
The Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival was held in Datong

author:Datong Political And Legal

Golden autumn is refreshing, and the years are rich. On the occasion of the fourth "Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival", the land in the clouds was full of abundant grain and fruitful fruits, and the vast number of peasant friends in the city gathered together, sang and danced, shared the joy of harvest, celebrated the centenary of the founding of the party, and talked about the beautiful vision of rural revitalization. On September 23, the autumn equinox of the lunar calendar, the 2021 Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival Datong Celebration and Yanggao Agricultural Products Exhibition with the theme of "Celebrating the Harvest, Feeling the Gratitude of the Party and Promoting Revitalization" was held in Bianbao Village, Changcheng Township, Yanggao County. Zhang Jifu, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, attended the ceremony and announced the opening of the harvest festival celebration and exhibition.

Yue Kuiqing, deputy director of the Provincial Forestry and Grassland Bureau, was invited to attend. Gu Ming, director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, Gao Xianghua, chairman of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Wang Tiemei, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and director of the Propaganda Department, Zhou Peng, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and secretary general of the Municipal Party Committee, and Ren Xijie, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and executive vice mayor, attended the meeting.

The Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival was held in Datong

This year is the opening year of the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan", the whole city has deeply studied and implemented General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on the work of "three rural areas" and the important instructions of the important speech on inspecting Shanxi, fully implemented the deployment requirements of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, firmly grasped the historical shift and development trend of the focus of the "three rural" work, anchored the "special" and "excellent" strategy, vigorously developed modern agriculture in accordance with the development path of "garden plus planting and raising business, tourism and research", the construction of the Demonstration Zone of the Agricultural and Pastoral Staggered Belt in Yanmenguan continued to consolidate and deepen, and the construction of the "Northern Meat" platform took a solid step, Huanghua Industrial clusters such as traditional Chinese medicine products and medicinal tea are growing day by day, and brands such as "Datong Good Grain", "Datong Huanghua" and "Hunyuan Astragalus" continue to become stronger and better. In the past five years, all 6 poverty-stricken counties and districts in the city have removed their hats, 311,400 poor people have all been lifted out of poverty, and the growth rate of per capita disposable income of rural residents has steadily ranked first in the province. In particular, Yanggao County, as a major agricultural county in the city, has been focusing on poverty alleviation and consolidation, industrial prosperity and revitalization since the beginning of this year, and the four pillar industries of apricot fruits, vegetables, small grains, and animal husbandry have achieved bumper harvests, and have achieved both production and marketing.

The Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival was held in Datong

At the opening ceremony, on behalf of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, Ren Xijie extended festive congratulations to the vast number of peasant friends and comrades fighting on the "three rural" fronts in the city. It is hoped that the vast number of peasant friends will feel the gratitude of the party, listen to the party, follow the party, continue to roll up their sleeves and work hard, and constantly create a better life; I hope that all sectors of society and governments at all levels will think and work hard together, care about the development of the "three rural areas", devote themselves to the cause of "three rural areas", make concerted efforts to transform Datong's agricultural advantages into a winning trend of development and the advantages of enriching the people, continue to promote high-quality and efficient agriculture, livable and workable in the countryside, and rich and prosperous peasants, strive to write a new chapter in the revitalization of the countryside in the new era, and contribute to the city's "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" The transformation of the prototype lays a solid foundation.

The Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival was held in Datong

This year's Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival Datong Celebration, sponsored by the Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Government, the Municipal Agriculture and Rural Bureau, the Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, the Yanggao County Party Committee and the County Government, aims to fully demonstrate the fruitful results achieved by the city in consolidating poverty alleviation and the gratifying changes made in the implementation of rural revitalization, and express the joy of the vast number of farmers celebrating the harvest and thanking the party. The fruits of the harvest were sunburned, the sonorous gongs and drums were beaten, and the harvest festival opened in the cheerful melody of the dance "Great Harvest", and the leaders attending the meeting issued plaques to the county's leading industry leaders, professional experts in the agricultural field, and industrial kings in the agricultural field. Duotai "Happy Harvest Singing", song and dance "On the Field of Hope", chorus "Without the Communist Party, There Would Be No New China"... The wonderful and colorful programs were staged one after another, and the local cadres and masses and guests and friends from all walks of life used different ways to praise the party's good policies and sing about a happy new life, and the scene was filled with a joyful atmosphere.

The Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival was held in Datong
The Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival was held in Datong
The Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival was held in Datong

It is reported that during the celebration, the Yanggao Agricultural Products Exhibition will also be held at the same time, and the exhibition will last until October 8, bringing together a number of local green and organic agricultural products such as "Yanggao Apricot Preserves", "Selenium-rich Red Tomatoes" and "Great Wall Mutton" and special agricultural products in various counties and districts, and through the online e-commerce platform to help agricultural sales, offline organization of agricultural products exhibition and sales and other forms to broaden sales channels, open up sales channels for the city's characteristic agricultural products, and promote the consolidation and expansion of the effective connection between the results of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization.

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