
Why can Li Yunlong directly meet the commander, but the commander of the 4 columns has to queue up?

"Bright Sword" this drama should be very familiar to everyone, in the play Although Li Yunlong is a mud-legged man, he is very talented in fighting, and with years of experience accumulated on the battlefield, he can often defeat the enemy. But Li Yunlong has a characteristic of this person, that is, he likes to go his own way, and he can always cause trouble at every critical moment. Therefore, for the use of Li Yunlong, the superior is both relieved and worried!

Why can Li Yunlong directly meet the commander, but the commander of the 4 columns has to queue up?

It is precisely because Li Yunlong is a double-edged sword, so although he has made many military achievements, he has made many mistakes, resulting in his inability to be promoted in the position of regimental commander, and he has been working for more than 10 years. Just after the victory of the War of Resistance, Li Yunlong was actually demoted by one level, and he was only the commander of a battalion of the independent regiment. It was gold that always shone, so in the Battle of Huaihai, Li Yunlong once again became the commander of the division, and was also dug into the corner by the commander. In the play, there was such a scene, that is, there were 4 column commanders standing at the door of Noji, it seemed that they should be waiting in line to see the commander, but after Li Yunlong came, he actually did not queue up and directly entered the commander's room. So the question is, why can Li Yunlong, a small division commander, directly see the commander, while the commanders of the 4 columns have to wait in line?

Why can Li Yunlong directly meet the commander, but the commander of the 4 columns has to queue up?

First of all, from the plot of the play, it can be known that Li Yunlong is the commander who took the initiative to summon him, and the commanders of the 4 columns outside the door should not have received the commander's summoning order, but took the initiative to find the door, it seems that if it is expected, they should come to the battle. Therefore, in contrast, Li Yunlong had the privilege of meeting the commander first than the 4 column commanders!

Why can Li Yunlong directly meet the commander, but the commander of the 4 columns has to queue up?

Secondly, although Li Yunlong was only a division commander, he was a red man in the eyes of the commander. During the agrarian revolution, Li Yunlong and the commander were superior-subordinate relations, and the commander knew Li Yunlong's ability very well, so at the beginning of the Huaihai Campaign, Li Yunlong was dug into a corner by the commander. Moreover, after Li Yunlong arrived in Huaye, the first battle he fought made the commander impressed, the Nationalist Army's temporary Seventh Division was completely destroyed, and Chu Yunfei's 89th Division fled in the wind.

Why can Li Yunlong directly meet the commander, but the commander of the 4 columns has to queue up?

Finally, the reason why the commander was anxious to summon Li Yunlong was because the war was urgent, and Li Yunlong's old rival Chu Yun flew in. For Chu Yunfei, only Li Yunlong knew him best, knew himself and knew the other, and only then could he survive a hundred battles! Therefore, the commander gave priority to summoning Li Yunlong and assigning him combat tasks. In addition, Chu Yunfei's 89th Division is known as the elite of the nationalist army, all American equipment, while Li Yunlong's troops, although there is no advantage in weapons and equipment, but the combat effectiveness is very strong, compared with other units under his command, the commander will naturally think of Li Yunlong's trump card first.

It is precisely because of the above 3 reasons that Li Yunlong can directly see the commander, while the commander of the 4 columns has to queue!

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