
After Li Yunlong was promoted to military commander, why did Zhang Dabiao disappear? You see which battle this person participated in

author:Mu Lingyang

In "Bright Sword", Zhang Dabiao's weight in Li Yunlong can be said to be far greater than that of Monk Wei, because he is not only the first fierce general to follow the other party, but also unconditionally obeys Li Yunlong's orders.

After Li Yunlong was promoted to military commander, why did Zhang Dabiao disappear? You see which battle this person participated in

It is precisely because of this that after Li Yunlong was transferred from the new regiment to the independent regiment, he would ask Ding Wei and the brigade commander for the character of Zhang Dabiao.

What is unthinkable is that during the Liberation War, after Li Yunlong recovered from his injuries and became the acting commander, Zhang Dabiao suddenly seemed to evaporate from the world and never appeared in everyone's field of vision again.

After Li Yunlong was promoted to military commander, why did Zhang Dabiao disappear? You see which battle this person participated in

You must know that Li Yunlong can be an extremely protective person, and it stands to reason that he should do everything possible to transfer his former patriotic army to his command.

But what everyone doesn't know is that the reason why Li Yunlong didn't transfer Zhang Dabiao to his side was because the other party participated in a battle, and this battle made Li Yunlong burst into tears.

After Li Yunlong was promoted to military commander, why did Zhang Dabiao disappear? You see which battle this person participated in

"Zhang Dabiao's weight in Li Yunlong's heart"

When it comes to Li Yunlong's favorite subordinate in "Bright Sword", I believe many people will definitely blurt out the name "Monk Wei".

Because Monk Wei was not only Li Yunlong's right-hand man, but also rescued the other party in dire straits, and carried Li Yunlong on his back for dozens of kilometers in one go.

After Li Yunlong was promoted to military commander, why did Zhang Dabiao disappear? You see which battle this person participated in

But what everyone doesn't know is that there is actually one person in Li Yunlong's heart, far more important than Monk Wei, and this person is Zhang Dabiao.

When Li Yunlong led the new regiment, Zhang Dabiao was a fierce general under him, and then after Li Yunlong came to the independent regiment to appoint the head of the regiment for disobeying the order, the first thing he did was to transfer Zhang Dabiao back.

After Li Yunlong was promoted to military commander, why did Zhang Dabiao disappear? You see which battle this person participated in

Not only that, Li Yunlong also intended to train Zhang Dabiao, who was promoted step by step from the position of platoon commander to the chief of staff of the division, and would lead the other party no matter what battle he fought.

And Zhang Dabiao is also a person who knows how to repay his kindness, and he always implements Li Yunlong's orders unconditionally, and has never complained at all.

After Li Yunlong was promoted to military commander, why did Zhang Dabiao disappear? You see which battle this person participated in

It is precisely because of this that Li Yunlong will let him serve as the chief of staff and battalion commander of the regiment, you must know that Zhang Dabiao's qualifications are really small compared with other battalion commanders.

Because Zhang Dabiao did not join the Eighth Route Army directly, but defected to the new regiment from the national army, he had no outstanding qualifications.

After Li Yunlong was promoted to military commander, why did Zhang Dabiao disappear? You see which battle this person participated in

The other battalion commanders are different, most of them are veterans before the Anti-Japanese War, and they are all soldiers who crawled all the way from the Long March.

For example, when Li Yunlong was preparing to attack Ping'an County, he immediately asked the herald to immediately notify the scattered troops to return to the team, and let them inform them that they had important combat missions.

After Li Yunlong was promoted to military commander, why did Zhang Dabiao disappear? You see which battle this person participated in

At this time, Zhang Dabiao led his troops to win a battle, not only led a battalion to capture a group of puppet soldiers, but also captured a lot of materials and equipment, which was a lot of "achievements".

But when the herald hurriedly informed Zhang Dabiao that the regiment commander Li Yunlong immediately summoned the news of his return, he directly asked the troops to gather without saying a word.

After Li Yunlong was promoted to military commander, why did Zhang Dabiao disappear? You see which battle this person participated in

In the face of the group of prisoners and materials in front of him, Zhang Dabiao didn't want them all, and said directly to his anxious subordinates: "Don't want it, don't want anything, give up the captured materials, let go of all the prisoners, and the whole battalion will gather immediately!" ”

Through this scene, we can see Zhang Dabiao's loyalty to Li Yunlong, in his eyes, Li Yunlong's order even if the emperor Lao Tzu came, it would be useless, let alone some captured prisoners and supplies.

After Li Yunlong was promoted to military commander, why did Zhang Dabiao disappear? You see which battle this person participated in

"Killed on the battlefield"

It's just that during the Liberation War, Zhang Dabiao, who was promoted to the chief of staff of the division in the film and television drama "Bright Sword", suddenly and quietly "disappeared", and he was not seen until the finale.

However, what everyone doesn't know is that in fact, the reason why Zhang Dabiao "disappeared" was not that he was transferred to the rest of the troops, but that he died in a battle.

After Li Yunlong was promoted to military commander, why did Zhang Dabiao disappear? You see which battle this person participated in

In the original work of "Bright Sword", Li Yunlong was injured by shrapnel when he encircled and suppressed Chu Yunfei in the Battle of Zhaozhuang, but fortunately, Duan Peng and others immediately sent him to the field hospital, which saved Li Yunlong's life.

Although Li Yunlong was seriously wounded, the battle still had to be fought, so during the time he was recuperating from his injuries, Zhang Dabiao and Xing Zhiguo led the troops to continue the battle.

After Li Yunlong was promoted to military commander, why did Zhang Dabiao disappear? You see which battle this person participated in

Because Li Yunlong had been recuperating from his injuries for a long time, he did not catch up with the large army heading south, but the Huaye Second Division needed someone to command, so Zhang Dabiao and Xing Zhiguo also waved their troops south.

With the passage of time, after Li Yunlong's condition improved, because the Huaye Second Division had already gone south, he did not return to the old unit, but was transferred to a new unit as the acting commander.

After Li Yunlong was promoted to military commander, why did Zhang Dabiao disappear? You see which battle this person participated in

It's just that after that, Zhang Dabiao was completely silent, and even after the liberation of the country, he never heard this name again.

In fact, the reason why Zhang Dabiao did not come forward was because he died in the Battle of Kinmen during the Liberation War, and Xing Zhiguo was also with him.

After Li Yunlong was promoted to military commander, why did Zhang Dabiao disappear? You see which battle this person participated in

Due to the deletion of the plot of the film and television drama "Bright Sword", everyone did not see this scene, and at the same time, they did not see Li Yunlong's emotional changes when he heard the news.

In the original work of "Bright Sword", Li Yunlong can be said to be grief-stricken, even more sad than when Monk Wei died tragically, he burst into tears instantly after learning the news, covering his eyes and crying bitterly.

After Li Yunlong was promoted to military commander, why did Zhang Dabiao disappear? You see which battle this person participated in

Because Li Yunlong has not yet come out of the death of Monk Wei at this moment, every time he drinks, he can't help but recall this old friend, and now Zhang Dabiao has died on the battlefield again, which is undoubtedly another handful of salt on the scar.

"If you don't die, you will have the rank of colonel"

Zhang Dabiao in "Bright Sword" can be said to be another person who makes the audience regret after the death of Monk Wei, because he died in a battle at the end of the Liberation War, and he was one step away from being awarded a military rank.

After Li Yunlong was promoted to military commander, why did Zhang Dabiao disappear? You see which battle this person participated in

And if Zhang Dabiao and Xing Zhiguo had not died on the battlefield and lived to the day when they were awarded military ranks, I believe everyone would definitely be puzzled about what military rank they should award, but in fact, the answer is clear at a glance.

The first is Xing Zhiguo, his qualifications can be said to be equal to Li Yunlong, and even slightly better than the other party, because Xing Zhiguo has almost never committed any violations of discipline.

After Li Yunlong was promoted to military commander, why did Zhang Dabiao disappear? You see which battle this person participated in

Although Xing Zhiguo is not particularly good at fighting, he has a steady and steady work attitude, and his military rank will naturally not be low, not to mention that this person was already the position of deputy regiment commander during the Anti-Japanese War.

Therefore, if it is inferred from many aspects, if Xing Zhiguo is awarded the military rank, then he is guaranteed to be a major general.

After Li Yunlong was promoted to military commander, why did Zhang Dabiao disappear? You see which battle this person participated in

As for Zhang Dabiao's military rank, the most reasonable position should be the rank of colonel, although he has been brave and good at fighting all the way since he joined the Eighth Route Army during the Anti-Japanese War, but his qualifications are somewhat inferior, and he is not comparable with Xing Zhiguo at all.

Based on the above, it is not difficult for us to see that the reason why Li Yunlong was promoted to army commander, but Zhang Dabiao disappeared, was actually sacrificed in the Battle of Kinmen.

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