
Where is Zhuge Liang buried: the four people carry the coffin without turning back, and they need to kowtow after the rope is broken!

Carrying Zhuge Liang's coffin all the way south, everyone could not turn back, where the rope was broken, prostrated and bowed.


Legend has it that after Zhuge Liang's death, he ordered the four gates to go out of mourning, so that the tomb was unknown. The "Notes on the Water Classic" says: After Zhuge Liang's death, he was buried in Dingjun Mountain (Mian County, Shaanxi), buried because of the mountain, and no one knew where he was.

Where is Zhuge Liang buried: the four people carry the coffin without turning back, and they need to kowtow after the rope is broken!


Why didn't Zhuge Liang return to Chengdu for burial? Experts believe that because Zhuge Liang's death was unexpected, he was pursued by the Wei army, coupled with the contradictions within the Shu army and the barrier of the Shu Road, it could not be transported back to Chengdu.

Where is Zhuge Liang buried: the four people carry the coffin without turning back, and they need to kowtow after the rope is broken!


For the tomb of Zhuge Liang on Dingjun Mountain, some people suspect that it is not the real tomb. The "Xiangyang Chronicle" says: After Zhuge Liang's death, the people of Shuzhong remembered his exploits and asked for a temple to be erected next to Zhuge Liang's tomb in Miǎn Yang (Xiantao, Hubei), and Liu Chan agreed. According to this, the Temple of Zhuge Liang was built at the place where Zhuge Liang was buried.

Where is Zhuge Liang buried: the four people carry the coffin without turning back, and they need to kowtow after the rope is broken!


There are also objections to the tomb of Yang Zhuge Liang of Miǎn. The "Liang Zhou Chronicle" says: Liu Chan once ordered 4 soldiers to carry Zhuge Liang's coffin all the way south, and everyone could not turn back, where the rope was broken, prostrate and worship, and bury them on the spot. However, after carrying it for three days and three nights, the rope was not broken, and after consultation, the 4 people buried it on the spot and deceived Liu Chan, saying that he had buried the minister into the ground for safety. Liu Chan sent someone to investigate, and soon debunked the lies, so he beheaded the 4 people for the crime of deception. Since then, no one has known where Zhuge Liang was buried.

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