
Sun Yat-sen's son, Sun Ke, lost his position as vice president because of a woman

In 1948, at the request of Chiang Kai-shek, Sun Ke ran for vice president of the Nationalist government in Nanjing. After several rounds of voting, only two of the most competitive candidates remained: Li Zongren, the leader of the Gui clan, and Sun Ke, the son of Sun Yat-sen.

After the end of the final round of voting, Sun Ke lost to Vice President with 1295 votes, losing to Li Zongren by 1438 votes.

Sun Yat-sen's son, Sun Ke, lost his position as vice president because of a woman

Sun Ke

Sun Ke, with chiang kai-shek's covert support, was originally the most promising candidate for vice president. Unfortunately, the sky did not go according to people's wishes, because of a woman, Sun Ke lost his position as vice president of the National Government.

This woman, named Lenny.

Lan Ni, formerly known as Lan Yezhen, was born in Macau in 1912, with her ancestral home in Yunnan and a Miao ethnic group. Because of her beautiful appearance and great seduction, she is known as princess Miao Wang.

The Lan family was originally a famous and prestigious family, and his grandfather was a Qing Dynasty official. Lan Ni's father, Lan Jianjun, was a follower of Dr. Sun Yat-sen in his early years, joined the League, served as chief of staff under Huang Xing's department, and later went to study at Cambridge University in the United Kingdom.

Sun Yat-sen's son, Sun Ke, lost his position as vice president because of a woman


In 1926, when Lan Jianjun and his friend Chen Baochu went out, they were robbed by Hu bandits on the way, and his friend Chen Baochu was killed on the spot by Hu bandits, and his death was extremely tragic. This incident dealt a major spiritual blow to Lan Jianjun.

The following year, Lan Jianjun went to Hong Kong and demanded the 200,000 silver he had previously owed himself from his former brother Liu Defu. Liu Defu did not remember the old feelings, was ungrateful, insisted that there was no such thing, and was quite arrogant towards Lan Jianjun.

After these two events, Lan Jianjun completely had a mental breakdown, began to become gibberish, insane, and completely lost the ability to work. The Lan family has since fallen into the middle of the family road, and the economy is stretched.

Sun Yat-sen's son, Sun Ke, lost his position as vice president because of a woman

In order to maintain the family's daily expenses, Lan Ni's mother reached an agreement with Li Tunsheng, vice minister of finance of the National Government in Nanjing, and was willing to marry her beautiful 17-year-old daughter Lan Ni to Li Dingguo, Li Disheng's son. In exchange, the Li family provides the Lan family with one hundred yuan per month for living expenses. At that time, one hundred yuan was not a small amount, and the highest-paid university professors averaged only three or four hundred yuan per month.

Li Dingguo is a high-achieving student at Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, but unfortunately he is a stupid boy with no great ambitions, who has money and power in his family, and does not think about making progress all day, only thinking about eating, drinking and having fun.

Lan Ni married Li Dingguo, which was a marriage with no emotional basis and a buying and selling nature. The strange lanni is like a seductive and edible item, which is bought by the Lan family at a high price. Lanni, who married into the Li family, was always treated like an object, and even the servants of the Li family could point fingers at Lanni.

Sun Yat-sen's son, Sun Ke, lost his position as vice president because of a woman

After getting married, Lani gave birth to three children for Li Dingguo. During this period, whether it is family life, or the feelings of husband and wife, especially Li Dingguo's unambitious habits, Lan Ni is completely disappointed in her marriage, and even feels dark.

Finally, after living with Li Dingguo for five years, Lan Ni decided to divorce Li Dingguo, and even went out of the house to give up the living expenses of one hundred yuan per month provided by the Li family for the Lan family. Lenny is determined to leave this distant gray marriage.

After the divorce, Lani came to Shanghai, like a bird that regained her freedom, enjoying the happiness brought by the blue sky and white clouds, and soaring freely in the sky.

Sun Yat-sen's son, Sun Ke, lost his position as vice president because of a woman

Lanni's stunning beauty, coupled with her innate inner beauty and the intellectual beauty of the acquired cultivation, made her quite famous in the Ten Mile Ocean Field of the Flower World.

Zhang Xueliang once sent someone to send Lan Ni a check for 50,000 yuan, the purpose of which was obvious, lani's beauty made Zhang Xueliang want to move, and even wanted to stop. However, Lenny, who has had a failed marriage, knows the love and hate of this world very well, and she knows what she really needs and what she doesn't need.

Lenny needs money, but she won't sell her life for the second time for money. The last five-year marriage for money made her deeply appreciate the infinite pain that the exchange brought to herself. Therefore, Lenny refused Zhang Xueliang's check for 50,000 yuan. You know, fifty thousand yuan was an astronomical amount at that time.

Sun Yat-sen's son, Sun Ke, lost his position as vice president because of a woman


In addition to Zhang Xueliang, The Shanghai tycoon Du Yuesheng, also drunk under Lani's pomegranate skirt. In order to please Lan Ni, Du Yuesheng once saddled up before and after serving her, and once even squatted on the ground to polish Lan Ni's shoes, which was caught by the news reporter and also made headlines in the newspaper, so the scandal between the two people did not go away. Unfortunately, this Shanghai youth gang leader did not capture Lanni's heart in the end.

In the spring of 1935, at a banquet, Lenny met a man who made her secretly agree. This man wears a suit and leather shoes, wears a pair of glasses, is personable, has an extraordinary temperament, and is completely different from the big guys and warlords he has been in contact with, especially when talking to him, there is an indescribable sense of intimacy.

Sun Yat-sen's son, Sun Ke, lost his position as vice president because of a woman

It was learned through other people that this man was Sun Ke, president of the Legislative Yuan of the National Government, the son of the famous Dr. Sun Yat-sen, and Lan Ni had a secret affection for Sun Ke. This time, it was Lenny after the divorce, the first time she moved her heart.

On the other side, Sun Ke, since he met Lanni at this cocktail party, can be said to be haunted by this unique beauty known as "Princess Miao Wang", and he does not think about tea and dinner.

After several pursuits, Sun Ke and Lanni came together. Because Sun Ke is a public figure and a man with a family, in order not to leave more words for the public, Sun Ke's love affair with Lanni has chosen an extremely low-key way.

Sun Yat-sen's son, Sun Ke, lost his position as vice president because of a woman

As the secretary of the president of the Legislative Yuan, Lan Ni began to accompany Sun Ke. Whether it is daily work or the intersection of life, Lan Ni is always inseparable from her side and accompanies Sun Ke. In order to show his unfailing love for Lanni, Sun Ke personally wrote a note to Lanni:

I only have two wives, Mrs. Chen and Second Lady Lan, and there is no third person, so I hereby certify and hand over to Mrs. Lan Xunyi for acceptance.

Sun Ke, Republic of China 25, June 26.

Loving beauty does not love Jiangshan, despite the double pressure of family and society, Sun Ke decided to formally marry Lan Ni as the second lady and give her an official identity. After the news spread, it attracted a lot of condemnation in society.

Sun Yat-sen's son, Sun Ke, lost his position as vice president because of a woman

Sun Ke and Lenny

In order not to let the matter further expand, Sun Ke and Lan Ni did not go through the corresponding legal procedures, nor did they hold a grand wedding, but simply set up four tables of banquets and feasted on colleagues in the Legislative Yuan, which was a formal wedding for Lan Ni. And Lenny has no complaints about such a simple and sloppy wedding.

In this way, the love between Lenny and Sun Ke continued happily and intimately. Until thirteen years later, in 1948.

In that year, the National Government in Nanjing elected a president and vice president. The presidency naturally fell to Chiang Kai-shek, who always carried out the strategy of dictatorship. And the titular vice president, although he has no actual rights, but the leader of the Gui clan, Li Zongren, is salivating over this position.

Sun Yat-sen's son, Sun Ke, lost his position as vice president because of a woman

Li Zongren

Sun Ke originally had no intention of running for the vice presidency, because he was the son of Sun Yat-sen, the father of the country, and made him feel like a fish in the throat of the dictator Chiang Kai-shek.

Over the years, in order not to let himself become a thorn in Chiang Kai-shek's eye and a thorn in his flesh, Sun Ke has always acted in a low-key manner, and dare not show half a sharp edge, let alone run for any vice president. Sun Ke did not dare to have half a luxury, after all, saving his life is the last word.

The candidacy of Li Zongren, the leader of the Gui clan, was very loud and confident, which made Chiang Kai-shek worried. Although the vice president has no actual powers, he is nominally the second-largest ruler in the country.

Sun Yat-sen's son, Sun Ke, lost his position as vice president because of a woman

There are many factions within the Kuomintang, and if the position of vice president cannot fall on Chiang Kai-shek's own people, but on Li Zongren of the Gui clan, it will naturally be of little benefit to Chiang Kai-shek's hand in covering the sky.

In order not to let Li Zongren successfully run for vice president, Chiang Kai-shek asked Sun Ke to stand up and run for the post of vice president. Sun Ke did not dare to run for vice president before, after all, it was a superficial article, and it was a show for Chiang Kai-shek to see. If he can really run for vice president and become the second largest person in power in the name of the National Government in Nanjing, Sun Ke's heart will naturally yearn for it.

Unfortunately, just when the general election was inextricably resolved and Sun Ke was about to catch up with Li Zongren and get infinitely close to the post of vice president, a newspaper suddenly broke a scandal that Sun Ke had.

Sun Yat-sen's son, Sun Ke, lost his position as vice president because of a woman

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War in 1945, the Kuomintang Central Trust Sentence confiscated a batch of german imported pigments in Shanghai, and the owner of this batch of German pigments was Lani, who was operating a real estate industry in Shanghai at that time. Germany was an enemy country, so the pigments were identified by the Trust Bureau as enemy property and confiscated.

In order not to let his second wife, Lan ni, suffer heavy economic losses, Sun Ke wrote to Hong Lanyou, secretary general of the National Assembly, saying that the paint was owned by "hidden" Lan Ni and asking the Trust Bureau to return its owner.

Sun Yat-sen's son, Sun Ke, lost his position as vice president because of a woman

Lanni with her and Sun Ke's daughter Sun Suifen

Hong Lanyou informed Wu Rencang, director of the Trust Bureau, of this matter, saying that the owner of this batch of paint was Lan Ni, who was the wife of Sun Ke, the president of the Legislative Yuan, and asked her to look at the face of Sun Ke, the president of the Legislative Yuan, and return the paint to Lan Ni herself.

It was this incident that was exposed by a newspaper at the critical juncture of Sun Ke's campaign for vice president. The person behind the revelation was None other than Sun Ke's rival Li Zongren. This incident is known as the "Lenny Incident".

The outbreak of the "Lenny Incident" directly led to Sun Ke's unsuccessful bid for vice president in the process of running for vice president, and he was defeated by Li Zongren and failed to successfully run for the vice president. It is precisely because of this incident that the relationship between Sun Ke and Lanni was instantly broken, and finally Lao Yan flew apart.

Sun Yat-sen's son, Sun Ke, lost his position as vice president because of a woman

National President Chiang Kai-shek and Vice President Li Zongren in Nanjing

When Sun Ke was only the president of the Legislative Yuan, he was an infatuated man who loved beauty and did not love Jiangshan. However, when the position of vice president was infinitely close to him, Sun Ke's deep desire finally broke out, and he once made a promise in order to survive, showing his deep desire for power.

Even if it was just a nominal vice president, it also stimulated the extreme desire in Sun Ke's heart, making him become weak and unsympathetic, and he did not hesitate to show the outside world that he wanted to break off relations with Lenny.

Whether it is the president of the Legislative Yuan or the successful vice president, in the eyes of the dictator Chiang Kai-shek, they are nothing more than "paper people" arbitrarily summoned within the Chiang family dynasty.

It's just a pity that Lanni, who has been following Sun Ke for thirteen years, because Sun Ke's desire for power this time has made her completely lose her heart that yearns for love.

Sun Yat-sen's son, Sun Ke, lost his position as vice president because of a woman

Lenny and Sunko

After leaving Sun Ke, Lan Ni traveled to Hong Kong, Thailand, the United States, and finally returned to her motherland in 1986, returning to the Rose Villa in Shanghai, where she had personally designed and lived.

In the Rose Villa, an extremely conspicuous position is a group photo of Lanni and Sun Ke. It was 1935, a photo they left behind when they were married in Shanghai.

Miao girls have just grown up and are born to cause pain.

Life is full of hardships, and it is difficult to accomplish what you want.

The husband is not self-reliant, and it is difficult to laugh at Weng.

Although he met a good man again, he was a poor drunk dreamer.

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