
Sword Line in the Snow: The eight strongest people of Dragon Tiger Mountain are open, Zhao Huangchao is in third place, and Qi Xuan's strength ignores Wang Xianzhi!

Hello everyone, North Meditation Film Review, take you to see the latest snow in the knife line information.

Dragon Tiger Mountain as the first force in the jianghu today, their comprehensive strength is also the strongest, originally Xu Fengnian thought that Li Chungang could defeat the four Heavenly Masters, but from Li Chungang's reaction, he was still panicked after all, according to Li Chungang's strength now, there should be no suspense in suppressing two of them, that is, Zhao Xixuan and Zhao Danping, he was basically sure to defeat.

However, if he confronted the leader Zhao Danxia and the remaining Heavenly Master, he would be a little powerless, not to mention that Li Chungang was likely to face the siege of the three Heavenly Masters, but after the heart knot was untied, Li Chungang could face the four Heavenly Masters alone, that is to say, at least two of these Heavenly Masters were Celestial Realms.

Sword Line in the Snow: The eight strongest people of Dragon Tiger Mountain are open, Zhao Huangchao is in third place, and Qi Xuan's strength ignores Wang Xianzhi!

But to say that there are still many strong people in Dragon Tiger Mountain, in fact, there are many more, such as Qi Xuan frame in Li Chungang's era, as the reincarnation of Lü Zu, his strength has reached the land heaven and man realm, that is, it is more terrifying than the land immortals, and it is also the kind that can be literate and martial, when he was in Dragon Tiger Mountain, the luck here was the strongest.

And Qi Xuan Frame is also the strongest existence in the work, can be refined to continue to live Dan, from Li Chungang's description can also know the horror of Qi Xuan Frame, Qi Xuan Frame and he on the kendo sword heart, Li Chun Gang is completely and utterly lost, and fell into the realm, this is not what ordinary people can do, although the main reason is still the green robe. There is also Wang Xianzhi, Qi Xuan frame did not pay attention to it at all, otherwise the world's first would not be vacant.

Sword Line in the Snow: The eight strongest people of Dragon Tiger Mountain are open, Zhao Huangchao is in third place, and Qi Xuan's strength ignores Wang Xianzhi!

In addition to Qi Xuan frame, Dragon Tiger Mountain also has at least three land immortals, and they are all very high and unpredictable, the realm is very high, but the force value can only be said to be average, such as Zhao Xuansu, who is also the small Fan Xian that everyone saw in the trailer, his strength is the land immortal, although he can crush many strong people, but in the face of Deng Tai'a, he is still sent away by the twelve swords, which is what Li Chungang said that the realm cannot determine strength.

Sword Line in the Snow: The eight strongest people of Dragon Tiger Mountain are open, Zhao Huangchao is in third place, and Qi Xuan's strength ignores Wang Xianzhi!

The second is Zhao Huangchao, who is also the first land immortal in the snow knife line, who once fought with Li Chungang, was completely suppressed by Li Chungang, and now he is concentrating on guarding the royal family's luck, the decisions he made are basically wrong, and also let HongXuexiang cut off his royal family's luck, he is really a bit unlucky.

Sword Line in the Snow: The eight strongest people of Dragon Tiger Mountain are open, Zhao Huangchao is in third place, and Qi Xuan's strength ignores Wang Xianzhi!

Finally, there is the Dragon Tiger Mountain Four Heavenly Master, the strongest is the head Zhao Danxia, at least at the peak of the Celestial Realm, followed by Zhao Xiping, who has the highest generation, and finally Zhao Danping and Zhao Xixuan, only the last Zhao Xixiao is good, and it is also the best master in the world, which is a pity.

Sword Line in the Snow: The eight strongest people of Dragon Tiger Mountain are open, Zhao Huangchao is in third place, and Qi Xuan's strength ignores Wang Xianzhi!

From the perspective of comprehensive strength, it is true that Dragon Tiger Mountain is the strongest, but now, the follow-up will be surpassed by other forces.

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