
"Learning from the role models around you" advanced typical deeds exhibition (22)

author:Jiaxiang Fusions

In order to further strengthen the leading role of advanced models, fully create a strong atmosphere of discovering role models, learning from role models, and striving to be role models. The WeChat public account of "Jiaxiang Group Work" has set up a special column of "learning from the examples around you", publishing a number of advanced models every month, vigorously establishing and publicizing a number of credible and learnable and traceable role models, educating people around them with examples around them, and guiding the majority of party members and cadres to see the wisdom and wisdom of the people, create the first and strive for excellence, and transform the power of the example into a strong spiritual power for the construction of a new Jiaxiang of "strong wealth and beauty" in the new era.

"Learning from the role models around you" advanced typical deeds exhibition (22)

Have feelings and have the courage to cultivate

Xiang Shaowu, the first secretary of Tongzhuang Village, Liangbaosi Town, Jiaxiang County, advanced deeds

Xiang Shaowu, male, born in January 1987, is a member of the Communist Party of China and the deputy business manager of the risk management department of Shandong Agricultural Development Credit Guarantee Co., Ltd. In November 2023, he was selected to serve as the first secretary of Tongzhuang Village, Liangbaosi Town, Jiaxiang County, Jining City. Since the start of the work in the village, Comrade Xiang Shaowu has always insisted on stressing politics, being down-to-earth, seeking practical results, doing practical things, and promoting revitalization, and has interpreted the demeanor of the first secretary with practical actions.

Based on the field, bravely take responsibility, and party building leads to revitalization

Tongzhuang Village is located in the north of Liangbaosi Town, which is formed by the fusion of the original Tongzhuang Village, Baiji Village and Xinyang Village, with more than 360 households and more than 1,100 people. Since the beginning of the work in the village, Comrade Xiang Shaowu has insisted on walking the streets and alleys every day in accordance with the work requirements of "five must-visits and five must-asks," and went to the people's homes and fields to sit down and ask questions. When he first arrived in Tongzhuang Village, it was the cold winter season, and when he visited the masses, Comrade Xiang Shaowu always thoughtfully reminded the masses to pay attention to all aspects such as fire prevention, heating, and electricity safety in winter. When encountering problems reported by the masses, those that can be solved can be solved on the spot, and those that cannot be solved seek help from all sides to coordinate and solve them. In the exchanges with the villagers, Comrade Xiang Shaowu always conveyed the latest policies to the masses in a timely manner, and conveyed the party's warm care to the villagers. Comrade Xiang Shaowu took the leadership of party building as the starting point, did a solid job in the construction of the party organization, regularly did a good job in the study and training of the party's principles, policies and political theories, gave full play to the collective role, and adhered to the collective discussion and collective wisdom. Through the brand building of the "Tongxin Circle" party branch, a "concentric circle" of grassroots governance has been formed with serving the people as the "center" and the three forces of the village committee, party members and volunteers working together to serve.

"Learning from the role models around you" advanced typical deeds exhibition (22)
"Learning from the role models around you" advanced typical deeds exhibition (22)

Cohesion and cohesion for development, lead by example and promote revitalization

Party members are a banner, and where difficulties are, party members should be there. Since Comrade Xiang Shaowu was stationed in the village, he has been facing the problem of lack of funds in the village to improve water conservancy, and has gone to Jinan many times to coordinate funds. In the end, the unit allocated 100,000 yuan for water conservancy construction in the village, improvement of the living environment and visits to the needy people. In order not to destroy the crops of the villagers, and at the same time to solve the irrigation problem to the greatest extent, Comrade Xiang Shaowu carried out the rush construction after the summer harvest after scientific planning, and successfully completed the new construction of four machine wells, ensuring the irrigation needs of the villagers for summer planting. To revitalize the countryside, industry must go first. In order to find a way to help rural revitalization and help the collective economic development of the village, Comrade Xiang Shaowu has been running in terms of investment promotion, capital introduction, industrial assistance projects, etc., and has successively negotiated 4 cooperation projects, attracting businessmen to Tongzhuang Village to inspect the industry 4 times, and has absorbed 200,000 yuan of social capital to build Tongzhuang Village Gongfu Workshop, 1 new photovoltaic power generation, 1 construction of the Party and Mass Service Center Project, and 1 Liangbao Storage Project, a project to help the revitalization of the industry. Since the beginning of the village, Comrade Xiang Shaowu found that the dispatching unit Shandong Agricultural Department and the first secretary of the country have made efforts in the same direction and resonance at the same frequency on the road of rural revitalization, which can form a systematic and effective cooperation mechanism. In order to give full play to the functional advantages of the dispatched units, introduce financial support to help the development of rural industries, and give full play to the role of the first secretary as a "pioneer", since the station, Comrade Xiang Shaowu has docked with the municipal task force, the provincial agricultural company, and the organization department for many times, designed and promoted the "first secretary + agricultural burden" financial empowerment rural revitalization work, and further introduced financial living water for agricultural developmentThe launching ceremony of the "Party Building Pilot and Financial Empowerment" to boost rural revitalization action was held in Jiaxiang County. Through a series of work, more than 2,000 yuan of financial credit support has been introduced for the first secretary in the village, which can save more than 40 yuan in interest expenses for farmers every year.

"Learning from the role models around you" advanced typical deeds exhibition (22)
"Learning from the role models around you" advanced typical deeds exhibition (22)
"Learning from the role models around you" advanced typical deeds exhibition (22)
"Learning from the role models around you" advanced typical deeds exhibition (22)

Serve the people's livelihood with heart, and revitalize the village with friendship

"Our party branch serves the masses, and we must always transform what the masses think and think into what we do and move. In this process, there is a limit to my strength alone, and we should unite and serve the masses like a circle". During his stay in the village, Comrade Xiang Shaowu always taught this concept to everyone, and successively organized many activities such as visits and condolences, volunteer services, and agricultural technology to the countryside, so as to send materials, services, and technology to the people in need. At the beginning of 2024, Jiaxiang County has encountered ice and snow weather many times, in order to ensure the smooth travel of the people, every time it rains and snows, Comrade Xiang Shaowu always picks up a shovel and broom to rush to the front line of snow and ice removal for the first time, in order to ensure efficiency and not affect the travel of the masses, call on party members and the masses in the village to join the volunteer service team. In view of the problems of many elderly people and inconvenient mobility in the village, Comrade Xiang Shaowu went into the homes of villagers many times to remove ice and snow, and renovated and greened more than 150 meters of roads, creating a safe road for the masses. When he heard that the residents in the village had suffered a serious car accident, Comrade Xiang Shaowu coordinated various matters to help the masses solve the difficulties, and paid out of his own pocket to offer condolences.

"Learning from the role models around you" advanced typical deeds exhibition (22)
"Learning from the role models around you" advanced typical deeds exhibition (22)
"Learning from the role models around you" advanced typical deeds exhibition (22)
"Learning from the role models around you" advanced typical deeds exhibition (22)

The countryside is vast, and there is a lot to be done. In the post of the first secretary and on the road of rural revitalization, Comrade Xiang Shaowu measured the people's feelings with his footsteps, touched the hearts of the people with his true feelings, had feelings, had the courage to cultivate, and contributed all his strength to the development of the village.

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