
"Dirt Bump" transforms into "Golden Dollar Treasure"

author:China Jilin Net

"Help tender heart yellow, sweet taste", Chinese cabbage hidden "Get Rich Sutra", each sold for 30 yuan;

"Fragrant spleen, sweet as honey", driven by the "Dazeshan" brand, Pingdu grape planting area reached 120,000 mu, with an output value of 715 million yuan;

"Transparent color, long back to sweetness", Laoshan Tea won the national tea regional brand value of the top 100 list with a brand value of 1.12 billion yuan......

In recent years, many high-quality and well-known characteristic agricultural products in Qingdao, Shandong Province, have emerged, such as Baimiao Taro, Jiawo Blueberry, Jiaozhou Chinese Cabbage, Chia Tai Chicken... All kinds of well-known agricultural products not only add a good taste to the people's table, but also open up a good way for farmers to increase their income and become rich. Following this "foodie map" in Qingdao, the reporter learned a set of intuitive data from the Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: there are more than 22,000 registered trademarks for agricultural products in Qingdao, 1,005 "three products and one standard" agricultural products, and 163 famous agricultural brands in Qingdao. Among them, there are 20 well-known trademarks in China and 7 national famous brands; There are 54 national geographical indication agricultural products, ranking first among sub-provincial cities in the country; "Qingdao Agricultural Products" has entered the top ten of China's regional agricultural brand influence ranking for two consecutive years, with remarkable results.

The rise of "Qingdao Agricultural Products" is no accident. In recent years, Qingdao has focused on the high-quality development goal of modern agriculture, vigorously implemented the brand strategy of strengthening agriculture, cultivated the brand with industry, cultivated the brand with the quality tree, molded the brand with openness, and run the brand with culture, and embarked on a brand agricultural development road of "green quality and sharing in the world".

Industry is an incubator for branded agriculture.

In recent years, Qingdao has insisted on optimizing the layout of the agricultural industry, promoting the upgrading of the industrial structure, improving the overall quality of the industry, and comprehensively helping the development of the modern high-quality agricultural industry.

Foster advantageous zones for characteristic industries. We will give full support to the advantageous areas of characteristic agricultural products with rich planting experience, good development and beginning to take shape, and high-standard and high-level planning and construction of 4 characteristic industrial advantage zones relying on national geographical indication agricultural products such as Jiaozhou Chinese cabbage, Laoshan tea, and Majiagou celery, with a planting area of more than 4 million mu. The relevant personnel of the Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs told reporters that these advantageous areas are the "foundation" of Qingdao's characteristic agricultural products, and strengthening the support for these advantageous areas is to achieve greater results with less effort, change the strong into the strong, change the "Qingdao famous" into "national famous", realize the existing brand to drive the rise, and the strong brand to drive the weak.

Strengthen the construction of agricultural industrial parks. It has developed more than 900 modern agricultural parks, covering an area of more than 500,000 mu, with an annual output value of nearly 10 billion yuan, driving the employment of more than 200,000 farmers, and cultivating agricultural product brands such as "leeks behind the mountain" and "rose love". At the same time, Qingdao insists on extending the industrial chain, upgrading the value chain, and optimizing the supply chain, creating 2 100-billion-yuan industrial chains in animal husbandry and agricultural and sideline food processing industry, 8 10-billion-yuan industrial chains such as grain and oil and dairy, and 15 billion-yuan characteristic industrial chains such as tea, blueberries and carrots. With the characteristic agricultural industry chain as the carrier, it runs through the whole process and whole link of seedling breeding, production, processing and circulation, and cultivates more than 30 brand clusters such as Huangdao blueberries, Pingdu large peanuts, and Laixi livestock product processing.

The industry is the "foundation", the brand is the "flower" that blooms above, the industry is strong, and the foundation of the agricultural brand is "hard enough". Practice has proved that only by doing a good job in the industry can we achieve sustainable brand development, let the old brand get continuous nourishment, and provide the source of living water for the new brand to be nurtured. Qingdao Fengshuo Family Farm has more than 700 acres of planting base, the farm to "Jiaozhou Chinese cabbage" geographical indication advantage brand agriculture as the goal, the current is the Jiaozhou Cabbage listing season, Qingdao Fengshuo Family Farm in charge of Kuang Zhaoqiang told reporters, affected by the weather, 2021 cabbage production has decreased, but it is gratifying that Jiaozhou Cabbage is recognized by the market year by year, and the price has risen by about 30% in 2021. At present, in addition to supplying his cabbage to qingdao, he is also sold to Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and other places, and the sales volume is very good.

Quality is the life of brand agriculture.

Good quality is the "stepping stone" to open the market, and it is also the "credibility stone" to retain the market. "Qingdao Agricultural Products" adheres to the quality-oriented, establishes a quality supervision system for the whole process from the ground to the table, and ensures the quality of brand agricultural products from the source.

Prenatal links highlight input supervision. Focusing on fertilizer conservation and drug control, Qingdao has taken the lead in banning the sale and use of highly toxic and high residue pesticides and implementing agricultural waste management measures in the country, implementing input interviews and "blacklist" systems, and resolutely curbing illegal additions, high toxicity and high residues. The relevant staff of the Agricultural Technology Center of Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs told reporters that Qingdao promotes more than 4 million mu of green prevention and control technology every year, more than 5 million mu of soil testing formula fertilization, the integration of water and fertilizer in the city reaches 900,000 mu, and the total amount of chemical fertilizer and pesticide application has achieved negative growth for 3 consecutive years.

The production link highlights standardized production. 173 local agricultural standards were formulated, and the whole process of major crop production was followed; Cultivate 263 standardized production bases, more than 1500 standardized farms, and the standardization rate of advantageous agricultural products such as vegetable and fruit tea has reached 73%; Establish a strict system of production area approval, market access, and risk assessment, and comprehensively implement the certificate of conformity for edible agricultural products to ensure that unqualified agricultural products cannot go out of the field.

Postpartum links highlight testing and traceability. A four-level agricultural product quality supervision system of cities, districts (cities), towns (streets) and villages has been established, 417 agricultural product supervision grids and 366 livestock product supervision grids have been established, and 5459 production enterprises and 1200 production bases (parks) have been included in the "smart agricultural security" supervision and traceability system. Every year, 400,000 batches of qualitative testing of agricultural products are completed, and the pass rate of real estate agricultural products continues to be stable at more than 99.8%. Implement the "inspection and crackdown linkage", start the law enforcement investigation procedure for unqualified products within 24 hours, immediately cancel the right to use the brand logo of agricultural products once confirmed, and use the "zero tolerance" attitude to ensure the quality and credibility of agricultural brands.

In recent years, Qingdao has given full play to the advantages of the eastern coastal cities, set up a stage for local agricultural products to "sing opera", adhere to the "please come in", and hold professional exhibitions such as tea fairs, agricultural fairs, agricultural machinery exhibitions, and animal husbandry exhibitions; It also strives to "go global" and participate in high-end exhibitions such as the China Green Food Expo and the China Agricultural Fair to further expand the influence and competitiveness of agricultural brands.

Located in the agricultural "international living room" of Qingdao's West Coast New Area, it undertakes heavyweight exhibitions at home and abroad such as the Asian Agriculture and Food Industry Expo, the China International Agricultural Machinery Exhibition, and the China Farmers Wealth Creation Conference, sets up a "Qingdao Agricultural Products" hot selling area, and promotes more than 300 brand agricultural products to "borrow ships to go to sea". Recently, the agricultural "international living room" digital living room also ushered in the launch, at the launching ceremony, as the host of the Qingdao Municipal Agriculture and Rural Bureau of rural industry development department responsible person said: "We will be committed to building an international digital agriculture application platform leading the development of smart agriculture, through the online auction model, the 'Qingdao agricultural products' publicity, the introduction of foreign high-quality agricultural products, cross-border e-commerce agricultural products, to create a new model of auction and international barter, to help 'Qingdao agricultural products' to the whole country, to the world."

In addition to striving for platform opportunities for large-scale exhibitions, Qingdao is also keeping up with the times and exploring new models of e-commerce platform exposure and sales.

"Babies in front of the screen, thank you for supporting 'Qingdao Agricultural Products', everyone brushed up the screen!" In the live broadcast of "Qingdao Agricultural Products, Love to Help Farmers, Mayor with Goods", in just 2 hours, the live broadcast popularity of Taobao, Qingbaoyun, Pocket Qingdao and other platforms exceeded 2 million person-times, and the number of orders exceeded 10,000.

In recent years, Qingdao has vigorously developed new industries and new formats such as "Internet + marketing", "fresh e-commerce + cold chain home delivery", "central kitchen + cold chain distribution of ingredients", and the city has built 25 central kitchens and 28 online and offline combined trading markets, and has carried out in-depth cooperation with well-known e-commerce companies such as Taobao, Jingdong and Suning Tesco, carried out rural e-commerce demonstration and creation, innovated and opened local agricultural product pavilions, and expanded regional brand awareness such as "glue flavor fresh" and "edible ink". According to statistics, in 2020, the sales volume of Qingdao agricultural product network exceeded 8.98 billion yuan, an increase of 44.9% year-on-year, 16.5 percentage points higher than that of the whole country.

Through large-scale exhibitions and online e-commerce models, "Qingdao Agricultural Products" has rushed out of geographical limitations, so that more consumers across the country and even the world have the opportunity to understand "Qingdao Agricultural Products", consume "Qingdao Agricultural Products", and become "loyal fans" of "Qingdao Agricultural Products". In 2020, the annual export of agricultural products in Qingdao was 39.37 billion yuan, accounting for 7.5% of the country, ranking first in the ranking of sub-provincial cities, and truly realizing the vision of "Qingdao agricultural products" and "green quality, sharing with the world".

Local culture is the background of brand agriculture.

Qingdao insists on using literature as the medium and casting the soul with literature. Tell the brand story well, promote the integration and development of excellent traditional culture and traditional local famous products, and enhance the characteristics and connotation of agricultural brands. In order to let consumers have a deeper understanding of "Qingdao Agricultural Products", Qingdao has compiled the "Qingdao Agricultural Brand Story Book", which details the wonderful "Qingdao Agricultural Products" stories such as Laoshan Tea, one of the birthplaces of Chinese Taoism, and the tributes of Dazeshan Grapes in the past, agricultural products are not only simple commodities, it supports a deep cultural history accumulation in a region.

In addition to telling the brand story well, Qingdao has also transplanted the cultural genes of "Qingdao Agricultural Products" into the real scene, not only established agricultural product brand museums, exhibition halls and experience halls such as "Qingfeng Seed Industry", "Jiaozhou Chinese Cabbage" and "Bailan", but also successfully held the Farmers' Harvest Festival, Jiaozhou Bay Clam Festival, Laoshan Beizhai Cherry Festival, Pingdu Dazeshan Grape Festival and many other forms of agricultural tourism festivals, creating a series of brand image publicity and display platforms for "Qingdao Agricultural Products", receiving 4.6 million tourists a year. Sales revenue of more than 16 billion yuan.

The local products are no longer native, from the "soil knots" in the field to the popular "big brand" in the consumer market, and the commercial breakthrough of "Qingdao Agricultural Products" has completed a big step in the transformation of traditional agriculture to modern high-quality agriculture. From agricultural products to commodities, from traditional farming to agricultural industrialization, there is a market for agricultural products, farmers have hope, and agriculture has a future.

Farmer Daily, China Rural Network reporter Hao Lingfeng

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