
A handful of common perilla leaves force out the cold and dampness in the body in summer, so that nodular fibroids have nothing to hide

author:Director of the Department of Gynecology Ha Hong

Today I will share with you a miraculous Chinese medicine, its role is simply one word: Tong, specializing in the treatment of "qi stagnation" in our body. It is a kind of Chinese herb that can be seen everywhere at the doorstep - perilla leaves.

Perilla leaves not only have the effect of warming and yang, but also can be used for both medicine and food, not only for drug treatment, but also for cooking porridge or making tea to drink.

During the consultation, I noticed that many patients with nodular fibroid symptoms often have a loss of appetite, mainly because of the cold and dampness remaining in the internal organs. In fact, this kind of problem is closely related to phlegm drinking, evil qi and stasis in the body, especially for people with phlegm-damp constitution.

In response to this situation, the effect of perilla leaves to disperse cold is reflected. Perilla leaves can regulate the internal functions of the human body by dredging the ventilator, and are very effective for nodular diseases caused by qi stagnation and phlegm coagulation. In addition, it can also warm the body, promote qi and blood circulation, and have a good effect on improving various symptoms caused by poor qi and blood.

A handful of common perilla leaves force out the cold and dampness in the body in summer, so that nodular fibroids have nothing to hide

The human body is like a river, if the flow of qi and blood is blocked and the siltation is serious, it is easy to lead to the formation of nodules and fibroids. Perilla leaves can effectively dredge and regulate the qi of the whole body, eliminate all undesirable factors such as qi stagnation, cold condensation, phlegm dampness, blood stasis and other bad factors in the body, so as to achieve the purpose of regulating thyroid nodules, breast nodules, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts and other symptoms.

There was a female patient who had undergone a breast nodule surgery, and this time the breast nodule recurred by 1.3cm and the uterine fibroid grew by 3.6cm, so when she heard the doctor's suggestion to let her operate again, she did not agree, and finally found me.

Despite her calm tone, she admits that she usually has a lot of mood swings, is easily irritated, and her breasts are swollen and painful when she is angry, accompanied by sputum production.

In response to this case, I prescribed an exclusive formula that included perilla leaves, astragalus, licorice, tangerine peel, northern bupleurum, atractylodes, Qingbanxia, Zhejiang fritillary, cat's claw, mountain mushroom, magnolia bark and Poria cocos.

A handful of common perilla leaves force out the cold and dampness in the body in summer, so that nodular fibroids have nothing to hide

After one week of medication, patients reported an improvement in their mood. After a course of treatment, the breast tenderness disappears. Subsequently, the prescription is adjusted to continue to dissipate nodules and fibroids, and topical plasters are added. After three courses of treatment, the results of the re-examination showed that the nodules and fibroids had been significantly reduced.

Why is it so prescribed?

As we all know, in a normal river, the water flow is unimpeded, but if there is a lot of sediment and garbage, the riverbed is easy to silt and block;

The liver meridian in our body is like this river, if we are always angry and the liver meridian is blocked, qi depression, phlegm coagulation, and blood stasis will become entangled in the neck, breasts, uterus and ovaries, forming nodular fibroid cysts. Therefore, as long as these blockages are removed, nodular fibroids will disappear naturally.

How to remove it?

First of all, as a "sharp weapon" to clear obstacles, Bupleurum helps to restore the circulation of qi and blood.

A handful of common perilla leaves force out the cold and dampness in the body in summer, so that nodular fibroids have nothing to hide

Secondly, it is very important to regulate qi and dissolve phlegm, with the help of medicinal materials such as tangerine peel, atractylodes, Zhejiang fritillary, magnolia bark and Poria cocos, to help the body get rid of the phlegm and dampness that has formed.

Finally, the nourishment of yang and qi should not be neglected. When the yang energy in the body is full, it will be twice the result with half the effort to resolve the blockage. Perilla leaves are a high-quality medicinal herb that helps the body to get rid of cold and enhance yang energy, like a beam of warm sun, illuminating the body and driving away cold and damp evil energy.

In addition, Qingbanxia, cat's claw and mountain mushroom are all experts in reducing swelling and pain, dissolving phlegm and dissipating knots, which help relieve physical discomfort and further disintegrate nodules. In this way, we work together to overcome nodules and fibroids.

Compared with Western medicine, which treats headaches and foot pain, Chinese medicine pays more attention to overall conditioning. By regulating the qi, blood, yin and yang of the whole body, we can solve the problem from the root cause and achieve both symptoms and root causes.

There is a cloud in "Treatise on Typhoid Fever": "Those who are sick and drink phlegm should be tempered with warm medicine." It means that patients with phlegm, dampness and cold drinks should be treated with warm medicines. Perilla leaves are such warm herbs, which have the effects of warming the yang and dissipating cold, regulating qi and neutralizing the body.

A handful of common perilla leaves force out the cold and dampness in the body in summer, so that nodular fibroids have nothing to hide

Some friends may wonder why the conditioning of traditional Chinese medicine needs to be so cumbersome, and even need to adjust the prescription according to the constitution and condition? In fact, TCM emphasizes syndrome differentiation and treatment, and adjusts prescriptions according to individual differences and changes in the condition to achieve the goal of curing diseases.

For example, the compatibility of perilla leaves with other herbs, although perilla leaves are effective, may not achieve the best results unless they vary from person to person. Just like cooking, the same ingredients can produce a wide variety of textures, depending on the heat and the use of condiments.

In the same way, Chinese medicine conditioning needs to master the heat and matching skills in order to exert the maximum efficacy.


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