
The three narrow doors of life, crossing them is happiness

The three narrow doors of life, crossing them is happiness

Author: Insight Allergy

Choosing a partner is also choosing the rest of your life.

When Zheng Yuanjie was a child, his mother often told him a story:

"There is a big flood, and all the animals must run across the river to take refuge on the top of the mountain opposite.

As a result, there was a bridge and a canoe bridge on the river, and all the animals chose to take the bridge, and only one goat walked on the canoe bridge.

In the end, the bridge collapsed, and only the goats who walked on the canoe bridge survived..."

This story, Zheng Yuanjie's mother told from the age of 2 to the age of 7.

Every time she finished speaking, she told Zheng Yuanjie:

"You don't go to places with many people, people walk on people's Yangguan Road, you take your canoe bridge."

This is actually the famous "narrow door" in the Bible.

In a person's life, he must cross various "narrow doors".

Among them, there are three narrow doors that are crucial and affect our destiny.

Every time you take a step, you have one more layer of transformation and one more growth.


The first narrow door: education

In the movie "Whose Youth Is Not Confused", a teacher said:

"The college entrance examination is a thousand troops and horses crossing the canoe bridge!" A one-point difference can eliminate tens of thousands of people. ”

The road to education is a narrow door that can easily screen out a large number of people.

But many impetuous young people do not want to eat the pain of reading, and only want to take shortcuts.

In their opinion, studying for three years is not as good as a year of wandering.

Just like some time ago, the takeaway brother Wang Wei who re-entered the university.

He was admitted to China Agricultural University with high scores, but chose to drop out of school and wanted to go out to make money.

Over the years, he has traveled to many places, working as a tutor and worker.

After becoming a delivery man, he climbed more than 30 flights of stairs due to an elevator power outage. After climbing he was desperate: "I want to jump." ”

The three narrow doors of life, crossing them is happiness

Everything echoes the old saying:

"If you treat your education as waste paper, then society will waste you."

After suffering the beatings of life, Wang Wei began to prepare for the college entrance examination again.

In the end, he was admitted to Southwestern University of Finance and Economics with a high score of 623.

In the interview, Wang Wei frankly said when talking about the experience of taking the university entrance examination twice:

"Reading is a process that helps us to recognize. And more importantly, through reading, we can give ourselves more choices. ”

The three narrow doors of life, crossing them is happiness

We used to think that reading was hard and learning was hard.

But after entering society, I found that the suffering caused by not studying well was the real suffering.

Dr. Wu Jun once said in his speech:

"Learning must be hard, because the upward road is bound to be difficult.

And the downward door is always open, and if you don't work hard, you will face a class decline. ”

Education is a narrow door, and when you cross it, the road is wide.

You have to believe that the hardships you have endured and the books you have read will one day pave the way under your feet.


Second narrow door: work

In life, we often encounter such a category of people:

After working for two or three years, as the work gradually stabilized, the salary was still satisfactory, so the "salted fish" model was opened.

During the day, I fished in the company; after work, I collapsed on the couch, brushed my phone, and played games.

Such a life seems stable and happy.

Flowers are often thorny, and they hide traps.

Over time, life will become a pool of stagnant water, with no waves to speak of.

Qian Zhongshu's "Siege of the City" has this passage:

"There is a bunch of grapes, the optimist, who must eat from the worst grape until the best grape, leaving hope forever; pessimism, on the contrary, eats the worse the grape, eating until despair."

The same is true for work, if you want to get better and better in the future, you have to do the hardest thing at the beginning.

We all know that Luo Zhenyu has to get up at 6:30 every morning and push 60 seconds of voice and articles.

How hard is that?

It's like you can record a 60-second voice, but what you're hard to do is to do it for 365 days without interruption.

You can write content, but it's hard to do it day after day, polishing every detail, and writing a story and a story and a truth in the prescribed 60s.

You can read aloud, but it's hard to do it, and you can control your speech rate to 320 words per minute with great precision.

After Luo Zhenyu recorded more than 1,000 issues, it was reasonable to say that he should be familiar with it, but at that time he had been struggling with many details that seemed insignificant to others.

After repeatedly revising the manuscript, he also had to re-record it repeatedly because of some small details, and he could re-record more than a dozen times in a minute of audio.

In Luo Zhenyu, I deeply felt a sentence:

Smart people work stupidly.

Xu Xiaoping said: "When there are two things in front of you, one you can easily get started, and one requires you to learn and grope from scratch, don't hesitate, choose that one is difficult." ”

At work, if you want to grow, you have to

Insist on doing the right, but hard things.

The things that make you better may not be easy at first, but as long as you stick to it, you can grow.

When you feel bitter and tired, it is also the time when you grow the fastest.


The third narrow door: marriage

In 1991, the 34-year-old Tie Ning went to visit Bingxin.

Bing Xin asked, "Do you have a boyfriend?" ”

Tie Ning said, "I haven't found it yet." ”

Bing Xin looked at Tie Ning very firmly and said to her, "You don't look for it, you have to wait." ”

Looking at the old man who is more than 90 years old in front of him, who is still in good spirits, a door at the bottom of his iron heart seems to have been opened:

"I'd rather not have one than have a makeshift marriage."

The three narrow doors of life, crossing them is happiness

Marriage has no shortcuts, and choosing a partner is a complex and meticulous task, but anyone who thinks "hurry" and thinks of "making it up" is easy to make mistakes.

Just like the pot and lid are mismatched, it is difficult to cook a good meal.

As Shakespeare said:

"Sloppy marriages are less happy."

After figuring it out, I finally stopped being anxious and anxious, but put all my energy into work and writing.

Because she knows that waiting is to not miss it.

Finally, when she was 50 years old, she met her soul mate, Watson.

After getting married, Tie Ning did not give up his career and continued to create.

Watson also never interfered much, but was very supportive of her.

With her husband's support, Tie Ning's words seemed to become warmer and more enthusiastic to read.

Today, they have been married for 14 years and are still as loving as ever.

The three narrow doors of life, crossing them is happiness

Some people say: "Don't follow the current, follow the heart, this is the typical 'narrow door thinking'".

Perhaps, when you insist on your heart, someone may jump out and advise you not to be too picky, and it is time to get married at an old age.

But marriage is a crucial point in your life.

In this lifetime, a person will experience two rebirths, one is birth and the other is marriage.

Choosing marriage is also choosing family; choosing a partner is also choosing the rest of your life.

A good marriage can alleviate half of the suffering of the world; a wrong marriage will only bring harm to people and make people see no hope.

So don't worry, don't give in, don't give up, don't give up your right to happiness.

Because a lifetime is too long, only by being with the right person can you live up to the rest of your life.

This is responsible for life and protecting oneself.

In Smell the Woman, Lieutenant Colonel Frank finally sighs:

"Now that I'm at the crossroads of my life, I know which path is right, but I never go.


Because it's too tough. ”

There are two kinds of journeys of life, choosing the gate to take the dangerous road, passing through the narrow door and the wide road.

The wisdom of life is actually hidden in this "wide and narrow" choice.

Truly intelligent people have an instinct to give up the easy and the difficult.

When you decide, at the youngest moment of the rest of your life, to choose the hardest path, you have outpaced most people who did not have the courage to choose this path.

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