
In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

author:Mato Delicious-kun
In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

Since ancient times, deep affection can not be retained, only food wins the hearts of the people. The feeling of being embraced by food for the first time is great.

A simple bowl of small noodles that can be buried in the head and eat until you can't stop eating.

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

The texture of the soy beans is dense and rustling.

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

(In order to eat, I can train invincible shadowless hands (●'◡'●))

This bite goes down, who suffered.... Needless to say, start releasing poison!

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai



Authentic Chongqing noodles, to eat here

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

(Fat Sister Noodle House Main Store)

In the past two years, small noodles have blossomed everywhere. Friends who have been to Chongqing to play, it is indispensable to go to a few bowls of noodles, in order not to waste this trip.

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

When it comes to noodles, it is indispensable to the Fat Sister Noodle Village, as one of the representatives of Chongqing Noodles, it has been stationed in the top 5 list of small noodles for more than 20 years. Friends who basically went to Chongqing to play have eaten her home.

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

And in Shanghai, it also has a direct-operated store, a solution to the nostalgia of the starry people!!

The sign in front of the door reads "Only this is a Shanghai directly operated store", defending the solid position of Landing in Shanghai as a local veteran noodle restaurant in Chongqing.

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

(The history and photos of the main store are displayed in the shop.)


Condiments are the soul of small noodles

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

(Fat Sister Noodle House Main Store Picture)

Every small noodle restaurant has a stir-fried chef town shop, the reason is very simple, because the condiment is the soul of small noodles! “

Don't look simple, but pay attention to the seasoning. Sesame oil, lard, ginger garlic water, peppercorns, sea peppers... More than a dozen ingredients are indispensable.

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

The last soul, of course, is the oil spicy, which is also the secret of every household, and the master who is in charge of the spoon is all in charge.

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

(Photo: Bracri broccoli)


A bowl of noodles is the beginning of the day

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

「 Chongqing Noodles "

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

In Chongqing, a bowl of small noodles is the beginning of the day. Small noodles, generally divided into two kinds of soup noodles and dry slips, are actually the difference between soup and no soup, all depending on personal taste.

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

Casually a small bowl of noodles, there are more than a dozen kinds of spices.

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai
In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

Take a sip, spicy and fragrant. The noodles are soft and rotten, wrapped in red oil and slid down the throat, and the sniffles are full of the stimulating sense of smell brought by peppercorns, and the taste is a little more layered.

At this time, it would be beautiful to drink another can of cold mountain city beer.

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

「Pea Noodles」

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

Pea noodles are my personal favorite, especially the dry mix, highly recommended.

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

Fat sister's peas are boiled in a puree state, soft and rotten, and the entrance is sticky.

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In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai
In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

Pork belly dried seeds mixed with sauce after frying with its own aroma, a mouthful of pea puree and a mouthful of dry meat, there is a hint of granularity in the dense, wrapped in noodles into the belly, is really unable to stop chopsticks.

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

The noodles are thin noodles that can be completely hung with full condiments and have no water taste.

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai
In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

Finally, a small tip, noodles in the Sichuan-Chongqing region, the surface is light and breezy, but the base is hidden at the bottom of the bowl. When eating, it must be flipped, stirred, and repeated to ensure that each noodle is evenly wrapped in flavor.

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

「Sour and Spicy Chicken Noodles」

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

Sour and spicy chicken noodles, in fact, are small noodles with chicken offal, which can be said to be the periphery of small noodles. In the Sichuan-Chongqing region, there are also beef noodles, fatty sausage noodles and so on.

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

Take a bite of chicken offal, it's really well done, cleanly handled and odorless. It's spicy and sour, and it's a pleasure to eat.

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

If you can't eat spicy, say hello to the kitchen, this can also be made into a clear soup, that is, the kind that does not put spicy or oil, and it is also more able to highlight the umami taste of the soup base.

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai


Ice powder series & snack series

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

Eat noodles without sprinkling?

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai
In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai


In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

「Spring Rolls」

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

Freshly fried spring rolls are round and rolling, with a crispy burnt yellow color. The entrance is three silk refreshing, but also with a little oily feeling. Paired with dry sauces, the bottom flavor becomes playful again.

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai
In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

It is worth saying that the spring roll skin is just fried and crispy. Take a bite and you can hear the sound of the spring roll skin exploding in your mouth, creaking.

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

「Bulbophyllum mushrooms"

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

Tyrannical apricot abalone mushrooms, eaten as its name suggests. Look at this juice, the next bite of the moment there is a refreshing, one breath to solve a plate is not a problem.

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai
In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

「 Family Fun Bubble Ice Powder"

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

Ice powder, cold shrimp and cold cake are undoubtedly the three major summer desserts in the Sichuan-Chongqing region, and I would like to call them the light of Chinese desserts!

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

First of all, let's talk about ice powder, hand rubbing ice powder to have bubbles, is the truth that sichuan and Chongqing people understand.

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

The ice powder seeds are scrubbed vigorously in the water to release the gum in them, and then lit with lime water to make the pectin molecules form a more stable solid structure, and after a short period of standing, you will get a smooth and tender ice powder with full bubbles.

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

Family Portrait Ice Powder is a hot one, after all, a bowl of money. Pour sugar water, drizzle with melon seeds, peanuts, crushed hawthorn grapes and sesame seeds, and you can start.

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

Eat ice powder!

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai
In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai
In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

It looks crystal clear, it tastes cold and sweet, the taste is smooth, and the sweetness is cool, which is the taste of summer when I was a child.

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

「 Ice Powder Bucket Cold Shrimp "

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

Cold shrimp is not a shrimp, it is made by boiling and boiling rice pulp, and molding it with a colander in water. Because the tail is shaped like a shrimp, it got its name.

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

Slippery cold shrimp and ice powder shine like crystal in the sunlight, looking cool and pleasant, a relief from the sweltering heat.

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

Grunting into the belly, sweet silk, cool Qinqin, real summer relief dessert!

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai
In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai



「Spicy Sweetheart」

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

This is quite interesting, milk ice cream poured with a circle of red oil spicy seeds, sprinkled with some peanut crumbles, a small pepper in the sky, full of shape.

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

Red oil looks at the red and oil, in fact, eating spicy taste is acceptable, not very strong ice cream limelight. That is, you have to eat as soon as you get your hands, otherwise you can't hold them in your hands...

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai
In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

"Happy Drink"

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

Happy water actually has ice powder in it, oh, it is quite convenient, you can drink while walking. The store will also be on new products from time to time, for example, the one we drink is a new product~

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai
In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

Coordinates: Hechuan Road

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

The location of the small shop in Hechuan Road, Hongqiao Town, is very easy to find, and you can see the signboard of the fat sister from afar, and the customers are basically familiar customers of nearby residents.

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai
In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

The storefront is not small, and it is no problem for three or four people to eat. There are also several open-air seats set up outdoors, and the evening wind strikes, blowing the wind while talking about small noodles, which is also a good experience

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

Tall fat sister noodle village

In the God-level noodle restaurant in Chongqing, I lost as soon as I came to Shanghai

business hours



No. 3125 Hechuan Road, Hongqiao Town, Shanghai-110-111

per capita

30 yuan

EDITOR Edit acidic temper

PHOTO Photography Show Talent

DESIGN Acidic temper


Today's topic

"Small noodles or pea noodles, which do you prefer to eat?"