
This large tree on his tomb is very peculiar, so that no one dares to rob the tomb for more than 1700 years

The tomb of Wuhou, also known as the tomb of Zhuge Liang, is located at the foot of Dingjun Mountain in Mian County, Hanzhong City, and is named wuhou tomb because Zhuge Liang was once awarded the title of Marquis of Wuxiang. It is recorded in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms: "Liang died and was buried on The Dingjun Mountain in Hanzhong, because the mountain was a grave. ”

This large tree on his tomb is very peculiar, so that no one dares to rob the tomb for more than 1700 years

Before the Fifth Northern Expedition, Zhuge Liang once said to the lord Liu Chan: I have eight hundred mulberry trees in Chengdu and fifteen hectares of barren fields, which is enough for my descendants. It can be seen that it is very incorruptible, so naturally there will be no valuable gold and silver jewelry in its tomb, rather than carrying a worthless tomb of the insulting thief Zhuge Liang, it is better to spend more time looking for other imperial tombs, so Zhuge Liang's tomb can exist for more than 1700 years and remain intact.

This large tree on his tomb is very peculiar, so that no one dares to rob the tomb for more than 1700 years

Throughout his life, Zhuge Liang was honest and honest. For the Sake of the Shu Han Regime. It can be said that he has contributed his life's energy. "Bow down and die", is the spiritual business card of his life. He did what he said. After death, it's all true. Chen Shou's evaluation of Zhuge Liang in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms is that "those who break the law and slacken off, although they are close to the law, they must be punished, and those who admit their mistakes with a good attitude will be explained even if they are heavy." This is a fair evaluation of Zhuge Liang.

This large tree on his tomb is very peculiar, so that no one dares to rob the tomb for more than 1700 years

According to legend, there are 72 tombs of Zhuge Liang, including one of which is buried in his military book and the wooden cow and horse model he invented, and the history books also have different accounts of his real cemetery. Therefore, most of Zhuge Liang's cemeteries are built in honor of Zhuge Liang.

This large tree on his tomb is very peculiar, so that no one dares to rob the tomb for more than 1700 years

As for the reason why Zhuge did not excavate, people are divided into different opinions. However, for this result, it is very satisfactory. This mausoleum is of great research value, a continuation and inheritance process of traditional culture, and has high academic value.

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