
"Learning from the role models around you" advanced typical deeds exhibition (23)

author:Jiaxiang Fusions

In order to further strengthen the leading role of advanced models, fully create a strong atmosphere of discovering role models, learning from role models, and striving to be role models. The WeChat public account of "Jiaxiang Group Work" has set up a special column of "learning from the examples around you", publishing a number of advanced models every month, vigorously establishing and publicizing a number of credible and learnable and traceable role models, educating people around them with examples around them, and guiding the majority of party members and cadres to see the wisdom and wisdom of the people, create the first and strive for excellence, and transform the power of the example into a strong spiritual power for the construction of a new Jiaxiang of "strong wealth and beauty" in the new era.

"Learning from the role models around you" advanced typical deeds exhibition (23)

Be a good village helmsman and devote yourself to the prosperity of the villagers

Gao Ji, secretary of the Party branch and director of the village committee of Gaozhuang Village, Liangbaosi Town, Jiaxiang County, advanced deeds

Gao Ji, male, born in October 1978, is a member of the Communist Party of China. He is currently the secretary of the party branch and director of the village committee of Gaozhuang Village, Liangbaosi Town. Since serving as the secretary of the party branch, Comrade Gao Ji has conscientiously implemented the party's line, principles and policies, and has been awarded the honorary titles of Jiaxiang County as a good secretary and Jiaxiang County's "Top Ten Outstanding Youths".

Strengthen the leadership of party building and build a good team to serve the people

Since Comrade Gao Ji served as the secretary of the party branch, with the dedication of "seeking his own government in his position" and the sense of responsibility of "the village is not strong and unwilling, and the people are not rich and uneasy", he has led the members of the village "two committees" to play a vanguard and exemplary role, upgraded and built one party and mass activity center, and the village team raised more than 20 yuan by itself, repaired more than 2,000 meters of north and south streets and more than 800 meters of east and west streets in Gaozhuang Village, implemented more than 50 large and small projects, transferred more than 3,000 acres of land, and built many small reservoirs. In recent years, 6 ruins and broken walls have been demolished, 4 public parking lots have been built, 3 public toilets have been rebuilt, more than 300 meters of green belts have been replanted, and more than 30 street lights have been replaced.

"Learning from the role models around you" advanced typical deeds exhibition (23)

Promote rural revitalization and develop and expand the village collective economy

Based on reality, Comrade Gao Ji actively explored new ways to increase income, made full use of the idle land and coal mine subsidence land in the north of the village, made a living land article, and adopted the model of "land circulation + village-enterprise cooperation", which has embarked on a path of double income increase in the collective economy, and effectively promoted the transformation and upgrading of village development. Gaozhuang Village will be the coal mine subsidence land all under the collective management of the village, 50,000 yuan of guaranteed funds as the village collective income every year, in the guaranteed income at the same time, the village collective extracts 20% of the net income of land breeding as a dividend fund into the collective income, "guaranteed + dividend" effectively improves the income of the village collective. Gaozhuang Village cooperated with Jining Shengyuan Seed Industry Co., Ltd. to establish Jining Shengyuan Seed Co., Ltd., and built a new large-scale grain transit reserve, covering an area of 5,000 square meters, and the village collective provided services as a shareholder, accounting for 20% of the company's shares, truly achieving a win-win situation.

"Learning from the role models around you" advanced typical deeds exhibition (23)

Adhere to the people's livelihood and weave a dense and inclusive public security network

In order to ensure that the problems of the size of the village are followed up and resolved by the members of the village "two committees", Comrade Gao Ji led the village "two committees" to repair the village collective premises, improve the system of members of the village "two committees" on duty, and ensure that members of the village "two committees" are on duty in the village every day. Gaozhuang Village implements free drinking water for villagers, subsidizes 30% of medical insurance costs per person every year, and provides free haircuts for the elderly over 60 years old. Carry out the "Safety Production Month" activity for the normalization of safety production, use clear paper, broadcasting and other methods to carry out safety publicity and education for the people in the village, and conduct regular safety inspections on more than 50 small enterprises and individual workshops in the village. 70% of the families in Gaozhuang Village have been rated as "clean courtyard" families, which has become a beautiful "landscape" in the beautiful countryside of Gaozhuang.

"Learning from the role models around you" advanced typical deeds exhibition (23)

Carry forward the culture of filial piety and effectively help the construction of rural civilization

Focusing on Gao's "Sage Gaozi Temple" in Gaozhuang Village, Comrade Gao Ji did a good job in combining traditional culture and building a demonstration village of Gaozi's filial piety culture. The "leaders of filial piety culture" were selected to form a "filial piety preaching" team, which went deep into the fields and farmhouse courtyards to promote the value orientation of "loyalty and justice, honesty and courtesy, and self-improvement", widely disseminated the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation, and encouraged and encouraged the masses to respect filial piety, show filial piety, and practice filial piety. Regularly carry out "filial piety youth volunteer service activities", establish a mechanism for party members and cadres at the village level to regularly help and help the elderly who are lonely and widowed, and carry out "point-to-point, menu-based" filial piety service activities. Now Gaozhuang Village has become a star village with beautiful environment, collective prosperity and mass satisfaction, Comrade Gao Ji has interpreted the life value of the rural party branch secretary in the new era with practical actions, and led the people of the village to write a new chapter in rural revitalization.

"Learning from the role models around you" advanced typical deeds exhibition (23)

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