
In 1985, Sun Ke's daughter returned to her father's former residence and found that it had been transformed into a farm by Xu Shiyou: I really didn't expect it

author:Old nonsense about history

In 1985, Sun Ke's daughter returned to her father's former residence and found that it had been transformed into a farm by Xu Shiyou: I really didn't expect it. There are always some legendary figures in the long history. They are either heroic or unique, and they have become the object of people's talk. Today, let's talk about Xu Shiyou, an old revolutionary who is widely circulated among the people. This veteran general, who had been in charge of the Nanjing Military Region for many years, went so far as to transform a house on the edge of the Sun Yat-sen Cemetery into a farm after his retirement. It's unexpected, it's ridiculous! As a farmer, does he just want to return to his old business after retirement and regain that local feeling?

In 1985, Sun Ke's daughter returned to her father's former residence and found that it had been transformed into a farm by Xu Shiyou: I really didn't expect it

In 1985, an eye-popping event happened. At that time, when Sun Suiying, the granddaughter of the great revolutionary Mr. Sun Yat-sen, returned to the mainland to pay respects, she asked to see the former residence of her father Sun Ke in the eastern suburbs of Nanjing. Seeing that this request is very reasonable, the reception unit is extremely difficult. It turned out that Sun Ke's former residence had already been greatly renovated by Xu Shiyou and turned into a farm.

In 1985, Sun Ke's daughter returned to her father's former residence and found that it had been transformed into a farm by Xu Shiyou: I really didn't expect it

Sun Ke's former residence in Nanjing, built in 1948, is located at the foot of the Purple Mountain. This is not Sun Ke's only residence in Nanjing, he built a villa here more for the purpose of "knotting the house and keeping the spirit", close to his father's Sun Yat-sen cemetery. It's a pity that not long after Sun Ke left the mainland, this house was taken over by the People's Liberation Army.

If it weren't for Xu Shiyou's entrenchment here, it would not be surprising that it was used as a military facility. But Xu Shiyou is not an idle person, as soon as he lived in Sun Ke's former residence, he immediately started a crazy "homework". First, the bushes along the fence were uprooted, a row of pigstys was rebuilt, and the nursery was razed to the ground and turned into a fish pond. This is not over, all kinds of strange flowers and famous plants have been removed, and the original garden has been divided into two and leveled into blocks of "production sites".

In 1985, Sun Ke's daughter returned to her father's former residence and found that it had been transformed into a farm by Xu Shiyou: I really didn't expect it

Interestingly, there is an old saying in our hometown dialect that "being an old man does not repair" and "being an official does not repair". Xu Shiyou, Jiangsu Wu Dalang, did clear up those "rumors" with actions. He once led the troops to farm for self-sufficiency during the Anti-Japanese War and reaped a bumper harvest. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, when I saw the peasants working in the fields, I went to the fields to help without saying a word, and my expression was very intoxicated. Later, he heeded Chairman Mao's call to "prepare for war and prepare for famine", and called on the army to also farm land to reduce the burden on the country and the people. Even when he was in charge of Jiangsu, he put his main energy into agriculture.

In 1985, Sun Ke's daughter returned to her father's former residence and found that it had been transformed into a farm by Xu Shiyou: I really didn't expect it

After Xu Shiyou was transferred to the Nanjing Military Region, he even developed the agricultural and sideline industry to a new height. He insisted that the company must have its own production area, the division and regiment must have small farms, and the units at and above the army level must have special production bases. This man's work style is like iron, and he roars when he doesn't reach his goal. As a result, the leaders of some grass-roots units were promoted, but the leaders of some units apologized again and again for their embarrassment. The leader of an art troupe reported that life was too remote and inconvenient, so the old man asked the engineer company to dig a fish pond without saying a word.

In 1985, Sun Ke's daughter returned to her father's former residence and found that it had been transformed into a farm by Xu Shiyou: I really didn't expect it

After retiring and returning to Nanjing, this person not only implemented a complete rural encirclement of the house next to the Zhongshan Cemetery, but also personally planted vegetables and sweet potatoes in the field, and achieved the level of an expert in home-cooked food. The most interesting thing is that once he also planted a large field of sugar cane himself in order to please his great-grandchildren. It's a pity that the climate in Jiangsu is not suitable after all, and it has already lost its sweet taste when it is ripe.

In 1985, Sun Ke's daughter returned to her father's former residence and found that it had been transformed into a farm by Xu Shiyou: I really didn't expect it

When Sun Suiying inspected his former residence in 1985, it was the time when Xu Shiyou felt the various states of the world. He was once in charge of military and political power, and he was found to be terminally ill. Others advised him to go to the capital to recuperate, but he refused, saying that he would not leave this small farm. It wasn't until he was critically ill that he was forcibly sent to the hospital, and he never returned to the small world of his dreams.

In 1985, Sun Ke's daughter returned to her father's former residence and found that it had been transformed into a farm by Xu Shiyou: I really didn't expect it

From a military farm to a private territory, Xu Shiyou, who was once a man of the hour, chose to return to an idyllic lifestyle in his later years. Its various styles of speaking with actions are embarrassing. I have to sigh that it is also commendable that a martial artist can plow and study in the fields for many years. At the same time, what is more interesting is whether Xu Shiyou entrusted Sun Ke's residence as his last nostalgic sustenance? Whether there is also some subtle connection between his generosity and romantic fantasy makes people sigh and feel. #头条首发大赛#

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