July 7 Incident, there were almost ten years. The Kuomintang carried out the reorganization of the army many times, and successively promulgated nine types of army divisions.

Therefore, in the kuomintang's organization, if you take it out and look at it, there will be a situation where the unit number used by the same unit is changed instead.

The basic purpose of making so many establishments is to reduce the armies of warlords everywhere and weaken their strength.

After all, in politics, China is unified, and you have to listen to the upload and order, give you a few compilations, and you have to respond.

After all, there are troops with a number of trumpets, he eats the national meal, the national government pays the food, eats and drinks, the battle is consumed, the gun is replenished, even if it is small, he must have a share.

There is no number, it looks like an army, but the national government does not care, you want to eat and drink want to replenish yourself to find a way.

Raising a troop, the money and grain spent is unknown, and the money and grain must be doubled when the army moves, right?

Speaking of this, it is estimated that some small partners have to say: "How many troops can this be?" ”

Look at what you said, Xiaobian knows what you mean, after all, at the time of the Northern Expedition, the National Revolutionary Army only had eight armies combined and only 100,000 people.

How much can be redeveloped? One million is almost, after all, during the Beiyang warlord period, the whole country was only one and a half million.

But what you don't know is that two years ago, during the Northern Expedition, the National Revolutionary Army snowballed and grew.

Let's take some data from the end of 1928, after the end of the Northern Expedition, to make you feel it.

At that time, Chiang Kai-shek's Central Army, which included the concubines, semi-concubines, and collateral lineages, had expanded to 550,000 people.

Feng Yuxiang's Northwest Army also had 500,000, Yan Xishan's Jin Sui Army had 280,000, and Li Zongren's Gui clan had 300,000.

If you add the armies of other factions of those small heads, you will be counted as two and a half million, and if you think it is more, two million will be less.

These people don't produce, eat, drink, sleep, and consume all kinds of battles, that's definitely an astronomical number.

Why did warlords compete for regular troop titles during the Republic of China?

Moreover, most of the troops here are other factions that cannot be accepted by Chiang Kai-shek, so Chiang Kai-shek intends to use the matter of the number to squeeze these warlords.

So in August 1928, you saw that the Second Plenary Session of the Fifth Central Committee of the Kuomintang adopted the "Collation of military cases", and in January 1929, the Kuomintang held a national assembly meeting, which began to reorganize the army and reduce the troops of the warlords by number.

Why? Chiang Kai-shek reorganized his army, and he did not complete the whole army until he was defeated and retreated, and this was only the beginning.

So this start is not good, after all, there are so many numbers, which is enough for more than two million troops to divide?

So the angry warlords set their sights on Chiang Kai-shek, and finally we saw the outbreak of the Central Plains War between Chiang Kai-shek and the other three families, Feng Yuxiang, Yan Xishan, and Li Zongren.

You see, they fought for the sake of the number, so the number is definitely not a small problem.

You don't know that in the later period of the Northern Expedition, these three families were united to fight Zhang Zuolin, until Zhang Zuolin's emperor Gutun was killed, and his son Zhang Xueliang took over the Northeast Army and carried out the Northeast Yizhi, and this Northern Expedition ended.

Unexpectedly, the four companies cooperated not long ago, and this was a fight again. It was not until Zhang Xueliang led the Northeast Army into the customs to support Chiang Kai-shek that the Central Plains War was summed up with Chiang Kai-shek's victory.

So we saw He Yingqin as Chiang Kai-shek's right hand, and we began to investigate the situation of the troops throughout the country, the number of soldiers, the equipment, and the number of horses.

Why did warlords compete for regular troop titles during the Republic of China?

This began the reorganization of the army, and a nineteen-year establishment was solemnly introduced, which was the first organization of the Kuomintang.

In the end, eight army divisions were withdrawn one after another.

So we can see the strange process of Chen Cheng's starting capital of the Eighteenth Army, which was obviously an army, turned into an integrated division, and then changed from an integrated division to an army.

So the number represents military pay, supplies, and what else?

There really is, a number is recognized, wherever you go, this is considered to be the establishment of the Kuomintang, even if he is embarrassed by you, he will not come clearly, but if you do not have a compilation, even if he is clearly stuck to you, you are not rudderless.

Let's not say anything else, it is estimated that the big guys have all seen "Bright Sword", and old Li Ke said that when he did not have a number and wanted to cross the river, the Kuomintang used him to re-organize it as an excuse, that is, he would not let it pass, and later he walked with the troops behind him and borrowed the number of others to cross the river.

This is an example.

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