
When a person does not read, he thinks that he knows everything, that he can do everything


Time flies fast, today is already, the first day of 2022, are you still satisfied with this year? Did you get the results you wanted?

When you really use your heart to remember this year, are you ashamed of your mediocrity and wasted time, or are you more looking forward to the arrival of 2022 because of the enrichment of 2021?

In 2022, women with high emotional intelligence will develop their own three micro-habits, and I set myself goals for 2022.

When a person does not read, he thinks that he knows everything, that he can do everything

1. Write 2 to 3 novels

The most important thing for people is to learn to get out of the comfort zone, and I have been in the comfort zone of the moment for at least three years.

By the time I got to the same path, that sense of anticipation, that excitement, that freshness was gone.

Because I'm doing the same thing, because I know myself, the ceiling of doing things, and I know my flaws, and I know my strengths.

If I want to make myself more powerful, I have to step out of my comfort zone and let myself walk around to accept the test of life.

When a person does not read, he thinks that he knows everything, that he can do everything

Instead of always staying in the comfort zone, always experience a life like a boiled frog in warm water.

The most important goal for 2022 is to complete 2 to 3 novels first.

Doing anything is the hardest in the beginning, and it's the same for me, even though I've been dealing with words for years, and I still need to start from scratch like a new student when it comes to writing novels.

When you really want to do something in life, you often don't need to have so much scruples and anxiety, anyway, you can just bury your head and do it, stupidly insist, time will always speak.

2. Stick to the daily more platform articles

From the time I started writing, the platform gave me so much encouragement and gave me so much touch.

So far, the luck in my writing has been given to me by the platform.

Once in order to learn to write articles, for most of the year, I did not watch a TV series, did not chase a movie, did not have any intersection, just to let myself, develop the habit of self-discipline, is to let myself, enjoy the life of writing.

Three years on, writing really is, bringing me so many touching and unexpected surprises.

I really chose myself, liked the lifestyle, I really cared about myself, the life I had dreamed of.

I can sleep until I wake up naturally every day, I don't need to squeeze the subway, bus commute, I don't need to look at anyone's face, I don't need to listen to any grievances, I just need to manage myself, as long as I do my own things well, it's particularly good.

In 2022, I will stick to the daily more platform, adhere to the daily more article, which is what I have to do every day.

When a person does not read, he thinks that he knows everything, that he can do everything

Because of the daily more article, I was transformed from a lazy person into a self-disciplined person;

Because of the daily change article, I also saw more possibilities in myself, and it turned out that I could really make myself more powerful step by step.

I want to write, in my opinion, that there is nothing easier than writing an article, and there is no one thing that makes me happier than writing an article.

I am grateful that I am so lucky, because of writing, I have met a lot of friends with positive energy, and I have seen my own possibilities in other people. Thank you thank you thank you.

When a person does not read, he thinks that he knows everything, that he can do everything

3. Keep reading 40 books

In 2021, one of the worst things to do is to read too little, resulting in a depressed mood in the second half of last year, and the energy is particularly depressed.

As I approached the December equinox, there was always a voice in my heart telling me that I really wanted to read a book, and I should calm down and read a book.

Suddenly, because of some opportunity, I met a lot of people like me, who liked to read books on the same frequency, and we planned to read one book a week in the same reading circle, and at least 40 books a year.

When a person does not read, he thinks that he knows everything, that he can do everything

In the past, I always felt that reading books was a particularly troublesome thing, and when I insisted on reading books for a week in a row, I really felt that reading books was a very good thing.

When a person does not read, he thinks that he knows everything, that he is omnipotent;

When a person begins to read, the book will illuminate his own shallowness and narrowness;

When a person begins to read, he will truly understand what the ancients said, and if he does not read for a day, he will look abominable.

As someone said, the reason why you want to read is to talk to the great soul, maybe you can't remember the book you read at the moment, and after three days, you will finish reading it.

When a person does not read, he thinks that he knows everything, that he can do everything

But the books you read, like the meals you've eaten before, will become your present nourishment, and will shine into your future.

I have always believed that a person who has read 10 books and a person who has read 300 books have a completely different life.

For a person to become powerful, and a person who wants to change his destiny, he must start with deep reading.

If you return to marriage and your man begins to dislike you, then you should first read well, even if reading will not change any of your thoughts, it will also make your heart quiet.

In 2022, the three micro-habits of a woman's value-added life, from writing novels, insisting on writing articles and insisting on reading books, are enough to rewrite your life.

When a man dislikes you more in marriage, it is not the time when you should complain more, but the time when you should sink your heart and change yourself well.

When women are really getting stronger, you will attract a lot of good people, a lot of good things, and when you bloom like a butterfly, the breeze will also come.

Because women with high emotional intelligence will know that trying to change others is neurotic, changing themselves in marriage is often easier and often more practical.

All you have ever given, will definitely illuminate your life in the future, give you support and strength, come on, 2022!

Thank you for your love, I am Arbor, a million leopard print author, dedicated to marriage emotions, heart-warming stories. Follow me and you'll find more great content.

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