
Japan's delay in apologizing during the war of aggression against China, and the 91-year-old Japanese veteran revealed the truth, which made people angry

Japan's delay in apologizing during the war of aggression against China, and the 91-year-old Japanese veteran revealed the truth, which made people angry

The land of China is rich in resources. Whenever our strength becomes weaker, the land of China will be coveted by other countries. In order to protect our homeland and our fathers and fellow countrymen, after the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, all the Chinese struggled to resist. In that war, China lost countless amounts of property, and the casualties reached tens of millions of soldiers and civilians. The effort paid off, and our efforts were ultimately rewarded, and Japan was defeated.

Japan's delay in apologizing during the war of aggression against China, and the 91-year-old Japanese veteran revealed the truth, which made people angry

And one thing we've been waiting for all these years is that belated apology, not that the Japanese haven't been humble. Many Japanese non-governmental groups traveling to China have come to China to find the whereabouts of their once-lost relatives and express their heartfelt apologies for the harm they have caused to the Chinese people. In the face of them, we are naturally willing to let go of the hatred in our hearts and accept them as a friend. The war is over, and the living should cherish the beauty of peace. But what is the reason why the Japanese side did not apologize to China formally and rigorously?

Japan's delay in apologizing during the war of aggression against China, and the 91-year-old Japanese veteran revealed the truth, which made people angry

After the Meiji Restoration, Japan frantically learned from the advanced experience of the West and completely opened the door of its own country. I am even bored with many traditional things. Imitating Western culture has become an emerging fashion. Constitutional monarchy is exactly the implementation, it sounds like a constitutional monarchy, the emperor will become a decoration, in fact, it is very wrong.

Japan's delay in apologizing during the war of aggression against China, and the 91-year-old Japanese veteran revealed the truth, which made people angry

An untalented woman like Cixi knew what a constitutional monarchy would do to the imperial power. Would the Emperor of Japan not know? You can tell from the names of japanese officials now that there is a difference, the Minister of Defense, the Minister of Foreign Affairs. It can be seen that the idea of the supremacy of the emperor in Japan still exists. The prime minister can be changed constantly, but I have never heard of the emperor changing.

Japan's delay in apologizing during the war of aggression against China, and the 91-year-old Japanese veteran revealed the truth, which made people angry

A 91-year-old Japanese veteran said that the war was fought to be loyal to the emperor and to expand The territory of Japan, which was a supreme order, not an invasion. In addition, now the Japanese government will issue high subsidies to the former Japanese veterans, equivalent to more than 20,000 yuan per month, which invisibly commends those Japanese veterans. How do you feel about that? Hurry up and comment on it.

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