
Exposed Apple headset postponed to the end of 2022, can it replace the iPhone?

For some time, there have been quite a few rumors about Apple's AR/VR devices, but until now Apple officials have not given a specific response to these news.

However, with the passage of time, there is now more content related to it, which mentions the arrival of the corresponding product.

Exposed Apple headset postponed to the end of 2022, can it replace the iPhone?

Today, analyst Ming-Chi Kuo mentioned in the latest report that Apple's AR/MR headset will be postponed until the end of 2022, speculating that the more significant shipments will have to be in the first quarter of 2023. Apple's AR/MR devices will feature two 3P Pancake lenses, each priced at $15–20.

Exposed Apple headset postponed to the end of 2022, can it replace the iPhone?

Another leak shows that Apple will use three display components for the headset launched this year, priced at about $3,000, which is about 19,110 yuan. It comes with 2 micro OLED displays supplied by Sony and 1 AMOLED panel.

According to the current several revelations, Apple's AR devices may arrive this year, which is also a statement that has appeared many times in recent times.

Exposed Apple headset postponed to the end of 2022, can it replace the iPhone?

In fact, as early as last year, there was news that Apple would launch an AR headset in 2022 and use a processor with the same level of computing power as the Mac.

Analysts predict that Apple will launch these products in the fourth quarter of 2022, which was also reiterated in Guo Mingji's latest forecast report.

Exposed Apple headset postponed to the end of 2022, can it replace the iPhone?

As for the 2 micro OLED displays provided by Sony mentioned in the latest revelations, the previous revelations are equipped with Sony's 4K Micro OLED displays.

In addition, other revelations of this new product show that it will be equipped with 2 processors. The high-end processor has similar computing power and power management design to the M1 chip, and there is also a separate processor responsible for inductive computing.

Exposed Apple headset postponed to the end of 2022, can it replace the iPhone?

Previous analysis reports have shown that this device can support users without a Mac or iPhone. Apple's expectation is that it can replace the iPhone product in 10 years. But the sources mentioned that the first generation of this device was not a replacement for macs, iPhones or iPads from the beginning.

Exposed Apple headset postponed to the end of 2022, can it replace the iPhone?

It is reported that Apple's headset will focus on three important areas, namely gaming, media consumption and communications. Apple has positioned the device as a game developer's dream.

However, it should be noted that until now, there has been no official response from Apple, and the corresponding breaking information can be used as a reference.

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