
"Father of the Nation" Sun Yat-sen died of illness at the age of 59, leaving 4 children, what is the current situation?

Dr. Sun Yat-sen was born in 1866 and is a native of Guangzhou, Guangdong Province. He was an advocate of the Three People's Principles, not only founded the Republic of China, the first anti-imperialist and anti-feudal banner, but also led people to make great contributions to the cause of democracy, one of the most important figures in Chinese history, so he was honored as the "Father of the Nation". So what is the current situation of such a great man, his children and descendants?

"Father of the Nation" Sun Yat-sen died of illness at the age of 59, leaving 4 children, what is the current situation?

In 1925, Dr. Sun Yat-sen's liver cancer worsened and he died of illness in Beijing at the age of 59. In his will, he asked everyone to continue to work for the revolution, and he also asked his children and descendants to inherit his revolutionary will.

Recalling Sun Yat-sen's life, he had a total of 3 wives and left 1 son and 3 daughters. The eldest son, named Sun Ke, was born in 1891 and was born to Sun Yat-sen's original wife, Lu Muzhen.

When Sun Ke was young, Dr. Sun Yat-sen was wanted by the Qing government, and in order to protect his family, Sun Yat-sen entrusted Sun Ke to his brother to raise him, so Sun Ke was forced to separate from his biological parents at a young age, and the number of times he met Sun Yat-sen was very small.

Although Sun Ke grew up without his father's love, he was still deeply influenced by his father, and he studied very hard from an early age and achieved excellent results.

"Father of the Nation" Sun Yat-sen died of illness at the age of 59, leaving 4 children, what is the current situation?

Sun Ke joined the "League" at the age of 17 and was later admitted to the University of Berkeley in the United States. During his studies in the United States, he became the president of the Student Union in the United States and actively promoted the ideas of the Chinese revolution.

After graduating and returning to China, he served as the mayor of Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, and took care of the affairs of Guangzhou in an orderly manner, and during his tenure, Guangzhou has been a model city in the country.

After stepping down as mayor of Guangzhou, Sun Ke mainly worked for the National Government in Nanjing, and in his later years he accepted an invitation from Taipei to serve in Taipei, where he died of illness in 1973.

"Father of the Nation" Sun Yat-sen died of illness at the age of 59, leaving 4 children, what is the current situation?

Elder descendants

Sun Yat-sen's eldest daughter, named Sun Jiao, was born in 1894 by the original match, and like Sun Ke, she had excellent academic performance from an early age, and went to the United States with her brother to study in 1912.

Later, because of illness, he returned to Macao in 1913 to recuperate, but unfortunately he could not escape the clutches of the disease, and died in June of the same year at the age of 19.

The second daughter, named Sun Wan, was born in Honolulu in 1898 and was also born to the original match. Among Sun Yat-sen's children, Sun Wan's sense of existence is not high.

"Father of the Nation" Sun Yat-sen died of illness at the age of 59, leaving 4 children, what is the current situation?

She graduated from the University of California, had two marriages, and died in Macau in 1979 at the age of 83. The youngest daughter, named Tomiko Miyagawa, was born to Sun Yat-sen's Japanese wife, Kaoru Ōtsuki.

In 1898, Sun Yat-sen took refuge in Yokohama, Japan, so he became acquainted with Kaoru Ōtsuki, and after the two gave birth to a daughter, Sun Yat-sen left Japan for a revolutionary cause, and never went back to see the mother and daughter, but always maintained a correspondence.

Adopted by other families from an early age, Tomiko never met her biological father, and spent her life in Japan, dying in 1990. Dr. Sun Yat-sen has been busy with the democratic revolution for most of his life, so he has little energy to take care of his family and a slight lack of care for his children.

"Father of the Nation" Sun Yat-sen died of illness at the age of 59, leaving 4 children, what is the current situation?

Although he grew up in a lack of paternal love, his four children loved him very much, because their father left an indelible memory in Chinese history and laid a solid and solid foundation for the successors of the revolution. It can be said that without Sun Yat-sen, there would be no bright future for China. Such a great man deserves to be remembered forever by future generations.

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