
Horoscope analysis of the stem branch on January 5, 2022

Horoscope analysis of the stem branch on January 5, 2022

Zhen Qian/Wen (Original)

Time combination of January 5, 2022: Gengzi Month of the Year of the Ugly or Noon of the Month of the Ugly Moon

It's a cold day. Fortune, talk about things is easy to succeed, there are many expensive people, but it is also easy to misunderstand, or work career is easy to make mistakes.

Some people have asked such a question, saying why the same house, or the same place, or the same apartment type, why is it good at any time, but why is it that the other time is very bad, there are many things, and the same is still such a house, but the difference or difference will be so big. Because in everyone's understanding or cognition, the thing is still this thing, there is no reason for such a big change or even the auspiciousness is completely opposite. In fact, this is because we do not understand the nature of time, do not know the characteristics of time, or say that everything changes or changes in things apart from time, these are not objective, still more unreasonable, but only "wishful thinking" assumed ideas. You think, in or around our lives, what things can be completely divorced from time to talk about its change and development? This is not possible. Only when everything is looked at in the long river of time can it be objective, reasonable, and real. For example, the same tree, in the spring is germination, in the summer is flowering, in the autumn is the fruit, in the winter is the deciduous leaves, the tree is still this tree, but because of the change of the four seasons and show different states, information, phenomena, can you say that it is strange? This is not at all surprising, for things must be constantly showing different states and changing characteristics because of the action of time. For example, the same combination of birth time, the horoscope of the young, the horoscope of middle age, the horoscope of the later years is another, and there are also such or such forms in the whole trajectory, completely different combinations and embodiments, can you say that this birth time combination is not normal? Of course not. Although it is also a combination of this birth time, it will show different good and bad and change because of different fortunes, which is the most subtle aspect of the time combination. So, specific to a unit, a house, or a place is not exactly like this? The same will have different changes because of the role of time, but this time period is longer than the general four seasons, longer than the general great luck, this we call as the earth transport, such as the current eight luck, followed by the nine luck, this is the house, is the temporal nature of space, because of the force of such a ground transport, so the same house in different land transport, the natural good or bad, but also completely different. It's just that the time law of this earth transport is less known, or less understood. But it is not deceiving oneself to say that it does not exist or does not exist at all because few people know or do not understand it. Therefore, in fact, there is change in the unchanging, there is no immutable thing, things must be constantly changing with time. Of course, there are also changes that are unchanged, for example, although a house will have different embodiments in different yuan fortunes, no matter how it changes, the house is still this house. Therefore, we must see both the changing side of things and the unchanging side of things, which is two of the three characteristics mentioned in Yixue. I personally believe that these two characteristics are cross-interacting, are cross-reflected in each other, and all things must follow such characteristics at the same time. Only by seeing the two sides of things unchanged and changing at the same time can we be regarded as a complete and truly aware of the whole of this thing. Otherwise, what you see is only one side or a small part of something.

Looking at the time combination of this day, it is the pentasoil yen, this pentasoil yen meets the Xinjin on the year is a wounded officer, whether it is Gengzi or Xin ugly on the moon, this wounded officer is an established fact in the year, from here can we understand that it is easier to have some tongues, right or wrong, or misunderstanding? Including this work career is also more prone to mistakes, or it is relatively easy to be distracted, not enough concentration, too many things to interfere with, or too much distraction, or too much distraction. Moreover, it is easy to cause new problems or new troubles because of these things, or because of these reasons, some things that are originally simple become complicated, not so easy or not so easy to solve, and so on. Because of this, in this day, we should try to be as careful as possible, if we want to cause some, we should also be more rigorous, and we should be more serious and focused, so as to avoid work or career, business, business because of such reasons there will be losses or will break the wealth, or offend others and so on. At the same time, it also shows that the communication and communication with the boss and the elders in this day is not tacit, or the thinking of each other is not so consistent. This day includes communication with family members should also pay attention to proportion, pay attention to the way of expression, pay attention to the time of expression, and so on. Even so, there are some places in this day where the combination is good, where is the good? For example, this year's ugly soil is a noble person of penta soil, not only a noble person, this ugly soil can also help the body to win the wealth, so yes, in this day, it is also good fortune, profit seeking wealth, profit business, and good things in wealth. Moreover, it is easier to get help or help from others in the work career or business business. Also, that is, although the gold discouragement is obvious, but the noon fire of the day also appeared in time, so this penta soil is not weak and naturally can be qualified for the fortune star, so from this point of view, this day is also profitable, or prosperous, or there are some surprises. However, in this meridian rush, it seems that there will be some urgent things in this day, or some urgent things will be encountered, or some urgent situations will occur in the work and career, or in the process of dealing with a certain matter, there will suddenly be new situations, etc. From these aspects, we should also pay attention to and be prepared. Then, whether it is a child month or an ugly moon, when communicating with a spouse, a lover and the opposite sex on this day, we should also try to pay attention to proportions, tolerate more, and be more accommodating, because it is easier to make emotions or contradictions with the opposite sex on this day, so this aspect of the problem should also be paid attention to in this day. Fortunately, the sub-ugly is also compatible, so there is no big problem in looking at it, and proper attention can be paid. Also, there are some things in this day that seem to be more likely to temporarily fail or malfunction or problems, such as some electrical appliances, such as some things that are usually used, etc., including things that are also relatively easy to lose or miss, etc. Should also be paid attention to.

People born in the afternoon of the fifth day have a strong principle of encountering things, have their own opinions on everything, and will work hard when they work hard. This person who is born with cattle, dogs, dragons, sheep, snakes, and horses has good things, and the birth year number ends with 3 or 6 people with profits, and the favorable time period is between 9 a.m. and 15 p.m.

In terms of auspicious stars, pay attention to fire prevention.

The above is my personal analysis, please refer to it.

All the humility may come from the love in the heart, and a person can often be great because of love, and can also be very humble.

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