
How could Liu Bei avoid the fiasco at the Battle of Yiling and succeed in his crusade against Jingzhou? Shamoko is key

In the 22nd year of Jian'an, that is, in 217 AD, Liu Bei and Cao Cao "hunted" Hanzhong. After nearly two years of fighting, Liu Bei's Han Guangfu army defeated the wei army in nearly two years (at this time Cao Cao had established himself as the king of Wei).

At this time, Jiuzhou, Jingzhou, and Yizhou had been restored by the Han army, and Liu Bei was promoted from Yizhou to the throne of Hanzhong, and fought against Cao Cao, the king of Wei. Hanzhong is close to Chang'an, as long as the time is ripe, from jingzhou northern expedition, to the northeast can be xuchang to welcome back to Tianzi, to the north can give the Wei state capital Luoyang a huge pressure, to the northwest can meet Liu Bei at Tongguan, no matter how bad it is, there is no need to be as troublesome as Zhuge Liang and Jiang Wei's northern expedition in the late Three Kingdoms period to cross the Qinling Mountains every time.

How could Liu Bei avoid the fiasco at the Battle of Yiling and succeed in his crusade against Jingzhou? Shamoko is key

However, all this is based on the fact that the world is changing and the time is ripe. The Shuzhong Han army had just finished the Battle of Hanzhong, and the shu grain was transported to Hanzhong, and the supply was inconvenient. Second, the Han army also needs to be repaired.

Guan Yu, who was far away in Jingzhou, heard the news of the great victory in Hanzhong and quickly moved north, without asking Liu Bei or asking Liu Bei for inconvenience, without authorization, to lead the Jingzhou Han army to cross the Han River north and directly attack Fancheng. Guan Yu's attack was extremely fierce, and Fan Cheng could not resist and asked Cao Cao for help from Luoyang. Cao Cao ordered Yu Ban to lead seven large armies of more than 30,000 men and horses to the rescue.

Yu Forbidden put his troops on the plain north of Fancheng, and Fancheng was at an angle. Unfortunately, at this time, it rained heavily in Fancheng, and the plains around Fancheng instantly became the state of Ze, and what was worse was that the Wei soldiers were wearing heavy armor. And Guan Yu prepared the ship in advance, led the Jingzhou Han army to ride the long wind and waves, and shot the Wei army all the way, which was the flooded Seventh Army, and Guan Yu threatened Huaxia because of this. Cao Cao did not have the confidence to block Guan Yu, and even transferred back the troops who were defending Sun Quan in Hefei.

How could Liu Bei avoid the fiasco at the Battle of Yiling and succeed in his crusade against Jingzhou? Shamoko is key

At this time, Guan Yu ignored a variable and a small person in the Cao Wei regime, this small person was Sima Yi, who had just turned 40, and he suggested to Cao Cao that he unite with Sun Quan, attack Guan Yu, return his Jingzhou, and Xu cut Jiangnan. Yes, this variable is Sun Quan. Although Cao Cao was reluctant, he also agreed, because he was 64 years old, and he realized that his time was short, and he could not conquer Jiangdong in this life. If it were ten years ago, he would never have joined forces with Sun Quan. When Guan Yu was in Jingzhou, the relationship with Eastern Wu was very stiff, and Guan Yu was fucked back, Jingzhou was captured, and he was also captured by Wu Junsheng. Sun Quan was afraid of Guan Yu's influence in Jingzhou and killed Guan Yu directly.

Liu Bei, who was far away in Yizhou, learned of the news and did not immediately attack Eastern Wu. The Romance of the Three Kingdoms says that Liu Bei wanted to avenge Guan Yu, and despite the opposition of the people, he desperately wanted to attack Sun Quan, and finally there was a major defeat at the Battle of Yiling. Only then did the great cause of reviving the Han Dynasty suffer a huge setback. But the editor wants to say no, Liu Bei is still very rational.

First, from liu bei began to cut down Wu, at this moment it has been two years since Guan Yu was killed and Jingzhou was taken. Liu Bei had just turned 60 two years ago, and at this time he was 62 years old, and he could fight if he wanted to attack Eastern Wu at all costs. Moreover, during this period, Cao Pi usurped the Title of Emperor of Han, and Liu Bei did not move.

Second, the Battle of Yiling fought by Liu Bei and Lu Xun was 50,000 to 50,000 in numbers, and the losses of the Han army were only more than 20,000, and the Battle of Yiling did not seriously damage the Shu Han Yuanqi.

How could Liu Bei avoid the fiasco at the Battle of Yiling and succeed in his crusade against Jingzhou? Shamoko is key

Third, Liu Bei did not fall ill because of this Battle of Yiling, but lived in the White Emperor City for nearly a year, you know, Liu Bei failed for half a life, his mentality was very good, how could the Battle of Yiling make Liu Bei depressed from then on? You know, in the Three Kingdoms era when the population was withered and the average life expectancy was only 30 years old, Liu Bei lived a long life.

Fourth, when Sun Ce, Sun Quan, and Liu Biao fought for so many years, after the Battle of Chibi, Sun Quan married his sister and let Liu Bei administer Jingzhou. In order to let Jingzhou be in hand, to protect one side. It's just that Liu Bei is not a thing in the pool that has been living under the people for a long time, and he used to turn to Gongsun Zhan, Tao Qian, Lü Bu, Yuan Shao, Liu Biao, and who was unlucky with whom. Liu Bei captured Yizhou, fought in Hanzhong, and did not return Jingzhou, at this time Sun Quan also felt that he was unlucky, and after Guan Yu flooded the Seventh Army, the biggest enemy suddenly changed from Cao Cao to Liu Bei. Sun Liu must have a war, and after the Battle of Yiling, Sun Quan proposed Sun Liu's alliance, and Liu Bei agreed in principle.

How could Liu Bei avoid the fiasco at the Battle of Yiling and succeed in his crusade against Jingzhou? Shamoko is key

So the question is, why did Liu Bei beat Sun Quan? Don't you know that the biggest enemy is Cao Wei and not Sun Quan? Xiaobian thinks.

The first reason, Wu Wu is the hope of the people, you must know that at this time Liu Bei has three major groups in his hands, the first is the northern faction, the northern faction is Guan Yu's old iron, except for Zhao Yun is relatively calm, everyone hopes to fight back and avenge Guan Yu. The second was the Jingzhou faction, who had fought with Sun Quan for many years under Liu Biao and hated Eastern Wu, hoping to fight back to their hometown under Liu Bei's leadership, and even Zhuge Liang, Wei Yan, and Li Yan did not comment, because Jingzhou was also their hometown. The third was the Yizhou native faction, although they did not want to be occupied by Cao Wei and accepted Liu Bei's rule, they still hoped that the Jingzhou clique would leave early and not grab food here, so they also hoped that Liu Bei could fight back to Jingzhou.

The second reason Liu Bei wanted to crusade against Sun Quan was that the strategic location of Jingzhou was very important. First, Jingzhou is rich in products and is the closest place to the Central Plains, and Jingzhou Yizhou is a horn to each other, which is the premise of unifying the world. Second, there is an idiom called shuzhong no general, yizhou fatigue in the late Three Kingdoms period, one is not enough population, the other is that the quality of talent is not as good as Jingzhou. The small editor of the literary and martial talents in Jingzhou who was willing to the Han Room could casually say a lot, Xu Shu, Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong, Huang Zhong, Wei Yan, Ma Liang, Ma Chen, Jiang Huan, Fei Yi, and so on. When Jingzhou returned, the talent resources in the Jingzhou area were also incredible.

The third reason why Liu Bei wanted to crusade against Sun Quan was that after all, he was old, and he followed his old subordinates one by one, and Hanzhong gambled and won, Jingzhou may not gamble or not win, and if he does not gamble again, there will be no time. However, even if he was old, Liu Bei still recuperated and recuperated for two years in order to cut down Wu, which showed that he was not impulsive.

The fourth reason why Liu Bei wanted to crusade against Sun Quan was that Liu Bei felt that although he and Cao Wei were mortal enemies, Sun Quan was also an enemy that Cao Wei was bound to destroy. If he beat Sun Quan himself, Cao Wei would inevitably follow suit. Previously, after Cao Wei joined forces with Eastern Wu to defeat Guan Yu, Cao Wei's generals had a very high opinion of themselves, and there was a lot of conflict with Sun Quan's generals, and Liu Bei's internal line in the State of Wei sent news that Cao Pi could not even wait for Liu Bei to not cut down Wu for two years, and he was going to cut down Wu himself.

Regarding this fourth reason, Liu Bei miscalculated. As soon as Liu Bei attacked Sun Quan, Sun Quan immediately submitted to Wei. However, because of the years of war and turmoil in Cao Wei, the focus of Cao Pi was still on Tuntian and weakening the power of Cao's clan relatives, and in fact, he was not in a hurry to fight. Sima Yi and Chen Qun told Cao Pi that unifying the world was not an overnight achievement, and that it was necessary to take advantage of Sun Liu's discord in the past few years to speed up the development of production, so Sun Liu fought a big war, until the end of the war for a long time, Cao Wei neither cut down Shu nor Wu, but raised troops in Tuntian.

I want to say that although the loss of the Battle of Yiling was not large, Jingzhou was lost, and this was the biggest loss. In addition to the Han army, there were also southern barbarian minorities who participated in the Battle of Yiling, and the leader was Sha Moke, who was killed by the rebel army in the Battle of Yiling.

How could Liu Bei avoid the fiasco at the Battle of Yiling and succeed in his crusade against Jingzhou? Shamoko is key

Pictured: Samok

History cannot be assumed, but Xiaobian also has a way to make shu Han's crusade against Sun Quan successful in one fell swoop, and listen to Xiaobian slowly.

First of all, what Liu Bei had to do was not to fight a direct battle with Eastern Wu, Yiling was in today's Yichang, the easternmost point of the Three Gorges, using the Terrain of the Three Gorges to block the Westward Advance of the Wu Army. At the same time in Chengdu and tuntian in the south of Yizhou.

Chengdu not only has Dujiangyan, but also many water conservancy projects left by Li Bing 500 years ago to benefit future generations, high grain yields, the country of Tianfu, and the fertile wilderness. At the end of the Warring States period, Wang Qi used this to supply 600,000 Qin troops, and fought with the Chu army for more than a year before he pacified the Chu state. Liu Bei was just too anxious. Kecheng unification, the revival of the Han Dynasty, not the work of the day, as strong as Qin Shi Huang, but also to fight the sixth Yu Lie.

How could Liu Bei avoid the fiasco at the Battle of Yiling and succeed in his crusade against Jingzhou? Shamoko is key

Photo: Wang Qi

Although the barbarians in southern Yizhou were brave and fierce, they were in urgent need of Han support after their farming was weak. In addition, ShaMo Keben was the leader of the barbarians at the junction of southern Jingzhou and Yizhou, and had great prestige among the barbarians and even among the southern mountain peoples. On the one hand, Shu Han could use the grain of Chengdu and the prestige of Sha Moke to make friends with the barbarians of Yizhou, and on the other hand, he could slowly tun tian in the south of Yizhou, tun to the south of Jingzhou, and slowly map the Jingnan region. If the Wu army attacked Jingnan, with the Jingnan barbarians on its back, the Han army could take advantage of the emptiness of Jingbei to take it in one fell swoop, and the people of Jingzhou had fought with Sun Quan for so many years under the leadership of Liu Biao, and they were deeply resentful of Eastern Wu, and they should also support Liu Bei to fight back.

How could Liu Bei avoid the fiasco at the Battle of Yiling and succeed in his crusade against Jingzhou? Shamoko is key

Jingzhou returned, even if Liu Bei died, Liu Chan was 25 years old, it was young and young, and he could carry on the great cause. Don't think that he is an unsupportable Ah Dou, Li Mi, who wrote the "Chen Qing Table", said that he could compare with the Duke huan of Qi, and later the economic construction of shu Han, the harmony between the Yizhou and Jingzhou factions, were all because of Liu Chan. Moreover, Liu Chan ran around with his father in his early years, how could he be a person who coveted pleasure.

Jingzhou returned, liu chan could again supply jingzhou with grain from tuntian in southern Jingnan, supply grain from jingzhou to Luoyang in the north, and encroach on the southern part of the state of Wu in the east, and slowly map out the area around present-day Fujian in Jiangxi, slowly consuming Sun Quan. In this way, at least the cause of the Southern Dynasty can be guaranteed, and it will be able to compete with the north, and once there is chaos in the north, the Cao clan and the Sima clan will fight a big fight, and Liu Chan can take advantage of the Northern Expedition, unify the world, and restore the Han Dynasty!

This article is written by "Water Town Sun Wenli", the special author of "The Heroic Dream of famous generals through the ages", and it is forbidden to reprint it without the author's authorization

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