
The body is hollowed out! Kidney Treasure advertising creativity reveals the truth of modern people's stress

author:Kasumi loves to sing

In the advertisement, a tired man stands in the center of the picture, surrounded by representatives of various life pressures, vividly showing the physical and mental exhaustion of modern people. This is where the idea of the Kidney Treasure advertisement comes in, it makes people feel the pressure of life in an exaggerated and authentic way.

The body is hollowed out! Kidney Treasure advertising creativity reveals the truth of modern people's stress

Ad creative analysis

This Kidney Treasure advertisement is a very creative way to visualize the physical and mental state of modern people. The man in the picture is in the midst of various life pressures, as if he has been hollowed out. This exaggerated expression makes people resonate with the experience of the man in the advertisement, and at the same time it is thought-provoking.

The body is hollowed out! Kidney Treasure advertising creativity reveals the truth of modern people's stress

The physical and mental stress of modern people

The life pressures shown in the advertisement include but are not limited to work, housing prices, education, family, etc. These pressures make modern people feel tired in their lives, and sometimes they even feel overwhelmed. This feeling of being hollowed out of body and mind has become a common experience for many people.

The body is hollowed out! Kidney Treasure advertising creativity reveals the truth of modern people's stress

How to deal with stress

How should we deal with the stresses of life? First, recognize that stress is a part of modern life and cannot be avoided entirely. Second, learn to adjust your mindset and see stress as a driving force for growth. In addition, reasonable time arrangement, maintaining good work and rest habits, and cultivating hobbies are all effective ways to relieve stress.

The body is hollowed out! Kidney Treasure advertising creativity reveals the truth of modern people's stress

Reflections behind advertising

This kidney treasure advertisement not only aroused heated discussions among netizens, but also made people reflect on the living conditions of modern people. While pursuing a material life, we should not neglect physical and mental health.

The body is hollowed out! Kidney Treasure advertising creativity reveals the truth of modern people's stress

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